Luigi's Friends
abrithday papypus
hi humans i am the great papyrus and im a new person on this wii u thing and my family is ofcasue me frisk who fell to the undergournd and loves everyone and sans is just lazy and does jokes .And do you like my laugh? Nyehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
G elephant GamingElephant03
Shaun Shaun2ndAccount
T h e P e y t o n 1 ' s M i i (Not Really)
maadhavan aarmad
hello my name is maadhavan and i love mario kart . i dont do a lot of stuff but i love math some games i play are yoshi wooly world and mario and sonic at the olyimic games 2012
wm willian26
i love video games my favorite or racing and fighting zombie
άъΐ€hάή♪ώϋ vikki123456
hey! im Abigail but you can call me Gabby - im great at drawing -im in gonna be in 5th grade -ill never reveal my age Plz and thank
Freddon SDXD333
I might delete this account when Miiverse ends... Idk... I actually won't, if any of you has a Switch, I hope to meet you... I feel bad MV will end... Bye everyone... Especially my friends... I love you all... I might not see a lot of you again... Thank you all for being my friends... I'll never forget you... Goodbye to you all... But a'so I have Closedverse, so if you have it as well I'll see ya!
Hamburger EdgyTheHamburger
Hi I am a hamburger! I'm delicious. Please eat me.
Derpster Alt.ChrisLopes
Sonic SonicGaming1180
Starkiller tk421luke
Hi everyone Starkiller some things about me are -A huge Sonic and Pikachu fan -Enjoys drawing and doing different drawings -I dont use Wii U Chat -Enjoys making friends with new people -If you follow me i'll definately follow you back unless i cant because of then the limit of followers Also feel free if you want to follow me if you want random drawings and posts:D and lastly Stay Awesome:3
black-pac! quentinISthebest
#dadyquentin is the best!!!!!!!!!!!
CLASSIC.S sonic111103
HI guys fastest thing alive SONIC THE HEDGEHOG I HAD A FIGHT OF Rosecure as doctor Eggman or EGGHEAD I Save the animals in history 1991 TO 2017 my games were popular then mario at the 1990's but i was going down with SONIC 06 AND RISE OF LYRICS BUT SONIC FORCES WII BE COMING IN NINTENDO SWITCH IN 2017 BYE GUYS GOTTA GO FAST AND THANK YOU MY FREINDS FOR COMING I LOVE YOU ALL ROUND THE WORLD PICE!!
henrydeets henryisboss14
stampy stampylongnose35
hello this iz stampy and i like cake
bbjamesbb bbjamesbb2.0
hi this is my 2nd account if you wanna know about me check my first account and remember always be /\ _ /\ tell where you that from if you tell me my mind will be BLOWN
めぐ(・ω・´ゝ⌒☆ megu_raim_1359
どうも~(○≧▽≦)ノ ♪めぐ♪という者です☆ゲームはよくやってる方なんで、気軽に話しかけて来て下さい♪ vcは基本的にOFFですが. 皆様のご要望には出来るだけお答えいたします\( ´ω`)イエイ.~¨.:∴'_☆ 趣味はミュージックサーフィンと絵を書くこととpcフリーゲームの周回です!!! 職業はバリバリの中学三年ですw フォロー返しは確実です♪ フレンドにもなってくれたら嬉しいな... ちなみに好きなキャラクターはアンダーテールのサンズです♪ 好きな歌は「風になる by天月」です! 更新日2016年7月26日
Hèctor 5.5.2M
Hola, mi juego favorito actual es el minecraft
Angelo chadowsonic24
sonictails segafanguy123
Sonic exe team exe
Frisk yeffrey301
lets play mine craft
RealDANTDM Kai71808
SupaBadmin STrickster824
Hello What brings you here? Miiverse is like about to end tomorrow. So goodbye
Johnny JohnnyXgamer3.0
someone that has minecraft can play with me alot!
Max★ niyniy14
i love minecraft pls join my server :)
Jose slendajozey
BRONY alamoqbert
well everyone, I wanna thank all of you for helping with the petition. it's sad that miiverse is bound to end anyway. I'm really gonna miss all my posts and screenshots. I'm sorry that such a revolutionary thing for video gaming is ending after 5 years. if anyone wants to look back at their own post and drawings in the future,I recommend you all grab your DS/3DS/CAMERAS and start taking pictures.
gamer lane lane_and_sid
hi im me
★DubsMod™☆ DubstepIsBack2.0
I'm Getting Bored of battle mode.. I have to much skill.. friend me if you are worthy.. Why are you still here square up you nub! (•¬•) Oh and i have custom skins :D
мςν♪ Rμβγ* ruby222222
name:ruby please follow summer1312 clan:мςν contry: uk age: 11 favourite youtuber : Romanatwood hes good favourite food : pasta conutry i would like to go to : italy language i speak in : french and english (all) favourite drink is orange juice favourite game minecraft and splatoon current thing im doing is minecrafting the world LOL:) and i hope this will make it neater hopefully
Pappa fhlkallstrom
kevin vinson11
philippe Philjeux
j'aime la wii u
daddy daddy1339
Calvin darkmushroom1
Im getting a nernterdoes switchy at krastmuss
XxGalaxyxX zachnet
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cesar the_sheild_420
be happy world make friends and place on earth yeah !!!
Neil jayrite
hello and just a message can i get 50 stars for the next 2 New Super Mario World Levels in Mario Maker If you have played them ok!!
Christian2 godshalk03
If you where wondering i am the same person as pizzaman2003/ Christian that's why we look so alike. Also I have a WiiU and I am always looking for new people to play with.
Pikachu teamdtam
Hey guys! Welcome to my account! My name is Pikachu, I love playing video games! Miiverse is ending... Age: Private Favorite Games: Super Mario Maker Splatoon SSB4 Nintendo Land MK8 Super Luigi bros. Nes Remix NUMBER 1 FAVORITE GAME: Minecraft Online: [x] | Offine: [-] I don't care of my follower goal... :( Well, see you later! ★Well, enjoy my profile★ Goodbye Miiverse :(
Bonnie BonnieTheeBunny
Hello! BonnieTheeBunny! I Love The Wii U So Much! I Will Accept Any Friend Requests! I Also Love Minecraft, Mario Kart, And Super Mario 64! Ill Accept Any Friend Requests!
mom domynica25
DB★☆14k toro14k
Hello my name is toro and the games that i have are splatoon,minecraft,call of duty2 and watch dogs 1 i play with my friends all the time so i hope you send me a friend request :)
Tails Devan1995
Tails was here Hi my name is tails miles prower but people call me tails i am sonic best sidekick to take out dr eggman from talking over the city.I'm a member of the ditto clan.Miiverse is going to end at november 7. First arrive is january 7 2017.Like playing role plays then go to KingPeanut11 or used role play on me.Please don't get me banned at the last day :(
Andrew ANDREW5966
OverlordX3 destroyer156
Hi I like splatoon and skylanders trap team (Wii U) I accept all friend requests and love disney infinity 2 on xbox 360 :-)
ty 41miller
springtrap mario030302
hi im joost. im 15 jears old. im single (i don't have a girlfriend) i like minecraft---super mario---fnaf---pvz---and lots more. my favourite animal are dragons. my favourite colour is purple. my favourite super mario bros personage is yoshi…cause he is the homie.
Lman L_man2006
Minecraft A world of wonder. You won't know what will happen next. The only limit being imagination. Of that in one persons mind can only be told through communication. Of which being one thing that can never be achieved. The player played hard. He never gave up. He fought hard, built hard, and survived hard. The player has achieved a higher level now. He can read the words on this page.
Sawyer Mektroex
nicolas pachito07
PokèJack©☆ DesperadoII
Yo PokeJack here to say hello! hi my name is #Official PokeJack/Desporado. if you thoughtit it said despasito your literly a nood! Now for some shtuff about me so I'll see yeah ! Age 11 Fave anime: pokemon, yokai, Lolypop, Naruto, etc. song: Tnt. Love one: no one loves me for whoo I am :-<...... Youtuber: Too many I gonna be a youtuber and Thank you for wachin and bye!
sυperƒαβiο forfabio
ciao a tutti i !sono superfabio♪,ho 10 anni e i miei giochi preferiti sono super mario 3d world,splatoon,mario kart 8,sonic lost worl,smash bros,yoshi wolly world e tloz ★★★★★★★★★★splatoon ★★★★★★super mario ★★★★★★★★★sonic ★★★★★★★mario kart ★★★★★★★★★smash bros ★★★★★★★★★★★yoshi ★★★★★★★the legend of zelda divertente★★★★★★★(ok,mi sto vantando) clan:s★e segui i miei followers e me(ovvio) ciaoo!
Rasem seham34asfour
friend me ill say ya
jordanfett jedimom12
SeeDank thelunafamily7
Hello Everyone My Name Is SeeDank Or Thelunafamily7 And Everyone Plz Plzzz Follow Me My Goal Is To Get 330 Followers By The Begining Of November But Am Trying Not To Let Miiverse Die And These Are The Dayz I Play:Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday Thx For Your Time.
[pvp] AG agcool272
ptlegoman rjsbears85
Juan andremotion
Hi im Juan and i play splatoon, super smash bros for wiiu, minecraft wiiu. Also they are my favorite wiiu games I mostly play with Jazzi8 BobRoss_6969 and avena19. Also they are my best friends :D.Vote for ocelot. AND MY GAMING speed★★★☆☆ power★★☆☆☆ strategy★☆☆☆☆ ofense and defense★★★★☆ skills★★★★★ only for splatoon
Someone JamieDom2005
boi why u poke on meh face?! friend me if u like Mudkips or Undertale. part of the Ditzy clan.
Larry LetsLarry
I'm a big Mario,Zelda,Pokémon and Metroid Fan! I will draw a variety of things that have something to do with videogames...mostly^^ Username:Larry (ID:LetsLarry) My fav. Games are...Donkey Kong Country Trilogy and Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Metroid, Zelda OOT n' MM, Classic Sonic Trilogy, Pokémon RBY and SSB Melee!! *You can friend me If you want. But I won't use WiiU Chat!!!*
Landon coachella2006
ユウキャン akatuki0441
Der Florax 20-Tommy-04
Ähm... Hallo oder so. Ich heiße Thomas, bin 13 Jahre was auch immer alt und tauche hier letzter Zeit nur noch sehr selten auf. Ungefähr so oft wie ein Shiny Zobiris in der Granithöhle... Dabei war diese Platform mal mein früheres Twitter. Für mich. Ja. Und bitte nennt mich nicht TOMMY... Beim nächsten mal gebe ich meine ID selber ein! DROGGELBECHER Ich mag Kalos ·_·
ij isabella78
USP√CAT Lorel22
Who? duh610
im a 7 yer old and im a girl and a kid in rell life games i love splitoon soper moreo 3d wond yoshes woly word and mincraf pepl that i dlet them thay frend waqest me vinsit and mama i alwas aksept frend waqest im alwas online i also see my mesagis so frend me ples do it for a kid well im almose 8 but ples if you do it at nite i wont exsept it
43911 ★ jon1982
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Oh hi... i'm luigi uhhh... i'll be posting about this...
1. SSB4
2.New Super Luigi U
Oh hi... i'm luigi uhhh... i'll be posting about this...
1. SSB4
2.New Super Luigi U
4.Paper Mario
and... thats all i could say
nay maybe i'll include Your favorite Characters For Smash 4 Ok that's it BYEEEEE!