àгςо ƒυгу's Friends
Naythaniel DoppleGanger1
Hi. Im Naythan, and this is my second miiverse account. Look up Spikeblue4 for my main one. I'll play smash, splatoon, minecraft, and mariokart 8. No wii chat, although i'll accept friend requests. I enjoyed my time spent on miiverse, and I hope you did too. Also, please help me reach 100 friends before miiverse closes! IM SO CLOOOOOOOSE
Reggie ReggiesID3
XZDragon34 goldenwaste
hello! Im XzDragon u bored, games i love , play and plz follow cz iw 200 plz! super smash bros 4 WII U mario maker tell me ur course! MARIO KART 8 and i would to be glad to be ur freind and invite me for ssb and mk 8 and splatoon and i luv super mario 3d world!!! and super mario bros u and anime im looking forward to be ur freind! hav a good day bye!
ķś★Woommy☆ beastgamer90
Hello, my name is Martin. My favorite game is splatoon I also love scary stories to tell in the dark. I love fried rice also! if you want to be friends, just sent me a friend request! im online 24/7. Here are some of my favorite guns in splatoon. 1- Hero shot replica 2- Aerospray RG 3- Luna blaster 4- Krack on splat roller 5- splattershot 6- tenatek splattershot Bye!, and WOOMMY
Marcos marcos2563
hello peeps i am a very experienced gamer
Osa Najimi yeahu36
Hi...im Adrianna, i play minecraft, splatoon, mario 3D, and LR...i barely use the mic, so...sorry...im shy *hands you a walmart bag* thank you for shopping at walmart...get your stuff and get out
. Ashley2151
Ð∞Solstice snipe.sempai
Oh hello there. Dont mind me, just having the worst life possible, so just doodle on, 'cause there's no point in seeing what i have to say.
Male, artist, muscian Favorite Artists: Inoue Takehiko, Bill Waterson, Masayuki Taguchi etc. Favorite Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho, HxH, Kaiji, etc. Favorite Manga: Real, Battle Royale, Akira, etc.
Rockenberg Rockenberg_Ltd
VALMA catwomen7890
umm.... hi
тгаïпЯЯ ErickF10
Unfortunately my Schedule to post is Change I Will keep Posting but it takes 2 or 3 weeks? I post 5 times a month
Nathan Ngill9876
Hi. Im ngill9876, a casual gamer with a love for sports.
AwesomeGuy 1awesomeguy664
hi im a person who plays video games, its sad but its about all i do, what!? its fun! by the way my favorite friends so far are vladamir, Zak, TC howler, marie, pearl, missy, and KSaaron! nothing personel i just play with them really often!
ΒΤS°RAPMON Alessil01
…"ωħατ τħiς ωσřļď ħεėďς ις ρεσριε ιiκε γσυ" ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Squid Party ~ Artist ~ Animator ~ Dancer?~ …………………………………………………………… ħειισ! You seem to have come to my profile <3 …………………………………………………………… Lilly's the name~ I love making new friends, so don't be shy to click the request button, but, please, write a little something :) it's funner that way~ ♡♡ Εnjoy ☆★
Hershey cocokissesyum
hi i like legend fo zeda and mario 3d world
V√KS★Lance TheMadSplatter22
a few things i love splatoon,pokemon,legend of zelda ,and alot more nintendo games:) i am in the Knights of Silver i'm a co-leader i play basketball,hockey,soccer, bye have a noice day
ShadowKirb Sonic4life246
Goodbye everyone! I'm gonna miss you! Especially these people SONIC Jily ◆Yazzy◆ Splatfan04 Datguysups Friskybits Redsplat☆★ And those are only a few! See you on CV, Amino or Gaagle+! CV: Same as here Amino: Bootleg Pookachu Gaagle+: Same as Amino
chrissy ilikeredkids
this is NOT a main account,but friend me and then friend my other account IS★Nate. i do tryouts on this account to join my s to s+ rank clan. so just friend request me asking about tryouts.
BLF26 buster1186
hi everyone my name is BLF26 [Drew] im 10 my favorite games are splatoon mario kart 8 and smash bros and i love video games and i hope we can be friends :)
☆★jïηχ★☆ PrettyBird_75
Izumi tamari170
Yami No Game.
Illeana DennisRay321
hi peoples i love basketball and softball i play both and im good at them both.I love my baby brother and i miss him so much but i know hes in a better place now with god and so is my dad.:-(
Creeps Mr.CaveSpider
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Nατhαη N4TH4N_14
Hey everyone! My name is Nathan. I am 16 years old and Splatoon is my favorite game. I want the Nintendo Switch and Splatoon 2! (:
Salty è_é Triangles333
Games I play: Splatoon,Super Mario Maker,Mario Kart 8,New Super Mario Bros U,Super Mario 3D World,and Super Smash Brothers. Currently in the гς clan.(Roken Squids) Im the leader. You must ask to join, here are some requirments: ~S rank ~Active ~Loyalty Clan created on November 22, 2016 Still recruiting No Wii U chat. Sorry. S+ rank in Splatoon!(September 10th, 2016)
AndrewGPZ* endermanendercon
Hi it's Andrew! I will draw on the weekends and maybe a weekday! Favorite Games: Splatoon, Minecraft and Roblox! There's not really anything to say..., so... Stay Fresh!
OS?Kyle kylemaxey1
Hi Guys my name kyle maxey member of the knights of sliver Main clan KS★ and a member of the Salty Spitoon SS i'm 13 years old everyone is nice in my book I love mario and splatoon splatoon lvl 50 rank S favorite weapon carbon roller
Wings WishingforWings
IS★jojo shrekze
Profile comment hidden by admin.
RÇakepop 711thornby
√Me hunter685
hey im Hunter huge fan of everything mario and inkling my fav games: mk8 and splatoon but sometimes u will see me on smash splatoon lv 50 highest rank: rank S mk8 only race in the WC best position 2nd with 8.1k point im 15 i like to watch and play baseball that is about it GAME ON EVERYONE!
cool gnome EggChild
τε Shankx shankx87
Splatoon is the next COD but way better. Just love tha crisp graphics and gooffy weapons, nintendo dont advertise it too much though. well c yall in tha lobby. ps. hope yall enjoy my drawings!
gamerguy jstickel21
Katlyn miriamoropeza
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√Kat♪<3 Mexican_Mama
Hi! I'm Katherine! I'm bilingual I love anime! Surge is my team ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I love playing splatoon! Bye-Bye! ♡
Gamer Girl WUSHEPS
Well guys you were all amazing people and I will miss you all!! It was awesome these past years on Miiverse and now it coming to a close.... Again thanks for all your support and love!! You guys make me Smile! :') THANKS FOR THE AMAZING YEARS!! -Gamer Girl/Woomy Gamer..... *Real Name* Shayde! Oh and heres my Nintendo Switch F code SW326656250027 My game name is WoomyGamer! THANKS AGAIN!!! :3 BYE!
Junior juniormelero74
Love All Systems and Nintendo
©πгιś☆★ shadowkeeper23
hey every one i play splatoon can any one freind me i want to play privte battle
¬Sticky jpcamero
super smash bros
Mamá vilmy77
ll Phlox PhloxofBirds
iTΩØмęğα Duck-hunt17
Splatoon for life! YYYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYY, I'm at S+ now!
Seawolf Seawolflinkon
#Dontendmiiverse #pleasedontslamthedoorinourfaces I'm sorry.. Wow.. Miiverse made me feel more connected to Nintendo, and fellow Nintendo Fanatics.. The Switch is a barren wasteland (not because it doesn't have many games yet either)..with no menu..it is an isolated, connectionless tablet [no miiverse :(]. I have a Switch, I wanted to like it, I could have eventually.. Now, I'm Furious!!! ♥♡♡
Joseph Aaron816
∞Rentarou SceptileSoulFTW
I love to play Pokémon, Smash and splatoon and I play other games too of course. My favourite video game character is Fox McCloud, and my favourite game is Star Fox Adventures. Ranks/level/mains in games: Splatoon lvl50 S+ 99 E-litre custom scope I play for the team Limitless Pokkén Tournament B5 Sceptile\Lucario SSB4: Fox\Link
i'm gay brooklyn611
"Squid girl is the only good Anime"~Moi THANKS FOR 50 FOLLOWERS U GUYS ARE THE BEST :) member of the тβρ clan(THAT DIED) Another guy that loves nintendo and it's Games Stuff I want to say 1. I love nintendo 2. I'm mostly playing splatoon 3.Tye IF UR READING THIS WHAT HAPPENED 4. SEE U ONLINE :) rip iwata profile slaker i luv u
Jona jonad7
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cashoe cassquab
I am a kid, who is also a squid, that hunts monsters. Won't you, an avid hunter squid, join me on an awe-inspiring turf expedition war? if you are not what i said you probably were, then welcome to my page.
BwAPhoenix Mara_and_Luke
Hannah Hannah529
ΘG|アプローチ lopezdanny146
ετħαη k2ethan
SND|Jąyn' berricandy123
You know what to do from here... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What are you still doing here? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GET OUT!
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
√Nova NovaOmiri
Caz CazRinanda3
⇔ºChillax™ ChillaxToTheMax
Temmie awakenDeepBlue
∞Еιια•• ellabella0313
мςv★Aqua Tye2010
Hi im Aqua im a lvl50 rank S in Splatoon. Age: 15 Clan:мςv★ favorite wii u friends:Ash,Juan,and Toon wil Games:Splatoon,mario kart 8,ssb4, if you want to play a game with me send a message or a friend request. Hope you have a awesome day. :)
Leaf Leafstorm64
†¡¢●JAC0B^ cooljacobg
Hi Everyone Miiverse is ending Sadly. I play Splatoon 2 for TIC Clan. Hope to see ya'll on Sploon 2 ^_^
Ringo GTOP99
Jadeful:) Megamind722
i have returned to my regular name once and as i always say im still quiet tho (^-^)
A√Rarity saidatabu
Los☆KD Ninjkachu
I'm 18 years old and my favorite Nintendo franchise is Pokémon. I love to draw and play video games.
iMissed!!! ToroAccentz
XaNder alexpalacios
Cron CronVirus
☆ςеīяα☆ seira_b.s
Call me Seira!(pronounce Sarah) *Japanese* i'm 13 yrs old I mostly play splatoon! I LOVE Splatoon!Splatoon is AWESOME!!!!Best game ever!! Excited for splatoon2!!! I love squad/private battle, so comment if you want to squad/private battle with me! Lets go Golden state warriors!!! I don't wii u chat, sorry...
Kyouya Kowai_Yume
Just your average dude playing video games. Doesn't matter if it's on PC or console, as long I have fun. I won't accept any random friend requests. Sorry.
TŁ•Oliver Inuranchan
Hey everybody. I've been gaming since I was 4. My favorite game series' are The LOZ, Harvest Moon, Pokemon, & Resident Evil. I grew up with Nintendo & own most of their handhelds/consoles. Besides Nintendo I love The Legend of Korra, The X-Files, MLP:FIM, Adventure Time, Scooby Doo, & Gravity Falls.
√Smallª SageerAM
Hi, welcome to my profile. ˇ˙ˇ ♪ I ♥ Splatoon ♥ ^_^ Friend me for Private battle or Squad ♪ I use Splattershot pro - Range blasters - Rapid blasters - Rapid pros & (E-Liter 3K family 'not professionally though') ˘˙˘ My rank is S currently. Clan: Surge √ Let's be squid buds •˛• Stay fresh ^_^ ♪
Noodle! Creativelyinept
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7˜ Sħαdσω shadownaruto
Hi my name is Shadow I will post different things glitches and other random things so stay tuned. Also if anyone has Smash or Splatoon friend request me so we can play.
Leenie362 Leenieman
OWWWW! THAT HURT T_T! Hello fellow...um... Person? Anyway, The names Leenie. I'm mostly active on Minecraft and Splatoon 2 (Yes, I have a switch ▼~▼). My Best Friends are Kendall, Raw, Kora, Eman, and OH SO MANY OTHERS!!! Well Hope we can be friends! (P.S I do wii u chat but I'm SUPPPPPPPER Shy) And please, Don't Poke so hard.... Jeez. Oh, yeah, CANT DRAW! (I DO SPEAK SPANISH!)
√Brainy Brainy
sorry i do not chat on wiiu chat that often. fav game of course is splatoon. also play wooly world when server is down. hee hee
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hay wassup, my name is wensei, im your sensei and senpai, if you dont beleive me, friend request ...
Hay wassup, my name is wensei, im your sensei and senpai, if you dont beleive me, friend request me with a message about a 1v1 also follow me,
君たちは涼しく、フレンド リ
Thats all for now, bye
Also I have Splatoon and Smash