Users king ethan Is Following
zillavilla zillathachilla
"its not who i am that underneath but what i do defines me"- Batman
Nicholas nicholascoolguy1
hi i'm Nicholas I like games that have miis and I like to create things and I like the NES sooooooooo much and I really want the NES classic edition! Now I hate people who say bad words but I love people who are kind and nice. If you play nice and you like games that I might like you may get a new follower. I also play roblox. Why should Miiverse close now?!
Alec supercullers1234
i love splatoon and paper mario color
chaz gudgeonboy
hi big sister annalise has started wii u so give her a nice welcome. loves:smiling,flirting,making new friends,getting a gf,running,being myself,gay relationships. hates:Bullying,swearing,heights spiders,innapropriate,fights,hurting people,books,trying to find a gf. status:single ready to mingle age:11 crush:none....yet..... hot:YEAH....not really.... i hope you love this text:)
Æ★Abdallah AbdallahSmash026
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Imogen ImoneK
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boogie boogie2988
iJustine iju5tine
YoshiGirl YoshiGirl99
Hi everyone! I'm YoshiGirl!!! I could go into different forms! I'm a fan of Mario, Sonic, Little Big Planet, MLP (don't judge me),Five Nights at Freddy's, One Night at Flumpty's and more. I have a profile for the 3ds to: SMG4fan99 follow her too! Don't forget to stay awesome!!!
SZŁĀķitúPA marioka78
hi my name is SZlakituPA feel free to follow me. i have a playstation 3 and 3ds
nintennerd Nintenerd102
Zelda is awesome
ç3b_caleb avrege15
some info about me my name is caleb i love penguins i solve rubik's cubes i am good at chess LoZ is my favorite game series LoZ: BOTW is my favorite game i am 13 stop scrolling you are creepy stop stalking me! SERIOUSLY???!!?? THERE IS VERY PRIVATE STUFF DOWN THERE SSSSSTTTOOOOOOOOPPPPPP! jk there is nothing! haha!
Gio Gio235rulez
Hi Miiverse, Gio here. I'm 18 years old & I'm a shy guy who loves to help. :) I've been on Miiverse ever since it came out (12/11/13). :p Here are a few things you all should know: I owned a Nintendo 2DS (now a New Nintendo 2DS XL), I'm a bit of an introvert, I've been a fan of Nintendo since I was young,& yeap haha. Feel free to follow me, comment, or yeah on my posts. Have a nice day! -Gio
Andrew andrewbluedude
Post Daily! I love The Walking Dead I live in Rolling Hills, California i play on new 3ds xl and Nintendo Switch! also play on xbox one, ps4. Favorite Games ↓ Terraria Xenoblade chronicles 3D GTA 5 Super mario maker Hyrule warriors Call of duty Minecraft Yoshis wooly world Splatoon + Splatoon 2 Breath of the wild Mario kart 8 deluxe
Steve,hiyo Awesome-Mike2014
I like building levels in Super Mario Maker. Although I can only use a small amount of my ideas using Bowser primarily, due to no Koopalings sadly. All I can do is illustrate my feelings through artwork of Lemmy Koopa. No Koopalings, no new levels.
Talakori Laubwerk
There isn't much to say about me. I create levels with Super Mario Maker. But i rarely upload anything anymore. I also play other games occasionally.
Luis NinPlayer150
Hey everyone, welcome to my profile. I like Nintendo (in general) and SEGA (Sonic mostly). I tend to post things about my favorite games. I play regular 3DS and Virtual Console games. I'm active most of the time, more when I have interesting things to post. I don't own a Wii U, only a 3DS. (Do you have Google+? Wanna check me out there? Look for me as ¨Gaming Player123¨.)
Hey, everyone! I'm a lifelong Nintendo fan who's owned every Nintendo system since the N64. My favorite game franchises are Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Metroid, Smash Bros., and Donkey Kong. I'm also a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan. A few ground rules: -I don't accept random or blank friend requests. -Please try to stay at least relatively on topic on my posts. -All troll comments WILL BE DELETED.
Eoghan Eoghanky21
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n sherazsohail
hi my name is N not in real life I love video games I going to sell my Wii U Splatoon is amazing and JUST ONE IMPORTANT THING WOOMY ;)
jack jps1000
Δι♭¡ε Albies_NINID
★ξδμαяδσ★ Eduardo0109
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Cedric cedleted123
Hi, my name is Cedric. Im a fan of nintendo scince I was 5. For now Mario maker is life.
Debbie DebDouglas
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Emoscene Noodlegirl
I'm into the virtual console. My favorite games are Mario and Zelda but I find nice budget friendly titles too. I have a cat named Noodles Thomas Gray you can call him NTG. He loves turkey bacon it's healthier after all. Enough of that.
Aeon strykerzero81
Heyo! I like zelda, mario and kirby games! i also like sandbox games, like minecraft and terraria! :D
chino krausergold
L.Hedgehog loganderpy181
yup changed my mii again,i'm using this hedgehog mii after my original miis': ↑☆Logan☆↑and UpsideDown . i draw sonic, nfs, roblox, minecraft and tomodachi life stuff. my favorites? NFS Most Wanted, Ghostbusters, PORTAL, ROBLOX, SONIC and Forza Horizon. Have a nice day, be derpy and enjoy what i got in my posts. FYI when i said NFS Most Wanted i ment the one from 2005.
Dylan WiiU_Gamer_24
FREE DOWNLOAD CODES BELOW! To redeem, just go to... JUST KIDDING, did I trick you into looking at my profile? (if yes please yeahbomb lol srry) If you want to be friends on the Switch, "+" me on Wii U so I can "+" you on Switch. Oh yeah, feel free to yeah bomb me (I have yeah notifs on so you can troll me or whatever ppl do these days)
Jesus :3 sayayingfase3
Hola Bienvenido ami perfil Me encantan los Videojuegos de Accion y aventura y plataformas obviamente :v Series Favoritas:Steven Universe,Un Show Mas,Galaxia Wander,Hora de Aventura Tengo un hermano Mayor :v AÑOS:9 Me Encanta el ANIME :v Tenga un buen dia
alec 507alec
fnaf is my favrit game and follow me i follow you
Alfredo alfredo149
Hello there
ξναη Supy95
Here is my address 24150 72nd street Langford, British Columbia telephone: 604 527 6769 Email: My Youtube: MK7 Players' Page: 3ds FC: 1375 7220 7418 fukc c0ck sh!t
ML23 Meghan06025
Hello! I'm MarioLover23, call me Mario! Here's some stuff about me. Favorite Games: Terraria, Madden, NBA2K, Mario games Favorite YouTubers: Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, SuperMarioLogan, PewDiePie, Chris Smoove, Chilly
Blue Kirby Javon91
All my characters Kirby Peach Rosalina Sonic Mario Link Luigi Tails Yoshi Daisy Inkling Girl Pikachu Knuckles Amy Zelda
Caleb superC07
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2017◆Dyl Dyl10952
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Llamanic FunSize04
I Like TRAINS !!!!
Logan kirbykitty12345
Hello! I would like friend requests, but not from random people. My favorite game titles are Legend of Zelda (even though i suck at it), Mario, Kirby, and Splatoon. I also suck at drawing on miiverse. so if there is some well-known artist reading this for some reason, look deep, deep in your heart about helping me. ♥ and yes, i know that was seriously cheesy XD
mj boxtroll0126
hi people, thanks for reviewing my profile:)
vandela 3lue_monkey
hey guys i'm so lonely can someone friend request me?
Hi I'm King Ethan. I'm 14 years old. I will post a lot of discussion. Feel free to follow and com...
Hi I'm King Ethan. I'm 14 years old. I will post a lot of discussion. Feel free to follow and comment