Users Freak Show Is Following
Caramel lynx1020
I draw alot and I hope you like my art (^///^) I love SU and Pokémon ♡ Thank you for 940+ followers! You people are very kind X3 I only accept friend requests from people I know! Joined 2/12/2016 RIP Miiverse, I guess I'll never reach my goal of 1000 followers (>///<)
Micah H. KHfan826
(Farewell... ,é_è) Greetings, one and all! Welcome to my profile! ^.^ Name's Micah. I'm 17. My favorite things: cartoons, animals, anime, mangas, and Kingdom Hearts(of course). Sometimes, I can be an oddball, but that just me. Me← otaku trash...(·3·) (I'll add a few more things whenever) ★My FE Fates Castle Address★ 13278-71539-01907-14502*
Opinions NeonStars1
Yo. I'm Penguin, a self-taught "artist" who is a slave to drawing. They/She/Penguin. A fan of a lot of things. Penguins are one of them. I have a horrible schedule for posting things, so you might get a spam of posts one night, then have me go on a hiatus for a month. I seem to never leave this place, no matter what. I have a problem of being attached to worthless social medias like this one.
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
Final Tin SilvaK
.·•*★hi!★*•·. ( ☎ ^☎)ノ♪ I am Tin. I draw the pretty ladies. ★All my beloved Followers get a Snowman~★ ☃← There you go~♪
Strawberry Gina2001
♥Thank you to all my friends here. ♥Thank you all for the wonderful memorys I had. ♥Thank you for all my 8890+ followers. THANK YOU MIIVERSE
Daniel SkyhawkRBG27
мıиıλsнιεγ N3MESIS-2
☆★☆★HEY YOU!★☆★☆ >:3 Welcome to Ashley's bite-sized profile, packed with mini nutrients! *Some posts maybe funny, some may contain peanuts or other tree nuts...* No WiiU Chat!!! >:( Enjoy your stay! :3 ★→Main Account: N3MESIS←★
Nicole .,. nicki-th.2
H-hi,dont mind me I'm just your Average girl with anxiety. I'm shy,but I can open up slowly. I'm scared of the Dark,heights and Problems I can't handle. I try my best to be a great person,even if it's hard at times. I'm taken...becuase every great girl has a cool bf. It's Prog Frog,he's cool. Also I don't accept blank friend requests. Or take any drawing requests.
Zoraida BowtiePuffins
Hi I like to draw and doodle stuff when I'm bored. And also read cringeworthy miiverse posts in case I need a laugh. Drawing on Miiverse is hard though, so my drawings may be messy and not very good. How do people here draw so neatly on a small canvas though??
TheWispGuy TheWispGuy
Hi there! Welcome! :D I like to draw here! Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse! WA-HAHA! ^v^ I have another account: VolcanicWisps! It's shared with my sibling, who - by the way - also have their own account: VolcanicFires! Why don't you go check both of them out? PS: I don't Wii U Chat.
CheesePuff xXFireFlyXx1
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♥ ♀♥ 16yrs ♥ Leo-Virgo ♥ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ★Plays Piano★Loves Anime/Manga♥ ºººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººº Suga! Bts ❤️❤️ ♡1,200+ Followers♡ lil elf is mine!♥∞
°Lucina° LunesDLucina
"Search 4 RayDango" "DA DA DA DA DA!" Lunes de Lucina/Lucina's Collection(Yeahed posts).
•°КΔΓΘ°• Wicki65
Hi Oωο I'm Karo ˙˘˙ If u want facts about me just ask You can speak with me german too ~besties: Dark?Îllu€ (Mariokartgamerin)→ Înkγγ$Pίka (Account2_MC3) Hαηηα★εƒ (ficajucapad) Słεllα★εƒ (stella-reiten) Mariela (mariela0703) sis: ☆ω°βεκı°ω☆ (ChristianNi) ☆Asriela☆ (Bulka2006) bro: ¶Maχ★ZEUD← (Jalir164) (no wii u chat) Au revoir ! ♡
Justin ekansthesnake
Tired. It's been nice drawing on here for three years (even if there's very little in the first place) Though I really never made any friends on here, it's nice that over 480 people saw my drawings and decided to see more. We'll probably never meet again, which is pretty sad, but it's been nice. Bye
Diamond☆☆☆ olga2003
Hello,i'm Diamond,i'll be the diamond of Miiverse as long as i can lol I've got 2 accounts,my 2nd account is Ruby◆ςεη I love my mv family,my true friends and of course my besties ♪☆mandy♪☆◆, ash and Ilia YES I DO DARLINGS! XP And.. My favourite mv artist is Ashley N3MESIS Please follow the people i follow too :D [That was a Diamond☆☆☆ production] Άντε ciao! ★-★ Posts left:29
EchoĀto sparkleshine7689
Hi, I'm short- ■Stuff about me •I'm a self taught artist and I'm trying to find my drawing style. •I draw a lot of sonic stuff •I'm a christian btw ■Request [Closed] When I draw requests it may take awhile, that doesn't mean I'm not working on it. •I'll take up to 3 at a time. ■Art Trades[Closed] Thanks for 400 follows!! :))
Soap soapistheBOMBbab
Heyoo this is an alt account for Chubbs (kaorimiyaz) incase i run out of posts yo I swear if you touch Kiwi Goose, PetitQueen or JackJack I'm gonna make you hurt. Leave them alone and let us be happy flippin weirdos
♪MusicCÐχ♪ Nobodyelse14
•°•°MusicCÐχ°•°• Hiya! Welcome to my land of…Stuff XD Enjoy your stay & Thanks for checking it out!^^ ☆Level:14☆ Goal:ArtStuff! è3é/(or something…) Started from the bottom now…we're back T-T' Well guys,it was fun being here.I'll get on once in awhile to post or talk. Thanks for those who are still here with me. Yknow what?Stay Determined ☆Cause we could use more heroes
Sara Sweswe
Hello, nice to meet you! I have been a Nintendo fan for years and I particularly like The Legend of Zelda series, not to mention Princess Zelda herself. I love to meet other fans.
Boo heyaparty
Millbee Lookin' Where my Urealms folks at Salut~ Team Nancy Drew FTW! ♪ORANGE WOOL!♪ Im a national Pig Flyer. COE'S QUEST 2 CONFIRMED!
Sky Sky4399
Ends Of Da Miiverse *It was great meeting every one of you! I had fun sharing doodles and being a dork online...Bleh.. And over all... I've had a pleasant experience with miiverse and I wish all of you guys nothin' but the best. (Have a good one.) 'v')///
Kyera Matey1987
Pastel pink is my aesthetic. Ayyy, I see you found me. Let me guide you through my humble place of art, lmao. ;o Currently: [Online]
K keiiek2
時差があります (笑) 最近少し落ち着きましたが、また忙しくなります(苦笑) 絵を描くこと、見ることが大好きです(≧∇≦) 時間がある方は私の前のアカウント作品も見てやってください K ID : hatatyannzu Welcome to K's new post ♪ Thanking you in advance ϋ I'm sorry , I only accept friend requests from people I know . I won't do Will U chat & TV telephone .
Saphu FiskSF
Well, I'm going to miss all you ;v;/ Without MV I wouldn't have met such awesome friends and discovered my passion for art DevSquid: SaphireDoodles SplatoonAmino: Saphu Hope you all find that special something
Jodi Jodi-Chidzoy
Hello and welcome to my profile. Age: 23 Gender: ♀ Boyfriend: Durantman. Mascot: Barry. R1: Random drawings will be deleted. R2: don't comment on R.P Posts. Personality: Shy, Funny, Silly Tomboy & Territorial. Anime: Sonic, Hamtaro & Pokemon. Hobbys: Drawing, Reading & Video Games. Music: Rock. I hope you like my pictures.
Sarki? Sarki242
I draw video games & nerdy schniz because I'm a failure of a person with no sense of originality or tact. Enjoy your stay! Some of my favorite games are Kirby, Fire Emblem, Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, & Splatoon. I also like Arc & Capcom fighters & niche Japanese fare. Don't request me unless I know you enough. Yeah bombings encouraged.
エナ/Ena LeoneoL
共感、コメントありがとうございます。 Thank you everyone for the kind comments and Yeah! MK8:Viva Miiverse☆
Yami-chan Konjiki_no_Yami
''''''''''·, нεγ ενεгγσηε! ıƒ γσυ lίκε αηίмε, ________________________________ /\/\/\/\/\|]' ' ·, мσvίες, мυςίс, αгł αηð gαмες. _____________ /\ . /\ | '·, ’, łнεη γσυг ίη gσσð сσмραηγ. ______________________ ·. ˘ .· ' '·' ♡♥ Jσίη τнε ραгłγ!♥♡ -ƒгίεηδΙίςł ίς ƒυιι- ♥ -ησ νίδεσ снαł- ♡♥♪βίяτħδαγ 12/18♪♥♡
.•★ECHO★•. BlackscaleZ
~ ATTENTION! 13th August 2017 ~ I will now be most active on my 3DS account. There will be drawings ane pixel art there! I'M BACK! 1/11/16 Everyone, I'm so sorry. I have been offline for an incredible amount of time and I haven't posted anything! I'm going to try my best to catch up. Attack on Titan = Life ♥ 3DS ALT'S NNID: GamerGirlZoe Be sure to check out my ALT from time-to-time!
*☆$α$$¥☆★* RockstarBully
Chuckles Sweetcandy1
Hi! <> Bye <•> Howdy! I'm 14 years old, i'm a pansexual bean and i'm in a relationship with a lovely dork. I'm also planning to become an animator! I like: ★Undertale ☆Dragon Age ★Mass Effect ☆DHIS ★SU ☆TGT/TFT ★Jontron ☆Nostalgia Critic ★The Gregory Horror Show Smell you later alligator! Cuties: ♥Small Bean (mudkipland725) ♡Kujo (KujoDude2.0) ♥3143 (wiinoodle) ♡Rain (MYSTERY_GURL)
Len K. XeroRed
Ah, Hello! I'm Len! Len Kagamine! Pleased to meet you! ^v^ I'm a VOCALOID2 along with my mirror image, Rin. She is my princess and I will do anything to make her happy. ‹3 I like bananas and road rollers! *//ω//* I have a sad ending in every song. =ω="
Insagaufre VoxAlfa
Le cabriolet est mon mari. Cactus est une p ute. → D@: Insagaufre → ClosedVerse : Insagaufre ( or ) VoxAlpha → — Abrico à l'ananas. ;^))
SoraWonder Soragirl20
Welcome I am Storm aka - Sorathewonder in other places Please be Kind, friendly and treat others with respect Be you and only you for that is best person you can be Have a GREAT LIFE Hugs you like a warm blanket right out the dryer♥ I wish you all the best in the end. May the GOOD of miiverse live and may the BAD fade away
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