Users dee Is Following
Timmy TimmyYeBoi
Is Ye Boi King Timmy Also i'm trying to get banned from miiverse because it is ending.
Will ^._.^ GreedoBaggins
Hi my favorite number of the alphabet is purple... I like eating donuts and playing yugioh if you like my posts please follow me. Bye! ( .) (. )~$$$ (^o^) ._. ö ë ,_, XD Ö Ü
I love Mario games. I grew up playin Nintendo games. Follow me and I will follow you. I also love heavy metal music and anime. Updated on 12-8-2016. Updated on 9-19-2017. I love movies from the 80's and cartoons from the 90's
KAIRAI ueno0396
こんにちは・こんばんわKAIRAIです 主にキューブクリエーターとテラリアを投稿します。フォローよろしく! キューブクリエイターではロゴ作りや建築をしています。 【テラ友】 (テラリア) ・ふちはみのまたむちみ ・メロンパン ・クテゥルフ ・ときオカ 2016.12.26フォロワー400人 2016.12.31フォロワー500人 2017.1.30フォロワー600人 6月23日PM21時13分更新
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
ぽよ(´°.ω・`) mk_poyo777
ログレスと音ゲー楽しい♪ どうも、ぽよです! このアカはもう自由です。 とりあえず自己紹介です。 太鼓の達人が大好きっ! そして野菜が好き。肉の方が好きです!肉ぅまぃ。 ちなみに心は【豆腐】です。 優しくしてやってください。喜ぶぞー! 好きな実況者は…特にいませんがyoutuberはPDRさんです。ヒカキンハキライダヨ。ナンデニンキナンダヨ。 ACのハウスバチでネクロ・ファンタジア?クリアできた!フィィイイ! フレンド整理すぐしちゃうから(^_^;)ゴメン。 知らない人の前だとなんもしゃべりません。
MF»Zachary ZachLovesCrave
Info: Age: 12 Favorite Color: Blue Hobbie: Drawing Hello people of Miiverse, ςς»Zachary here, & I am a gamer, who loves to draw. I may not be a hardcore gaming pro, but I could rate my gaming experience a 6. What I love most in video games are the boss battles. They always tend to give me a good challenge, and I love 'em in every way. Hope you enjoy the content here, have a nice day!
ShyGuyLink links_bro
I'm 19 from MN! Intermediate Japanese speaker. Zelda is my #1 franchise :D I have a Switch now so don't expect me here often at all.
flufypants smashman12
ケイ NintendoKei
任天堂でMiiverse案内役を担当しているケイです。 Miiverseの更新情報、知っているとちょっと便利なMiiverseの使い方、Miiverseをみんなで気持ちよく楽しんでもらうために気を付けてほしい事など、さまざまな「おしらせ」をご案内します。
やくも Shiosanma0202
Kamarianaa Kamarianna200736
hi i like games and merry christmas XD and my name is kamarianna
αηηе IChooseUPikachu1
It was an honor meeting all of you and fweinds~! Have a safe journey, all of you!~♥♡♥♡
MemeBOI<o/ superlok22
\('v')/ HI guys! I am a christian boy love music Outgoing kind of guy I LOOOVVEE Trap nation on youtube and I want to get a youtube channel and I will do vlogs and gaming $o I am pretty awesome dream job: dj dream girl: funny and sporty dream friend: JEFF dream animal: doge and DREAM GAME: ARK SURVIVAL I recenly got into drawing I AM A MEMER #TakeMeMEMESenpai luv u guys <@-@/
Big Boy dtown13
Just a dude that likes playing a lot of video games. My motto: Family, friendship, and video games is what brings people together! (I don't accept friend requests with random people. I got to get to know you first before I accept any or send you one.) (My posts is an argument free zone. So any disruptive and argumentive comments will be deleted. Further disruptions will get you blocked.)
PÖțÄTø. iiCrispy_Potatoz
'Just a random 13 yr. old girl with dreams.' Heyooo! `\(^ω^)/′ Here's some stuff about me, since you.. Pressed on this profile or just my face....‘~’ ..Maybe.. There isn't anything about me.. Uhm, you can just live your life now, bye! ^^ (Couldn't really think of anything to write.. ~_~) Be The Best Gosh Dang Potato You Can Be •ω• AlwaysStayDerpii °³º Buh-bye!
Breonna n. wolfstar3321
guys meh birthday is in 55 days :D and im turning 14 as well. i just wanted to say that so yeah .3. have a purrfect day everyone!! p.s meh bday is on november 27 :3 and yes i was born on thanksgiving oh and i was thinking about each and everyone of my friends to race with me on my birthday too remember its on monday 27 in november so keep in touch every-pawdy i'll be waiting :3
mike marioplayer05
Olimar TheAmazingOlimar
shyguy trentens-shyguy
This user's profile comment is private.
まり NintendoMari
Miiverse案内役担当の「まり」です。 みなさんにもっと楽しくMiiverseをご利用いただけるよう、便利な機能やちょっと気をつけていただきたいことなどを、ヨーコさんといっしょにご案内いたします。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
trenten hilltopmario
This user's profile comment is private.
Otaku ›ω‹ Japan_Motoki
rose rosies1440
im senpai girl _________________________ want be my friend? _________________________ ★anime ☆magan ★video game ☆drawing _________________________ best friends:chara, hunter, chris.EXE, zoey, pip, kяis _________________________ taken by ? _________________________ sometimes they are lying.... ( ˇ n ˇ ) um! i will forget about u :/ please leave me alone </3 bye
Δι♭¡ε Albies_NINID
brian1986 brianv86
hello all im brian gamer since early nineties i think wii u doesent get the props it deserves im twenty eight i will be 29 on 12/24(12/24/86)and well thats it peace
Brian BJoin1979
Hello, this is Brian. I've been a Nintendo fan since the NES era. I hope that everyone is having as much fun with their Wii U and 3DS as I am. Enjoy the games and Miiverse. It is a great time to be a Nintendo fan.
Barton Barton_oficialYT
Profile comment hidden by admin.
☆Arianna☆ Arianna925
hello all mii's im arianna (and yes my fav o.c has that name)heres my chart*gives you paper* nice:★★★★☆ im not a nice person lets get that clear mean:★★★☆☆ I have anger issues so don't make me mad or i'll flip the table drawing skillz:★★★★☆ yay ! I DON'T DO REQUEST ! have a nice day and you can follow me if you want *takes paper from you rips* don't flippn floppn judge me!
ßοπίς☆ jadekim2006
hi there! it's Boris ôωô ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ ONLINE OFFLINE★ ▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲ please follow:all my follow! thx like:you,my followers..;-) why you're here?.go..look my art.. ps..pss i see you! #ok you can stay# BUT...nothing OK?! WHAT? OK:my secret is ..nothing.. nope..ok..i have a crush ●ω● *Benda* ●//ω//● Bad Wolf♪ je fais parti de la team fnaf de foxy BFF: BONNIE,Bendy
João☆ Almada12345
Welcome! ♪ Hi, I'm João. I'm 13 years old. I'm shy and friendly. Being rude = Block 2иd: Setubal1234 MK8: 25K VR; 7K BR MK7: 3K VR Sρlατοοи: Lеvеl 50; S Rank Clans: мςv; ςκ; R&γ; ČL; Mς★; HL Discord: João☆#9193 Switch Friend Code: 6287-6990-8788 βеsτ ƒяιεиds: Ajay, Charlotte, Aran, Martín, Dorian, Jack, Betty, Lexxie and Rocko! :D ^^ нαvε α иιсε dαу! =)
Bad Luck Tigerclawzz
I am Bad Luck. I can be rude. I learned that alot of people on here are faker than my moms concern when Im hurt. Im a frying pan. I have MPD. Did I say im a frying pan? Dont touch MAH SKIN..
**** ***** Tsunao2
I hate yeahbombers. moneeyyyy ring ring ☟☞☎☃☃ ℡ ❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾❿ Loading...
★Hαη-Lεг★ jazzle2000
QUITTING! I'm Sick of these могοηiс Admins Banning me for the ςtυρıδεςτ reasons, in no way have I violated your Sтυριδ code of Conduct that was clearly made for 6 year olds. Yet you keep thinking I have somehow done something wrong? Get your heads out of your вυττς & stop being so Painfully Strict.
Bløøð$taįň DayaDavis
Whaddup, I'm Bløøð$taįµ.... Ok, first of all. Don't touch Spring Bendy! He is my Senpai, you can't touch him! I love Cheeto Puffs and Mountain Dew. You must follow Anissa (Goldenstars10) and US!Sans♪
Sonic KittyQueen-Dayla
hello im Sonic Heres info on my fave couple :) Kids of Sonic&Daisy:ExaliburSonic Name:ExaliburSonic Animal:hedgehog Shoes:armor Furr:blue Eyes:green Shirt:armor Family:Uncletails Daisy Sonic Auntwave Age:6 Favorite things:flowers playing with Sonic&Daisy running with Daisy&Sonic his family kindness Gender:girl Dislikes:water
Joseph joey2050
andrew andrew090909
hi see my latest stuff and do not forget to follow. ps:all the games I play are free when you get in.