Luigi's Followers
SMV★Woomy★ GirlGamerkid11
The names SMV★Woomy★. You can just call me Woomy, for short. And yes, I'm a 10 year old inkling girl. I mostly play splatoon. Feel free to follow me. Miiverse is flipping dead!! DX
まい mmmmmm1359
~自己紹介~ 年齢 何それ美味しいの? 小5 名前 まい 好きな食べ物 オレンジ 好きな武器 カーボンローラー 嫌いな武器 スプラシューター 誕生日 見ればわかると思う。 好きな人 ○○○○○○○君 スプラは初心者だけどよろしくね! フォローは、99%返すよ
レイナ(><) Reina.2023
にすに 1satiko
小学生です。 男です 皆さんフレンドになってください! よろしくお願いします
becca becbecca1
としいちきうななぜろ toshi1970
MemeSensei.Always l am indebted. Follow 620 Thank you! Follow thank you! フレンド募集中(((無言フレリク断ります)))
のりお fuu1020
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(●¬●)Clara clara2awsome
hello there(o-o).. name:Clara age:12 birthday:Private something about me:i mainly play splatoon
Garrett bubby26
Hi there! My name is Garrett. I will destroy any one at smash or pokemon x.
ゆうな HAORI123
こんにちは!ゆうなです!! 好きな食べ物はメロンです!!!!!!!! 好きな動物はパンダだよ~^~^~ 好きな色は黄色で 好きな音楽はストーリーだよ よろしくね~!
MRdoge Farmerz
my name in roblox is dogefx121
снıсκепмап ImBenjaMine
Follower goal: 500 #UNSUPFROMSHOT Thx for 100 friends! BGE 10 is out! I make daily WIIU + 3DS posts Age: 16 Favorite games: MINECRAFT / mk8 / super mario maker Favorite youtuber: Unspeakablegaming My sisters account: AbbyGail1017 Wanna get on #CHICKENARMY? Than comment on my favorite post and say, "#CHICKENARMY" ♥♥ Hope you like my profile!♥♥
Theklina Theklina
Hello everyone My name is Theklina and my favourite videogame is megaman X1-9 and darkstalkers ! my hobby is VIDEOGAMES ♪!(^-^)
shy shyienne
hi guys my name is shy sometime loe i love all my games but splatoon i like most i beat the boss on it yea want know more about me comment on one of my posts ask me questions if u like. :) am 11 my crush : stephen :/ yea game over well good job tho i guess :/ am get boring so bye i guess :/
Hola me gusta Mario Maker
MATIS matisfer
Bonjour cher utilisateur
HyperSonic HyperSonic1113
hi guys im hyper sonic i love sonic and also i made a very amsome world on minecraft and its called ultra bowser's throne world and its amazing! my favorite song is♪sonic forces fist bump♪ and another thing i don't do wii u chat maybe?
43911 ★ jon1982
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Osvaldo Orangvaldo
Yveltal ga844ci
i hate nintendo for closing miiverse :[ love ya all and hope nintendo keeps miiverse going goooooooddd bbbbyyyyyyyeeeee
louis mikadochou
GP Zapdose bballgirl21
My name is GP Pikachu no wiiu chat please P.S i have a 3ds nentento id is Elikl78bossman playing pokemon moon also I have a sqad GP my starter is litten I hope you find my posting fun or happy and such I love pokemon sooo much if you have anything to ask or tell me comment on my latest post I will answer if I see it the next time I get on anyway LETS MAKE MY PROFILE AWESOME. Pikachu out
HOCKEYMAN1 Dipali1971
My name is HOCKEYMAN1.As you can tell, I like hockey.Too bad there aren't any NHL Wii U games... I also like other sports, and I like Mario, Zelda, Pikmin, Metroid etc. My favourite video game is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
ss ystamm
Hi, i'm 13. These are the games I like to play *Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild *Minecraft *Splatoon I usually have gamechat off. Thanks for clicking on my face:-)
Αgеnt 7 urquhart9
WHAT'S HAPPENING im agent 7 A.k.a. MMT cho cho Best friend:OL◆Sniper◆ Age. 14. favorite game: splatoon. rank was: S+ 30 are wii u started all OVER :| now lvl: 10 Rank: C- 60 Main weapon's: (luna blaster) (custom e- liter scope) (CRB) favorite food is PiZzA
D05m8 quezo123456
Τς★ξснδ FlufflePuff4ever
ťęmταςтíç jцςτ τξmταςτίç ßÿ тнё щач цёанвоmβίήģ īς αρρгёçíатёď àпδ fбııбш fбг à fбııбш! ì àм ìп à сıąп пош ςο ςноцточт то тнем!!! ............yay ίf γομ γεαн опε οf мγ ροςτς γομ нάνε το çοммεήτ αιςο!!!!!!!!!! ąıωαуς ςΰρρσгт теммíё ƒıàκξς™ ξπτσу уоцг ďопцт ďопт аςκ ωнξгξ уоц ğöт тнξ ďопцт ьуξ
xXAndrewXx Andrew_Gaming1
Hi My Name Is Andrew Welcome To My Profile Here Are The Things I Like: - Mario Games - Minecraft - Splatoon - Youtube -Markiplier - I Dont Use Game Chat - I Dont Except Friend Requests From Bad Users I Hope You Enjoy My Profile Please Follow Me I Will Follow You To Bye.!
Oh hi... i'm luigi uhhh... i'll be posting about this...
1. SSB4
2.New Super Luigi U
Oh hi... i'm luigi uhhh... i'll be posting about this...
1. SSB4
2.New Super Luigi U
4.Paper Mario
and... thats all i could say
nay maybe i'll include Your favorite Characters For Smash 4 Ok that's it BYEEEEE!