Users àгςо ƒυгу Is Following
TheBossMan KraaiFamily
I currently share this account with my brother. I enjoy to play games, but don't get super addicted. My favorite games are Super Smash Bros and Splatoon.
aWiibo aWiiboYoutube
I do.. things.
awesomekid luchocobia
games i have mariomaker splatoon pokkentournament mariokart8 supersmashbros if u want to friend request u can i'll make space
Bloo Ryevan
Hey, I'm Bloo! I love Splatoon and making animations!
cF|Brian BrianTheDrummer
Greetings everyone! I'm Brian and I usually enjoy music by playing drums, guitar, piano or bass. When I'm not, I play this awesome game called Splatoon :D My main weapons are scoped chargers, shooters and rollers and together with Wiesel we're the captains of team Crème Fresh.
ȚśƒºLöözα thesplatfam
Medussa's alt
Sneaky Alichan19
My name is Allison or Sneaky, whatever you wish to call me. My current name is a sort of alias for myself haha. ;) I love playing my 3ds, Wii U and PC games. I love drawing, cats, cooking and reading. Feel free to follow me, add, and request doodles!
Juan Danny0503
Hi guys! Im going to tell you alittle bit about myself! I was interested in NINTENDO when i was three years old. The first game i every played was Super Mario Bros 3 and i fell in love playing mario games since. So when a new mario or nintendo game comes out i get it!I Iove NINTENDO and i will always do! Anyway i play many online games so whenever you guys want to play with me you can!
©πгιś☆★ shadowkeeper23
hey every one i play splatoon can any one freind me i want to play privte battle
Ð√Ðгаgøп™ mommylittlemnstr
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AwesomeGuy 1awesomeguy664
hi im a person who plays video games, its sad but its about all i do, what!? its fun! by the way my favorite friends so far are vladamir, Zak, TC howler, marie, pearl, missy, and KSaaron! nothing personel i just play with them really often!
dex skeeter1231
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Nathan Ngill9876
Hi. Im ngill9876, a casual gamer with a love for sports.
Nατhαη N4TH4N_14
Hey everyone! My name is Nathan. I am 16 years old and Splatoon is my favorite game. I want the Nintendo Switch and Splatoon 2! (:
TOP 12 CALLIE PLAYERS Información: - Soy muy competitivo. - Me gusta jugar 1vs1, me ayuda a practicar, ya que no soy tan bueno jugando solo. - En un buen grupo, soy un jugador excelente. - No me gusta que la gente no se tome en serio una partida, si quieren hacer estupideces salgan y diviertanse con sus amigos, enfermos. - Busco un clan latino que sea muy competitivo, (S+ squids).
BB$Jayden Terrance20
Im the king of the BB$ clan, text me if you want to be apart, we play tournaments in splatoon and mario kart8 contact me then change your name toBB$(name)
εϊз☆λmγ jake1212
(\_(\ (='•') (")(“) T.Q.M Juni =) ‹3 � ���☺️❤️❤️♥️❤️❤️ Mis mejores amigas Grecia ,Zelda,Alejandra SUSAN y Lemons!!:). :D
jaider s24129
Hi I'm Jaider,I'm born in colombia March 20,2005 my sport is soccer, soccer is the best sport ever what is your sport.I'm 11 years old :^)
JakakyDaCt DAN100894LE
[îňκ]↑ÁÇË↓ colbos
Hey guys sorry for not putting as much Splatoon content as i should. I know most of u are Splatoon fans. I will try to make more splatoon content and more gaming content over all. Trying to get to 50 followers. Thx guys
ND★Ashish nadeemjanjua
hi everyone my name is Ashish or aka ND· Ashish i'm 12 i will play with u and i am a muslim! the games i have are : super smash bros, super mario maker, splatoon and mario kart 8 but i don't have dlc packs! :( . I am friendly and have a cool day peace :`)
Tillpwa ? treyrocks
Hello... *Leaves*
ST★Jay☆ CoolKidClub
Hola My name is Jay I Love gaming, Ultimate frisbee, and Rachel <3 Currently Engaged (Married) to Rachel <3 Im a nice guy as long as u dont sound like a squaker, Flirt with my babe, or tick me off :3 Don't WiiU chat me Plz. Thx X3
TKOR★Josh2 joshiiiboy2002
i love splatoon! hi i'm josh, 14. bienvenue! (je parle un peu de français.) salut je suis josh. j'adore splatoon. back to english now... i have 87 friends currently. j'ai 87 amis. i have another account which has 91 friends. (take 2 i's away from this nnid to get that account). feel free to follow me although i don't do too much on this account. i'll accept friend requests as well. bye. au revoir!
Anna simeseCATs
Sad Smiley VetteLuigi10
Profile comments hidden by....... SQUIDS I'M SORRY!!! JK JK!! I really only play Minecraft so any of you minecraft guys FR me!!!! I am really gooooddd at survival.....!!! By the way i love KOBE BRYANT!!!!!!!!! Here all tell you some things about me soory squids nooo!!!
ςраякςτoяm fandom_universe
hi my name is cristyn im 14 and i live in detroit michigan! i love anime,youtube,video games and food of course!
jakeem jakeem
Hi my name is jakeem fowler i love splatoon ans splatfest and i watch youtube i am 14 year old i love wii party u it is the best game thank you everyone
Qς♪Rodito Rodito111
Hi Guys!! If you follow me i'll follow you back. I love Splatoon!!! Its the best game ever!! I also like Minecraft Wii U! I would love for you guys to follow me on miiverse. :) Thanks!!!
tP|Keony SuperKeony2347
Hey everyone. I grow up playing mario ever since I was born. Since then i was a big fan of the mario universe. Everyone should know that mario is the best character. And also i play yoshi, kirby, sonic games and the new splatoon game. So thankyou to my friends and follow's and everyone else. Have a good life. And hope that I see you online.
Sarah Black-Sparks
BCat ★ brooke_meow
Ouch. You just poked my face. Anyway, Hi! Welcome to my profile! Top 5 Friends: 1.Shelby 2.Derpy 3.Reaha 4.Rayden 5.Jaywalker Favorite Games/Entertainment: Hunger Games, Youtube (Markiplier and PBG) Steven U, LoZ Series, (Favorite is Twilight Princess) Splatoon, Minecraft, Mario, Smash. Side note, my birthday is actually on 12/20. I don't do Wii U Chat, and that's about it. Bye!
jaybird sirwinalot5566
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AGENspider tylerliah123
hi my name is i dont like to tell pepole my real name but you can call me spider i like splatoon you cane frend my so we can have a private battle
FK|Rσβīη★ SuperEli64
Hi. The name's Elias. I like Mario, Splatoon, Sonic, Nintendo, music, animals and sports. Especially football! I'm part of the Flying Krakens. Some of my best friends on Miiverse are Muffin, Super B.J., Josh, pb2, Nami and Pudding. Favorite game: Splatoon Age:16 Birthday: January 11th. See ya! :>
★★GAMING★★ Team_Mascots
Adrian j.adrian88
gracie ddgog911
i like sam and dean
Audra Labridite
kd Awakenedshadow
Erick B erick514
Wut up People welcome to my profile loves to play Smash Bros Wii U,Practicing On My Drums And Go Outdoors(Enough bout me!) Mains:ZSS,Toon Link,Shulk,Ike Favorite Games:TLoZ,Metroid,Smash,gta,MGS Amiibo count:20 Playing Through:NOTHING Kept ya waiting,huh?
blue...... loseersquid
(Ç_Ç) hello everyone don't waste your time reading this i'm trying to uncover a secert so bye......... for now.............. Go away please thank you leave me alone
coolgirl11 samanthadelgado6
i love call duty alot hope u play with me♥
liv Lt.Penguin
I'm liv and I love kings island,all the rides there, blue and green,make up,jojo siwa,taylor swift,games,going to my friends house,going to the mall ,and visting my family
JotaroKujo Greenyoshi01
Hoi im temmie and dis is my friend temmie! Anyways I'm a big trash can that loves to do art and I will forever be a meme. I'm into undertale, homestuck, gravity falls, Steven universe, earthbound and some anime (I guess) I have lots of great friends on here but sometimes I might delete you if we don't play much (sorry ;-;) but it would still be nice to chat with you or something.
Hay wassup, my name is wensei, im your sensei and senpai, if you dont beleive me, friend request ...
Hay wassup, my name is wensei, im your sensei and senpai, if you dont beleive me, friend request me with a message about a 1v1 also follow me,
君たちは涼しく、フレンド リ
Thats all for now, bye
Also I have Splatoon and Smash