Been a while. Btw I went on 3 stock lives and this is how its going right now
king ethan's Post
Hulu Plus Community

Fav Universal rides
The incredible hulk coaster Hollywood rip ride rockit Doctor dooms fearfall Dragon challenge I like a lot of them tbh lol

Mario Kart 8 3DS
According to wikipedia Mario Kart 9 is coming out summer 2018 and will be seen E3 2017. And One Mario Kart per platform. Since 2 Mario Kart Games are coming on Nin...

Movie/TV Show
Favorite TV Show(s) : The Flash,Family Guy Favorite Movie:Captain America Civil War What's your favorite movie and tv show to watch on netflix?
Super Mario Maker Community

Super Mario Maker 3DS
Who's ready for Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS? I'm already set I downloaded it on Thursday as a pre-purchase
Super Mario Maker Community

Finally its coming! December 2nd Super Mario Maker comes out FOR 3DS!!! I'm so excited. I'm going to pre order soon. Who else is with me and wants to pre-order?
Hi I'm King Ethan. I'm 14 years old. I will post a lot of discussion. Feel free to follow and com...
Hi I'm King Ethan. I'm 14 years old. I will post a lot of discussion. Feel free to follow and comment