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Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

10/26/2016 5:40 PM

Huh, Red haired Asugi. I have very mixed feelings-

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

09/21/2016 11:17 PM

This whole convo is just sick fires

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

09/10/2016 3:31 PM

It's funny cuz their son's gonna have a bowl cut.

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/27/2016 7:05 PM

That is the best way to drop that bomb

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/25/2016 2:15 PM

And people wonder why I love this game

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/23/2016 12:42 PM

How sweet-

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/20/2016 8:59 PM

Kris: "Hey! If you two are done making out, we got intruders to fight!"

Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon

Freak Show

08/19/2016 11:44 PM

My newest team! Nikki the Fennikin and Karla the Treeko They are precious lil lesbeans

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/19/2016 1:14 PM

Such precious nerds~

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/17/2016 3:12 PM

Shiro pls-

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/17/2016 6:47 AM

R.I.P Cristina She died from from unbelievable cuteness that is this pairing Her last words were "Abbey, I blame you for this."

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/16/2016 11:12 PM

Such a beautiful sin couple~ êωê

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/16/2016 10:16 PM

No, your dad's a lobster

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/16/2016 8:58 PM

...The High Prince of Hoshido... is making flower crowns... ... PEACE IS INEVITABLE!!!

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/15/2016 4:39 PM

Owain is one of those guys who's a bit hard to describe with words. You need to experience him to really know.

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/13/2016 10:46 PM

It's a legendary sword that slys evil! ...and occasionally apples.

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/13/2016 3:51 PM

Oml- This made me laugh way more than it should've

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/13/2016 2:57 PM

My precious lil' bluebird~

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/12/2016 9:14 PM

Which Class is better?

Fire Emblem Awakening

Freak Show

08/12/2016 5:19 PM

Pfft! Gaius, you're the best!

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/12/2016 11:25 AM

Niles! Stop hitting on the Faceless!

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/12/2016 10:54 AM

Slept with one eye open? So you were awake.

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/11/2016 11:36 AM

Anything for my future daughter-in-law!

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/09/2016 11:36 PM

Aaaa! My lil boy's all grown up! I'm so proud!

Fire Emblem Fates

Freak Show

08/09/2016 10:57 PM

Heh, his father is Kaden so I couldn't resist~