àгςо ƒυгу's Followers
©πгιś☆★ shadowkeeper23
hey every one i play splatoon can any one freind me i want to play privte battle
GamerKitty catz4life122
hi welcome take a seat and look at my posts :3 mostly about splatoon and Mario (plus mostly drawing too) have fun!
CATDalton★ DaltonTheMineCat
Hello nice for you to drop bye I am Dalton Ready to Make Amazing Friends in this Community you know since miiverse is going down why not make this account i was board but age 15 and the pvp King ^_^ Hope we all can get along
Naythaniel DoppleGanger1
Hi. Im Naythan, and this is my second miiverse account. Look up Spikeblue4 for my main one. I'll play smash, splatoon, minecraft, and mariokart 8. No wii chat, although i'll accept friend requests. I enjoyed my time spent on miiverse, and I hope you did too. Also, please help me reach 100 friends before miiverse closes! IM SO CLOOOOOOOSE
}KS♂Emile{ EGT_Gaming
Welcome To My Profile! About Me: ~ Splatoon 2 is my fav game ~ Current Main Clan: }SSR{ ~ Best Friends: Chris, Sesome, Nathan, Mikayla, Jeydan, Xetris, WFM ~ Splatoon 2 Stats: Level: 43 Rainmaker: S+ Splat Zones: S+ Tower Control: S+ Mains: Hero Charger Replica / Jet Squelcher / Hero Shot Replica Well, thats it! Cya! :D
ShadowWolf 32lovebird
hi im shad....and the leader of the RK clan boyfriend: KP (KawaiiPaws)#ShadPaws BFF: QueenDeath, John Adan,TFKZackS ,Dr.Carnage,Octogirl,RK★Cole and RK★Electro (plz follow all of them) Things i like: food, memes and puns
gamerguy jstickel21
Marcos marcos2563
hello peeps i am a very experienced gamer
Gamer Girl WUSHEPS
Well guys you were all amazing people and I will miss you all!! It was awesome these past years on Miiverse and now it coming to a close.... Again thanks for all your support and love!! You guys make me Smile! :') THANKS FOR THE AMAZING YEARS!! -Gamer Girl/Woomy Gamer..... *Real Name* Shayde! Oh and heres my Nintendo Switch F code SW326656250027 My game name is WoomyGamer! THANKS AGAIN!!! :3 BYE!
Alex Mario852147
welcome to my community:)
didi Didi.9406
je cherche des amis pour joué à splatoon
OctoboyFan OctoboyRules
hi.... i really like octoboy! hes really funny! my favorite games are splatoon...splatoon and did i mention splatoon?!?! anyway... thx for stopping by!!! see u later!
AwesomeGuy 1awesomeguy664
hi im a person who plays video games, its sad but its about all i do, what!? its fun! by the way my favorite friends so far are vladamir, Zak, TC howler, marie, pearl, missy, and KSaaron! nothing personel i just play with them really often!
Seawolf Seawolflinkon
#Dontendmiiverse #pleasedontslamthedoorinourfaces I'm sorry.. Wow.. Miiverse made me feel more connected to Nintendo, and fellow Nintendo Fanatics.. The Switch is a barren wasteland (not because it doesn't have many games yet either)..with no menu..it is an isolated, connectionless tablet [no miiverse :(]. I have a Switch, I wanted to like it, I could have eventually.. Now, I'm Furious!!! ♥♡♡
master jazlynn801
キングゆうと yutoayu7
イカよろしく~~~~!どうもキングゆうとで~す。主にスプラトゥーンとマイクラをやっていま~す。 フォロー、共感、フレンドにはすごく感謝していま~す。 また改めてイカよろしく~~~~! フォロワー今200です。300いくように頑張るのでフォロー応援イカよろしく~~~~!
Dan Nillon123
Toby8pep Toby8pep
Hi everyone my name is Toby I'm friendly and I would like to thank Spider 2903 ,Garr56789 and Scraggy 1970 for making this possible. That's it for me SEE YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait I forgot TheEmeraldBoy xD
Gotcha:] KhamilahDance
Hi my name is love My favorite games are splatoon lego dimentions super mario maker love to post things plz follow me and ill follw you :-D
SYP_ピエロだよ~ madiama
こんにちわ、ピエロです自己紹介します 年齢11歳の5年生です 好きなアニメ。ポケモン 好きなユーチューバーは、くろすけ・トムとマルク じゃぱぱ・ゆーたけ・じゅん・けんぞう・フィッシャーズが好きです 良く遊ぶフレンド・ゆうやん・rouu・ゆうごです。 好きなゲーム・ポケモン・ジョーカー3・スプラ・ マイクラ・スマブラが好きです 好きな歌NCS(全部)特に好きなのは、MyHeart Tobu_Hope・です! フレリクは、送れませんでも、フレンドなりたい 人まってまーす さようなら まだ見てるの??wwww バイバイ らららコッペパン♪ (・∀・/\・∀・) バイバーイ!!!!!
Chevy-NYA★ superchevy11
HOLA A TODOS:HI a todos y mis juegos favoritos son:Minecraft,Splatoon,Super Mario Maker,Mario Kart 8,Etc.BUENO ME GUSTA MUCHO MINECRAFT Y CASI SIEMPRE LO JUEGO BUENO BYE,ACHIOS
dylan 1airgrieve
PMM∴4×みょん♪ rikuto030811
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☆★jïηχ★☆ PrettyBird_75
Derpo Jimcircle
Hi, If you can, tell me your favorite game, OK?
gaven weny66622
:v wanna play because i do
эß★Sam☆ coolman196
Hello guys! Welcome to my account. I follow anyone who follow me. Top 3 Nintendo games: 1.Minecraft 2.Super Smash bros. 3.Pokemon X Top 3 games: 1.Spinz.io 2.Minecraft (Wii U) 3.Candy Crush Games you can play with me: Minecraft Super Smash bros. for Wii U Pokemon X Clan:эß Epic builder (leader) Basic stuff about me: Age: ??? First name:Samuel Last name: ??? Habits: Helping #staycool
おおぜき ばると Terunofuji825
こんにちはー。ゲーム全般が好きです。相撲が好きです。あとTwitchの配信をよく見てます。スプラトゥーンは本当に面白いゲームなので日本だけじゃなく、国際的に盛り上がればなと思っています。スプラトゥーンのesports化を心より応援します。 →2016/12/3 追記: 絵心教室楽しいこれ!スプラトゥーンなんて最初からいらんかったんや! Hello everybody, my name is Baruto. I want to learn English.I often watch twitch splatoon stream.Im very interested in both Western and Japanese splatoon community.Thank you for reading.
Bleeb bleeb03
max Beartown6
C.J.R. 4rubes
I love Minecraft and basically play it every day! I will really play with anybody who asks. Just one thing . . . I HATE people who are very annoying and loud and disrespectful. I'm 15 years old I also play SSB and I am willing to play with anybody. Just friend request me and I will try to fit you in on my friend list. Also I never play on my WiiU during the school year.
Darnell M. coolboy123389
This user's profile comment is private.
Mamá vilmy77
★CSA~Jack★ 3r67bj2
i'm 27 years old & here 2 make friends i play my games with my friends @2pm az mst i'm a friendly gamer inkling boy builder racer smasher i ♥ super Mario mk ssb splatoon & splatoon 2 mc & tloz my fav color green i'm the main leader of the CSA clan or club & i'm a co leader of SSS my bfs r every1on mv including my blockers until next time don't get cook stay off the hook & stay fresh rip miiverse
GOJIRA jamb11000
Hi! I am a big Splatoon fan. I am also a big fan of Gojira, or Godzilla. I like the way Gojira keeps going. He never gives up. I also like to keep on trying. Hope you have a great day and remember..keep on going! Oh and sorry no wii u chat... See Happy Mii こんにちは! 私は大きなSplatoonファンです。 私もゴジラの大ファンです ¡Hola! Soy un gran fan de Splatoon. También soy un gran fan de Gojira.
Stachel hyudet6
hi my name is Rihaan i love finding glitches in video games my favorite hobbies is playing sports my favourite youtube channels are nicobbq,nathaniel bandy , unspeakable gaming and i love using my 3ds also i live in africa and i am 11 my favourite game is super mario bros 3 i also play minecraft
CFF★Blaze NewLeafFan
What are the odds? Ya found me! Hello, and welcome to my tiny corner of the Miiverse universe. Allow me to provide you with a brief description about myself. My name is Blaze. I'm 20 years old. My birthday is on March 13. I'm a male. Now let's talk about myself in Splatoon. I am a proud member of the CFF clan in Splatoon. I really like Callie better! I am a MAJOR fan of taking group selfies!
Rihaan 2 kawserbapa
Hello my name is Rihaan I love mario kart 8 and I play Minecraft , My favorite part of Minecraft is Redstone ( Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is one of the best games ever) and I ain't a savage , umm miiverse is ending so byeeeeee. ( HEROBRINE IS REAL)
Hay wassup, my name is wensei, im your sensei and senpai, if you dont beleive me, friend request ...
Hay wassup, my name is wensei, im your sensei and senpai, if you dont beleive me, friend request me with a message about a 1v1 also follow me,
君たちは涼しく、フレンド リ
Thats all for now, bye
Also I have Splatoon and Smash