king ethan's Followers
vandela 3lue_monkey
hey guys i'm so lonely can someone friend request me?
Alec supercullers1234
i love splatoon and paper mario color
chaz gudgeonboy
hi big sister annalise has started wii u so give her a nice welcome. loves:smiling,flirting,making new friends,getting a gf,running,being myself,gay relationships. hates:Bullying,swearing,heights spiders,innapropriate,fights,hurting people,books,trying to find a gf. status:single ready to mingle age:11 crush:none....yet..... hot:YEAH....not really.... i hope you love this text:)
Imogen ImoneK
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YoshiGirl YoshiGirl99
Hi everyone! I'm YoshiGirl!!! I could go into different forms! I'm a fan of Mario, Sonic, Little Big Planet, MLP (don't judge me),Five Nights at Freddy's, One Night at Flumpty's and more. I have a profile for the 3ds to: SMG4fan99 follow her too! Don't forget to stay awesome!!!
nintennerd Nintenerd102
Zelda is awesome
SZŁĀķitúPA marioka78
hi my name is SZlakituPA feel free to follow me. i have a playstation 3 and 3ds
ç3b_caleb avrege15
some info about me my name is caleb i love penguins i solve rubik's cubes i am good at chess LoZ is my favorite game series LoZ: BOTW is my favorite game i am 13 stop scrolling you are creepy stop stalking me! SERIOUSLY???!!?? THERE IS VERY PRIVATE STUFF DOWN THERE SSSSSTTTOOOOOOOOPPPPPP! jk there is nothing! haha!
Gio Gio235rulez
Hi Miiverse, Gio here. I'm 18 years old & I'm a shy guy who loves to help. :) I've been on Miiverse ever since it came out (12/11/13). :p Here are a few things you all should know: I owned a Nintendo 2DS (now a New Nintendo 2DS XL), I'm a bit of an introvert, I've been a fan of Nintendo since I was young,& yeap haha. Feel free to follow me, comment, or yeah on my posts. Have a nice day! -Gio
Andrew andrewbluedude
Post Daily! I love The Walking Dead I live in Rolling Hills, California i play on new 3ds xl and Nintendo Switch! also play on xbox one, ps4. Favorite Games ↓ Terraria Xenoblade chronicles 3D GTA 5 Super mario maker Hyrule warriors Call of duty Minecraft Yoshis wooly world Splatoon + Splatoon 2 Breath of the wild Mario kart 8 deluxe
Steve,hiyo Awesome-Mike2014
I like building levels in Super Mario Maker. Although I can only use a small amount of my ideas using Bowser primarily, due to no Koopalings sadly. All I can do is illustrate my feelings through artwork of Lemmy Koopa. No Koopalings, no new levels.
Eoghan Eoghanky21
Profile comment hidden by admin.
n sherazsohail
hi my name is N not in real life I love video games I going to sell my Wii U Splatoon is amazing and JUST ONE IMPORTANT THING WOOMY ;)
jack jps1000
★ξδμαяδσ★ Eduardo0109
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Cedric cedleted123
Hi, my name is Cedric. Im a fan of nintendo scince I was 5. For now Mario maker is life.
Emoscene Noodlegirl
I'm into the virtual console. My favorite games are Mario and Zelda but I find nice budget friendly titles too. I have a cat named Noodles Thomas Gray you can call him NTG. He loves turkey bacon it's healthier after all. Enough of that.
Jesus :3 sayayingfase3
Hola Bienvenido ami perfil Me encantan los Videojuegos de Accion y aventura y plataformas obviamente :v Series Favoritas:Steven Universe,Un Show Mas,Galaxia Wander,Hora de Aventura Tengo un hermano Mayor :v AÑOS:9 Me Encanta el ANIME :v Tenga un buen dia
alec 507alec
fnaf is my favrit game and follow me i follow you
Blue Kirby Javon91
All my characters Kirby Peach Rosalina Sonic Mario Link Luigi Tails Yoshi Daisy Inkling Girl Pikachu Knuckles Amy Zelda
fae7 youtubeneeded
I like super mario maker!
Sofia sofipotter
Hola!! Soy Sofia, tengo 11 años y me encantan los videojuegos ♥♥ Normalmente soy muy simpatica, si quieres ser mi amigo/amiga avisenme!! Besos!! ♥♥♥
mj boxtroll0126
hi people, thanks for reviewing my profile:)
Michael michael1408
Tyler shadowblade2007
welcome to my profile my name is Tyler if u want to be friends with me follow me. u can also call me shadow blade if u want. make sure others don't be treated badly check out all my stuff on miiverse i'm sure u'll like it peace out miiverse.
Ky ksr740
mikey tannehill
i give nightmeres to children
Ronnie Roninator9
hi my name is Ronnie i love my wii u somuch can't wait for new games coming out soon.
Profitman zeldamaster2003
Hi, I'm Alex. Just another kid that loves games. Also I dont wii u chat unless its my best friend irl named theceeper5001. But my goal is to have as many friends (that are nice) as possible. Also, if you wanna see other cool posts, be sure to follow not just me but my friends, too. I wouldnt have this account if it were not for them.
Hi I'm King Ethan. I'm 14 years old. I will post a lot of discussion. Feel free to follow and com...
Hi I'm King Ethan. I'm 14 years old. I will post a lot of discussion. Feel free to follow and comment