David's Friends
cj angels16
I ♡ Super Mario Maker
Ripper RipperPhd
My first Water level is finally up my friends enjoy.
btlv.fr miguel16120
rejoins moi sur super mario maker et joue au niveaux que je te propose, donne moi une etoile si tu aimes... bon game a tous et ciao tout le monde
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Fatboy Poundertaker88
Name:Justin Favorite Anime:Outlaw Star,High School DxD,Rosario+Vampire and Dragon Ball Z Favorite Nintendo Franchise:Legend of Zelda Also like the visual novel game Princess Evangile Favorite Movie Franchise:Kung Fu Panda Play as much Zelda games as you want! Don't be afraid of taking chances! Just Do It! The Vengeful One will be watching! Wii U Chat:If on Wii U. Also a long time gamer! Age:27
camu camu camucamu2015
Miiverse, i will miss you!!!!
Dasch DogForFun
What's up guys! I'm Houndred, a dog/videogame/books-loving person! What can I say about me? Well, I'm 24 years old, I'm from Brazil and... I don't know, I thinks that's it Have fun playing! Because games are there for this / Divirta-se jogando! Pois os jogos estão aí para isso ;) Thanks for the memories Miiverse! It was fun!
pointy sheepbroiler
Tim timbow1984
liamers laurenliam0707
Phil JintaroKurai
Neu dabei ;D
Rusticabcd Rusticabcd
Jope htinezJ
Video games r fun
Dead Shot luigi2156
Wazzup Dead Shot here iam an expert gamer most times,a big fan of luigi(GO WEEGEE!) and a huge Nintendo fan..... Nintendo your the best! And iam happy to help you on some wiiu games your stuck on doing! Alright thanks for being awesome see you in the next post. And to all my new friends, please don't Wii U chat me when I'm playing a game or if I just now meet you.
Ryder babysloth
Hello people im a big fan of games like splatoon and kirby im fine with friend requests but if your shy to give me one dont worry. Playing Splatoon AT NIGHT
Buckett Bill_Buckett
salut! hello! i'm a big fan of zelda, mario, resident evil. à la prochaine!
Gavin fooliet
Mc Gant Mc_Gant
I like Nintendo games!