Freak Show's Followers
SoraWonder Soragirl20
Welcome I am Storm aka - Sorathewonder in other places Please be Kind, friendly and treat others with respect Be you and only you for that is best person you can be Have a GREAT LIFE Hugs you like a warm blanket right out the dryer♥ I wish you all the best in the end. May the GOOD of miiverse live and may the BAD fade away
Hoshiko StarGamers
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KD☆wøιf«● bozoryer
hey why did you touch my face so hard i am a yeah bomber are you still there you can leave now i also cant follow anyone because im following 1000 people my goal of followers are 450
Moderated remixmaker
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Caramel lynx1020
I draw alot and I hope you like my art (^///^) I love SU and Pokémon ♡ Thank you for 940+ followers! You people are very kind X3 I only accept friend requests from people I know! Joined 2/12/2016 RIP Miiverse, I guess I'll never reach my goal of 1000 followers (>///<)
Eidorian Ryoji-Bro
Hello, I'm Eidorian (AKA WhiteWare)! I am 17 years old and I'm a fan of Pokémon, Splatoon, Kirby, and Smash... I love to draw! I welcome you all to my Miiverse account where you can experience my fantastic drawings and posts! Anyway, NO Wii U chats please!
★Rosαlinα★ kaylaskye
★Profile comment hidden by reckless Lumas. Ha, Joking! Greetings Fellow Starling! Anyway, I'm Rosalina, watcher of the cosmos. I live with my lumas on my Comet Observatory. They've been getting really reckless lately... -_-' "Hey! Stop That!" Ugh... I try my very best to protect the galaxy within my reach.I will with the help of my lumas and you all! Welp, they're breaking things again, see ya! :D
trinzo trinzo342
Raginess07 gremer76
hey guys! Welcome to my part of miiverse! i hope you like it! i have all of my comments,screenshots on here and drawings too! please leave yeahs on my posts and comment down in the comment section and by pressing the follow button you can join my clan!!! I hope you like my part of miiverse. have an awesome day!!!☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
Nicholas Nightmare440
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ST∞THOMAS bakuuuuuuz
gentil ★★★★☆ méchant ★☆☆☆☆ splatoon ★★★★★ mangas ★★★★★ objectif 1000 abonnés , devenez mes amis et ont jouera en multi a splatoon , je fais parti de la NBS ? vous voulez faire parti de la team ST ? Dites~le et changer votre nom en mettant ST dedans . Abonnez vous et je m abonne et je recherche des adversaires à splatoon Merci à tout ce qui ce sont abonnés à moi . Allez à la prochaine bye ! : }
LLD★Loulou louloumario17
Salut ! Hi ! Holà ! Je suis Loulou.I'm Loulou.Me llamo Loulou. En réalité,je m'appelle Erwan.In reality,my name is Erwan.Mi nombre es Erwan. Je peux parler français,anglais,espagnol(un peu).I speak french,English,Spanish(little). DEDI:Anaëlle(ID:ANANmumu)Joséphine(ID:Menthine)Théo,Nathan,Yanis(ID:yasmineetyanis) Je suis un apprenti administrateur.I am a admin.
PsychoRay Ra-Bomb
Yo, what up! •Age: -unknown- •Skill: Drawing •Likes: Animations,V/games,Horror,Manga,Rain •Dislikes: DramaQueens,Art thieves,Splatoon Snipers •Shows: StevenUniverse, AvatartheLastAirbender,TeenTitans,SoulEater, •Games: DeadSpace,Borderlands,Splatoon, KingdomHearts #PresidentE-Clan!!
Ashley N3MESIS
Hi! :) • ■▼(]!!!IN CASE OF A BAN FALLOUT!!![)▼■• ---Here are my back up profiles--- [★AND PLEASE DO WRITE AND/OR TYPE THEM DOWN NOW AND SOMEWHERE YOU CAN FIND LATER★] N3MESIS-2 Adm1nsB3stFriend ---Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a wonderful time visiting my profile! ^^--- *No WiiU Chat pls *
kate 040798abcd
yes i have i have done one for the badge game
rampage moregan
ぬみひち leungk2403
Chase spacechase123
Please Please Please be my friend! My name is Chase and I have a Wii U. For Wii U send me a friend request and don't be scared or shy because I will accept all of them and one more thing, don't think my profile is all about friends, I want followers to. P.S. I broke my red 2DS so my dad got me a blue 2DS so don't friend me on it!
{τακσα} InfiniteShine
Go follow my main account: •Яøςε• (JadeGemGinger) thanks :D Okay but this account is kinda creepy you know bc it's actually haunted
Debbie trinity0223
gbbjjjj simokilko
ciao raga
Red ColouredVersion1
"Luigi, look! It's from Bowser!" "Dear pesky plumbers, The Koopalings and I have taken over the Mushroom Kingdom! The princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa Hotels. I dare you to find her if you can!" "We gotta find the princess!" "And you gotta help us!" "If you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book."
Ðøģ€Gάmιπģ SeanieBear6
why u no take beacon from well sorry lol i see you have found my hideout i like sonic lost world kirby and the rainbow curse super mario 3D world sonic colors for wii and skylanders trap team for wii and my favorite people are...... sonic splatoon boy splatoon girl pikachu ash blastose charzard charmelon charmander if you followed me thx if you didnt plz do follow me happy holidays! see you! :3
antonio antazma
hey antonio is the name kirby and mario and link and bayonetta are my fav mostly KIRBY and bayonetta i can get along with lots of people so lets be buds ps my birth day is october 9 i messed up with that <=D about me i love anime i love playing smash i will play with you if your playing a game i have =D one last thing kill la kill =) my fav anime if you hate ok and assassination classroom =)
«Shübble» elsamay1
Doom TriadDaughter
Hi! I'm Doom Triad. Some info: Parents: Luna and Leo Triad Siblings: Allison (younger sister) Age: 18 Status: Taken by Nico Coriolan Other: My father, Leo, is the eldest of the Shadow Triad, but I absolutly hate Team Plasma. I am an Absol Pokéhuman, and I don't really like to talk about my past. (I post Meg/LittleUmbreon01's OCs)
wolf moonlightlord
I cant get enough splatoon!
slim★shady schamps
hey everyone i love splatoon and super smash bros be free to send me a friend request anytime
the beast themanbeast24815
i like ur mom, victoria, jenny, splatoon, mario kart 8, and mincwaft im single and like enchiladas (^-^)
Dario F. SoopahD
Icarus orangekangaroo42
My personality is a term I made, "intelligent idiot". Why do I have so many followers? I do nothing to deserve it.
★αηġεια☆:P pie_girl_01
My time on Miiverse has truly been wonderful. You have yourself a good day, you son of a gun you :^)
Fresh Alt. PentaTheMarowak
This is Fresh Meme's Alt. Enjoy!
Rud∞lf Rudolfio_first
Hello nice to meet you. My name is Rudolf/Rudi. I'm 15 and an awkward white cat there are not much of them, but you can be also a white cat like me.Here are some informations about me. I like to hear at music, I love to draw, play on a piano and play video games like Smash bros, Splatoon, Zelda and much more. I hope you are ready for some funny online battles. Here is the ID from my brother:R2015W
Bird Playz kingmadx
Psycosis LeahLioness
RUDE AND UNESSISARY COMMENTS WILL BE DELEATED IMMEDIATELY. If you dont like my art, then walk away. Dont waste a post saying that its bad. -I also draw a lot of Pokemon. -Undertale is cool, but Horrortale is better, in my opinion. -I still like FNAF. Yeah, sue me. -Creepypastas are cool. -SCPs are also cool. Youtubers: -Markiplier. -Jacksepticeye. -H2oDelirious. -CoryxKenshin. -Poiised
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