David's Yeahs

Comment on E$ Wii U's Post


1 day ago

Drawings Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community


1 day ago

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23 hours ago

I want this song to be part of a Broadway musical.

Discussions Pokémon Sun & Moon Community

camu camu

3 days ago

Open Closed

Say your farewells to miiverse!

They are closing miiverse on November 7th, So, We Will All miss miiverse


3 days ago

goodwell miiverse r.i.p miiverse 2012 2017 miiverse 2.0 2019 2024

In-Game Super Mario 3D World Community


11/03/2017 11:40 AM

Drawings Hyrule Warriors Community


11/02/2017 12:41 AM

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


11/01/2017 5:35 PM

Comment on Ben's Post


10/31/2017 12:45 AM

It probably won't happen because of how busy I've been but, I'd like to upload a special course (possibly Mario kong country 3) before MV ends, I'll see what I can do.

Comment on Ben's Post


10/31/2017 12:42 AM

Thanks a lot, it's great to see the positive responses here. I probably never thought so hard with level design, but it was the most fun I've had with SMM, I want to make another beehive course, ju...

Comment on Ben's Post


10/30/2017 9:55 PM

Comment on Eeee-Money's Post


06/05/2016 12:03 AM

Comment on David's Post


10/30/2017 6:43 PM

Comment on Ben's Post


10/29/2017 6:13 PM

Thanks David, You're probably the first to find that secret. I thought that about the minecart section too, I was trying to include my favorite level themes from DKC I could make a minecart level i...

Play Journal Entries YouTube


10/29/2017 2:36 AM

Today's my 28th birthday everyone! Let's all celebrate it together here in Miiverse before shutdown!

Comment on E$ Wii U's Post

E$ Wii U

10/28/2017 5:05 PM

Oopsies does have a lower clear rate, true, but for some reason it only ended up in regular Expert, while More Fully Trollish was the one to make it to Super Expert... maybe it's factoring in my ow...

Comment on E$ Wii U's Post

E$ Wii U

10/28/2017 4:40 PM

@David: Sure, it's easy, but you miss all the rewards you'd get if you took the risk of swimming lower!

Comment on E$ Wii U's Post

E$ Wii U

10/28/2017 4:28 PM

@David: Time goes by so quickly these days... *sigh*

Comment on E$ Wii U's Post

E$ Wii U

10/28/2017 4:19 PM

@David: Yup, I stopped trying to make a really hard course once "More Fully Trollish" made it to Super Expert

Comment on E$ Wii U's Post

E$ Wii U

10/28/2017 4:17 PM

@David: Probably both. This is supposed to be a harder version of just-plain "Oops" after all...

Comment on E$ Wii U's Post


02/04/2017 2:15 AM

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


10/28/2017 1:59 PM

Open Closed

SMM Maker Meeting Finale

This may not be the typical Maker Meeting since I know a lot of us are not too active in the game nowadays, plus Mario Odyssey just released, but I'd like to host ...