dee's Followers
hi my name is aj i like to play basket ball and i like to have friends. summer is my favorite since l like to go swimming in summer. who use wii u chat.
Sebatian 2007sebastian07
i like having freinds on my freinds list i also like having new freinds ..................................... ................................ .......................... hhii
Sophie sophietaiga
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MKЯStephie luxray102
Hi everyone!! I am Luxray102! (1) I'm 15 years old. (2)I am a girl. (3)Currently 10th grader in school. (4)I love to play piano. (5)I love to meet new people. (6)Relationship status: Single. (7)Enjoy a good conversation. (8)I wanna make new friends! follow 4 follow Thanks for 850&↑ followers!! :D Wow, you guys are amazing! Have a fantastic day! :D
★Hαη-Lεг★ jazzle2000
QUITTING! I'm Sick of these могοηiс Admins Banning me for the ςtυρıδεςτ reasons, in no way have I violated your Sтυριδ code of Conduct that was clearly made for 6 year olds. Yet you keep thinking I have somehow done something wrong? Get your heads out of your вυττς & stop being so Painfully Strict.
Cali B Essencemw1
frisk Charlie0314
Hi Everyone ☆Charlie.J★ Here So What You Guys Are Doing Got Any Friends Or SomeThing I Got Two Friends There Names Are Blue Cat Girl Shy Cat Girl Blue Cat Girl: SHE LIKES KING DEDEDE! 0///0 ... WHY....
flufypants smashman12
やくも Shiosanma0202
Barton Barton_oficialYT
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[HXD]Jorge catman280
Hello I'm George I'm part of SSS and βιρ(A Splatoon clan) I'm a S rank Splatoon player
GodGraham GodGrahamX1
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Breonna n. wolfstar3321
guys meh birthday is in 55 days :D and im turning 14 as well. i just wanted to say that so yeah .3. have a purrfect day everyone!! p.s meh bday is on november 27 :3 and yes i was born on thanksgiving oh and i was thinking about each and everyone of my friends to race with me on my birthday too remember its on monday 27 in november so keep in touch every-pawdy i'll be waiting :3
€άη◆じんたろう jintarosu_724
顔ポチどうも~(`∀´*)/ 自己紹介にはいります! »…性別:Miiと名前を…« »…年齢:忘れた…« »…主にしているゲーム:マインクラフト »…マイクラで力を入れてる所:建築…« »…ドライトさんの動画に出させてもらってます!…« [所属クラン] €άη ŕèƒ [PVPクラン:€άηについて] リーダー:€άη◆ゆどうふ 副リーダー:€άη◆じんたろす 会員:€άη◆かふげ €άη◆kaito €άη◆まちゃよちぇ €άη◆RIREi €άη◆ガンテツー★ *会員になりたかったら€άη◆ゆどうふ、まで。* ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー [赤石クラン:ŕèƒについて] リーダー:€άη◆じんたŕèƒ 副リーダー:コーヘー 会員:ーーーーーー ♪会員、募集中です!♪ 最後まで見てくれてありがとう! -★更新日2月11日★- Thank you!
annnnndroo savepuppies234
Idk what to put here Before you ask, this is for trashposting.
lorenzo vanessaBELLIER
bonjour je m´apelle Lorenzo j´habite à fontaine le bourg j´ai 9 ans
SCPみーくん minamina0901
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☆Arianna☆ Arianna925
hello all mii's im arianna (and yes my fav o.c has that name)heres my chart*gives you paper* nice:★★★★☆ im not a nice person lets get that clear mean:★★★☆☆ I have anger issues so don't make me mad or i'll flip the table drawing skillz:★★★★☆ yay ! I DON'T DO REQUEST ! have a nice day and you can follow me if you want *takes paper from you rips* don't flippn floppn judge me!
brian1986 brianv86
hello all im brian gamer since early nineties i think wii u doesent get the props it deserves im twenty eight i will be 29 on 12/24(12/24/86)and well thats it peace
MemeBOI<o/ superlok22
\('v')/ HI guys! I am a christian boy love music Outgoing kind of guy I LOOOVVEE Trap nation on youtube and I want to get a youtube channel and I will do vlogs and gaming $o I am pretty awesome dream job: dj dream girl: funny and sporty dream friend: JEFF dream animal: doge and DREAM GAME: ARK SURVIVAL I recenly got into drawing I AM A MEMER #TakeMeMEMESenpai luv u guys <@-@/
PÖțÄTø. iiCrispy_Potatoz
'Just a random 13 yr. old girl with dreams.' Heyooo! `\(^ω^)/′ Here's some stuff about me, since you.. Pressed on this profile or just my face....‘~’ ..Maybe.. There isn't anything about me.. Uhm, you can just live your life now, bye! ^^ (Couldn't really think of anything to write.. ~_~) Be The Best Gosh Dang Potato You Can Be •ω• AlwaysStayDerpii °³º Buh-bye!
Will ^._.^ GreedoBaggins
Hi my favorite number of the alphabet is purple... I like eating donuts and playing yugioh if you like my posts please follow me. Bye! ( .) (. )~$$$ (^o^) ._. ö ë ,_, XD Ö Ü
αηηе IChooseUPikachu1
It was an honor meeting all of you and fweinds~! Have a safe journey, all of you!~♥♡♥♡
Timmy TimmyYeBoi
Is Ye Boi King Timmy Also i'm trying to get banned from miiverse because it is ending.
MF»Zachary ZachLovesCrave
Info: Age: 12 Favorite Color: Blue Hobbie: Drawing Hello people of Miiverse, ςς»Zachary here, & I am a gamer, who loves to draw. I may not be a hardcore gaming pro, but I could rate my gaming experience a 6. What I love most in video games are the boss battles. They always tend to give me a good challenge, and I love 'em in every way. Hope you enjoy the content here, have a nice day!
João☆ Almada12345
Welcome! ♪ Hi, I'm João. I'm 13 years old. I'm shy and friendly. Being rude = Block 2иd: Setubal1234 MK8: 25K VR; 7K BR MK7: 3K VR Sρlατοοи: Lеvеl 50; S Rank Clans: мςv; ςκ; R&γ; ČL; Mς★; HL Discord: João☆#9193 Switch Friend Code: 6287-6990-8788 βеsτ ƒяιεиds: Ajay, Charlotte, Aran, Martín, Dorian, Jack, Betty, Lexxie and Rocko! :D ^^ нαvε α иιсε dαу! =)
Sonic KittyQueen-Dayla
hello im Sonic Heres info on my fave couple :) Kids of Sonic&Daisy:ExaliburSonic Name:ExaliburSonic Animal:hedgehog Shoes:armor Furr:blue Eyes:green Shirt:armor Family:Uncletails Daisy Sonic Auntwave Age:6 Favorite things:flowers playing with Sonic&Daisy running with Daisy&Sonic his family kindness Gender:girl Dislikes:water
andrew andrew090909
hi see my latest stuff and do not forget to follow. ps:all the games I play are free when you get in.