dee's Yeahs

にゃんずきさんもプレイしてたという話から懐かしくなって描いてみました!反応してもらえて嬉しいです♪ 私は、確か、マリオ・ピーチ・クッパの三角関係コンビだったような…(笑)マロちゃんのパンチは今思えば弱よわしい感じでしたね。雷ドッカン!とか天候系の威力が強かったような。カエルの子と信じていたのが可愛いですね。教会でピーチのチュウもらいたくて頑張った記憶があります(笑)失敗するとヒドイ絵面になる...

懐かしいぃぃぃ!!! お気に入りのメンバーは マリオ、ジーノ、ピーチでした。 マロ王子は最後あんまりメンバーに入れてなかったな…シャワーは序盤かなりお世話になってたけど。 あと、スーパージャンプのタイミングが難しくて あんまり続かなかったです><
Super Mario Maker Community

i made a silly level
i made an underwhater level my brother played and won!!!!! because i made it im his sister!! i don't now when ill find an idea for another level yet but ill keep l...

Skydust fell next to Crazie hurt and disrespected, he was bleeding fast..Swap's eyes were clammed out..

Octavius screamed "LEAVE US ALONE!" He made a wave of water come up and swat them far away from them, before going into hyper drive, where they couldn't be followed.

He felt angry and insulted "Ugh, Excuse me?! I don't reccomend that. I had to see all that pain going on." he shouted crossing his arms. Skydust sped up to them as fast as he could "Um, hi...I'm Sk...

Octavius scoffed "Oh please, like what you said made any sense, your the one who was bugging us, not our fault you were getting on our nerves..." He spat, As the Hydra started flying away at Sonic ...