YES!!! I finally beat the True Arena! It took numerous attempts, but it was fun to keep learning better ways to tackle each boss. The end of that final boss fight was intense. I really didn't w...
Any tips on beating Star Dream Soul? After multiple attempts, I finally made it to its 2nd form but still lost. I use Leaf or Stone throughout but usually get to Star Dream Soul with less than ha...
It looks like the reupload of my first level has got its play surge now. It's done pretty well for what was an intentionally basic level, better than some of the courses I put a lot more effort in...
So I just got some streetpasses for this game. It gave me my points for trading parts, and the "Buy Parts" icon is now highlighted. But whenever I choose it, the game freezes and I get a 3DS syst...
I'm at Rank 79 and have caught all pokemon, and I still can't complete this challenge! I wish I could find a 2200+ pokemon with some good special traits. Any suggestions?
I was replaying my own level to post a comment since out-of-game comments have been maxed, and I noticed that my own in-level comments were missing. I checked Miiverse, and all the oldest comments...
Wow! The appearance rate of my Safari Zone level sure picked up fast once it passed that 100-play threshold. Over 400 plays since I checked in yesterday!
When I made Thwomp Castle v2, I added a new optional path that required spin jumping. I really liked it, but felt most players took the other path. Since then, I've wanted to make a level that r...
Welcome to the Safari Zone! There are 4 elusive creatures waiting to be found here. Search for them, defeat them, and head back to the outpost to claim your rewards. You can search for them in t...
I've begun work on my update to my Sky Tricks level. The first half is done with the addition of progressive power-ups, changing some of the moving platforms to blue platforms, various other chang...
I haven't been spending much time with this game lately as I've been busy with other games among other things. It still may be a while before my next brand new course, but I think I'll start on a ...
The end! But wow, I didn't expect Dark Matter to be so tough! Although, now that I think about it, Dark Matter from Dreamland 3 was also one of the toughest final bosses from the Kirby series. T...
Seems like more of my levels are receiving huge play surges more often now. This one got 77 plays overnight. Not many stars though. I've noticed that usually when one of these play surges occur,...
I like Nintendo games!