Users Luigi Is Following
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
SMV★Woomy★ GirlGamerkid11
The names SMV★Woomy★. You can just call me Woomy, for short. And yes, I'm a 10 year old inkling girl. I mostly play splatoon. Feel free to follow me. Miiverse is flipping dead!! DX
maroo thegruz
I <3 ham
Eggman eggman_official
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まい mmmmmm1359
~自己紹介~ 年齢 何それ美味しいの? 小5 名前 まい 好きな食べ物 オレンジ 好きな武器 カーボンローラー 嫌いな武器 スプラシューター 誕生日 見ればわかると思う。 好きな人 ○○○○○○○君 スプラは初心者だけどよろしくね! フォローは、99%返すよ
レイナ(><) Reina.2023
becca becbecca1
にすに 1satiko
小学生です。 男です 皆さんフレンドになってください! よろしくお願いします
としいちきうななぜろ toshi1970
MemeSensei.Always l am indebted. Follow 620 Thank you! Follow thank you! フレンド募集中(((無言フレリク断ります)))
Garrett bubby26
Hi there! My name is Garrett. I will destroy any one at smash or pokemon x.
(●¬●)Clara clara2awsome
hello there(o-o).. name:Clara age:12 birthday:Private something about me:i mainly play splatoon
のりお fuu1020
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MRdoge Farmerz
my name in roblox is dogefx121
ゆうな HAORI123
こんにちは!ゆうなです!! 好きな食べ物はメロンです!!!!!!!! 好きな動物はパンダだよ~^~^~ 好きな色は黄色で 好きな音楽はストーリーだよ よろしくね~!
снıсκепмап ImBenjaMine
Follower goal: 500 #UNSUPFROMSHOT Thx for 100 friends! BGE 10 is out! I make daily WIIU + 3DS posts Age: 16 Favorite games: MINECRAFT / mk8 / super mario maker Favorite youtuber: Unspeakablegaming My sisters account: AbbyGail1017 Wanna get on #CHICKENARMY? Than comment on my favorite post and say, "#CHICKENARMY" ♥♥ Hope you like my profile!♥♥
MemeSenpai Jordan020703
Welp, I'm here in this account. Thanks to my bro MemeJordan for lending me his ID. I apologize for the bad drawings I made directly to certain users, and I would like to sincerely apologize for what I did, it was an immature act and I regret doing it. MemeJordan is officially gone from Miiverse. So, he gladly let me use his account since my main can't be used by me for some reason.
Hola me gusta Mario Maker
♪FireStar♪ BellaMall
Woomy! This is Hope from the squid sisters! Yes i know what your thinking: "Hope you lier! There's only TWO squid siste-" WRONG! Annnywayyssss...... Stay fresh!!!!
HyperSonic HyperSonic1113
hi guys im hyper sonic i love sonic and also i made a very amsome world on minecraft and its called ultra bowser's throne world and its amazing! my favorite song is♪sonic forces fist bump♪ and another thing i don't do wii u chat maybe?
Osvaldo Orangvaldo
43911 ★ jon1982
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Yveltal ga844ci
i hate nintendo for closing miiverse :[ love ya all and hope nintendo keeps miiverse going goooooooddd bbbbyyyyyyyeeeee
louis mikadochou
xXAndrewXx Andrew_Gaming1
Hi My Name Is Andrew Welcome To My Profile Here Are The Things I Like: - Mario Games - Minecraft - Splatoon - Youtube -Markiplier - I Dont Use Game Chat - I Dont Except Friend Requests From Bad Users I Hope You Enjoy My Profile Please Follow Me I Will Follow You To Bye.!
D05m8 quezo123456
ss ystamm
Hi, i'm 13. These are the games I like to play *Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild *Minecraft *Splatoon I usually have gamechat off. Thanks for clicking on my face:-)
ann<3joey emma-5321
Real Name:Ann Age:not telling Hobby:cheerleader,draw,sing,dance Anime:tokyo ghoul,naruto,fairy tale,pokémon Status:taken by my husband joey♥♥♥ i love u joey and i will never leave ur side ill always be with u,you are the best thing that ever happen to me love u joey♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Jöşë Ļųΐş coolboyrl
Hello I'm José I also speak spanish and I want everyone to know that I am happy to have alot of friends so here's a little info 'bout me. Best Friend (ID): steckle77 #1 BFF (ID): badboyrl All time Friend(s) (Nickname) (at least 5): #1, Ъâď◆Joel, #2, Luke-ario, #3, Jordan, #4, Sonic, and last but not least #5,Jose!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for going to my PROFILE!!!!!!! :) and Mimi W., a friend
manaka toddhermon
CLASSIC.S sonic111103
HI guys fastest thing alive SONIC THE HEDGEHOG I HAD A FIGHT OF Rosecure as doctor Eggman or EGGHEAD I Save the animals in history 1991 TO 2017 my games were popular then mario at the 1990's but i was going down with SONIC 06 AND RISE OF LYRICS BUT SONIC FORCES WII BE COMING IN NINTENDO SWITCH IN 2017 BYE GUYS GOTTA GO FAST AND THANK YOU MY FREINDS FOR COMING I LOVE YOU ALL ROUND THE WORLD PICE!!
Tommy 2.0 Tooooommmmyyyy
Here is my profile. Check some things out. P.S: I am an original character. Do not steal. Literally.
Sammy Hammy_Pielands
Oh hi... i'm luigi uhhh... i'll be posting about this...
1. SSB4
2.New Super Luigi U
Oh hi... i'm luigi uhhh... i'll be posting about this...
1. SSB4
2.New Super Luigi U
4.Paper Mario
and... thats all i could say
nay maybe i'll include Your favorite Characters For Smash 4 Ok that's it BYEEEEE!