Gustavo's Followers
Pippy Candy_Spaghetti9
Well, The End Is Here… ♪ The End Of Me, And MV. ♪ Why Will I End? I'll Reveals Myself… I'm Actually Pika☆Pippy. I Hid Myself So I Wouldn't Be Banned. I Don't Care Anymore… I Only Care About Everyone Else… Only You Guys Matter… This Is The End… Me, A Shining Star… You All, A Flurry Of Shooting Stars… You're All Wonderful… You All Mean So Much… The Edit Profile Music Is Really Sad For This…Goodbye…
røβεrτ thebestone0673
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OI OI OI OI Oi i'm Aubrey I consider my self one with le memes. //Inactive due to Splat2// Nekos~~
Ð√Ðгаgøп™ mommylittlemnstr
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•▲γαχнì▼• yoshi3641
hello there i'm Sεlεηα but u can call me yoshi(thats my nickname in school)and on here i draw comics or random things.And u might see crystal that i draw alot and i will be drawing her an comic soon.(and draw an other comic)the comic is a redraw from 2016.And u might see galaxy,melody and me.Am yazhi if your wondering because i change my name as you see.So bye.have an barkaful day.
ºPrawnº ralkinburgh2
I'm a NSLU user so I have memes. I can be serious. I'm not a human..i'm a monkey..oh wait
SPケン(・∀・)/ 2007waz
ななななんと!300人フォロワー突破! みなさんありがとござまあす 自己しょうかいー 性別..男 性格もう意味わからんww 好きなYouTubr たくっち だけ!! りゆうは1つ! マジでおもろいからです!たくっち WiiUやってるのかなーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 見てくれると うれしいです(^∀^)//
Cookie pikachuroks
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★Maliyah★ geicwjd
★my name is maliyah★ ★i am 14 year old girl★ ★ fav color : blue, green ★ ★ fav food: PIZZZZZA★ ★ fav youtuber: JACKSEPTICEYE★ ★you follow me i follow you★ ★ I AM SINGLE AND I AM NOT 14 I JUST PUT THAT FOR NEXT YEAR I AM JUST 13★ ( look overthere) * walks away * BBBBBBYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE! dont forget to follow me !
˙•˙Tπογ˙•˙ cracklebutt
Gabe the dog died, Club Penguin died, and now Miiverse, the only thing that made my life a little interesting is fading away. Thank you friends and followers for the support you have given me through out my years on Miiverse. Good, day ;-; -8/29/17
YeahςĦΔΝΞ fnafisdabest8536
YES, I'M A GENEROUS LIKEGIVER! GOT A PROBLEM?! Hey, I'm a 15 year old named Shane, I'm lit! :P I'm the leader of the Yeah clan! (Follow to join!!! ü) I can't follow back because I'm following 1000 people already! Make sure to "Yeah" my Favorite Post, plz and thx! I DON'T WII U CHAT 'CUZ WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME!? W e c a n k e e p M i i v e r s e a l i v e ! :D Thanks for reading! c:
SkyKat1o1 skykat101
hi i am Skykat.lisen up random people,cause these are the things i like and dislike. ↓LIKES↓ FAIRYTALE DeathNote Markiplier reactiontime SuperMarioLogan pewdiepie jacksepticeye cupquake Cookies Music Razzbowski ↓DISLIKES↓ bullies cold water SMILEYFACES PS:i only like winky faces. you can applause now. i am a girl. °¬° i like following random people the mii is not how i really look
chris couch1312
Yo l'm chris . I don't know what else to say
Sonia Sonia181008
★niα-сhαn★ nia-chan-kawai
ola niares!!!!!espera ..QE NO ERS UN NIAREEEE!!!?????? dale a ese ermoso voton d suscribirse i sers un niare! yo soy nia-chan i subo cosas mui cagais soi latina pero bibo en espanitaa!!! soi cagai neco linda i mui juapa i ess cosas xinas soi super popu i tengo un monton de amijiis!!!! no m guta la gente brutat ni mentidosa ni k s enoje muxo¡¡¡¡SIJEME I T SIGOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MMETA=10.00 SUSCRIDTORE
super m104 21KirBy
hi i am marcus im a good boy
Diddy Kong Kirader1
alter: 12. Lieblings spiele: Minecraft,Splatoon,Call of Duty black obs 2 und MK8. Hobbys: Schwimmen,Fahrradfahren,Karate Fußball. beste Freunde auf Wiiu und Vielleicht in Echt: Parssa10,katrin,rene und Noah. Lieblings Fächer: Deutsch, Sport, Englisch Und Naturwissenschaft. Unbeliebte Fächer: GL,Mathe,Kunst,Musik,AWT. OK Das wars so weit von mir aber noch eins Danke an die die mir Folgen
Mini~Alysa HappyCakepopGirl
Oh, hi! This is the alternate account of Alysa (HappyCupcakeGirl), lover of Pokemon and Splatoon and a bunch of other things including all things cute! I love you too of course in a totally non-romantic way. Everyone deserves love and respect! I made this mii a total derp because… I felt like it. Also, do not expect consistently high-quality content. I don't quite take this account seriously. ;)
Nina Hypatia2004
Hallo ich heisse Nina bin 13 Jahre Alt Meine lieblings Youtuber sind Logo,Domtendo,Danny jesden,Concrafter,AviveHD. Meine Lieblingsgames sind Splatoon,The legend of Zelda breath of the wild,Minecraft.Mein zweiter acc heisst huggiremi.Ich zocke auch auf der Switch. Bye ^^
ςнíñýмìα JadaMcarthur123
Hello guys! Here are some facts about me: . I was born in the united states . I speak spanish and English . I hate seeing people get bullied . Im kawaii ^ω^ . My favorite colors are red, pink and purple That's all!! Bye-bye! ♡♡♡♥♥♥
RioluGamer 698576
Hi, I'm RioluFan1987! I'm a fan of Pokémon and I really love to draw art. Taken by: ★ Umbreon Mood: :3 Here's some People you SHOULD follow on here. James/James ALT JustinRoK★ ★ Umbreon Vulpix gamergal☆ Mitchell Brandon™ InvaderSel TenshiFoxx SuperTails Michael Roxie Ryan Frost Smol~Neko♪ Claire Anncario
Neighbor Mason12216
Chőőťube: Mason12215 dă: NOTmason12215 paystatonnatwark:Jasmine12214 (Btw way if you send me a request please say your from miiverse) Instafâm:Mason12216 please help #Mustachesqaud for ever
Santi 95 santifranco
I am an immature boyo dipstick that draws sometimes and makes quality memes. I also have a pupper named Oso and doggos need lotsa time and not spaghetti so I won't post as much. (•◆•) blarb
Jimmy YoshiFan1111
Hey all my Miiverse peeps! As you may or may not know, I am Jimmy,a guy who's somewhat good at games! Games I like: Mario Zelda Pokemon Undertale Shovel Knight Smash Bros. (vºˇ°)v whi H E C C
Steen ShinyStarKat
Hi it's Steen (check out my final thoughts) thank you all so much I'm glad to have been a part of Miiverse, even at least for a bit I met some really cool people here glad to have entertained you all with my little doodles see you all real soon remember to appreciate Pikango Sam entrusted me with the Steve Fan Club "My on the horizon..." -Pikango Her name is Shiny
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ thestargoddess
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hello everyone ,i hope i can make friends here i missed you guys :D THIS PROFILE HAS SOME cringy stuff, yeah that's it i don't know what to write bye
Bellavee krazyaboutLink
i am a worthless peice of trash. *♀ *10 OUCH U POKED MAH FACE!! be immortal, never go into a metal waste cap♥ MIIVERSE!♥ ZELDA ZELDA ZELDA ZELDAAAAAA!!!♥ anime is NOOOOOOOT my strong suit buuuuut♥↓ i like it.♥ splat yourself 2 feel gud!♥ km8?♥ Youtube channel starting in 2025! y r u still reading bee gon!!!♥
Nothing marksenpai626