Gustavo's Friends
ρκ ωоомγ Woomy-chan
GιοοκGισσκ GlookieIsHere
~Glookie is my name, Drawing is my game.~ .:::::::::::::One Shot::::::::::::::. ◆ One Kill ◆ ★ Pure Luck ★ ▲ Pure skill▲ JamJam is my boo ♥ Age: 15 Height: 5'4 (;-;) Daughter: Tayzia Son: Mysterious Gamer babys: Queen Mimi ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Imagine how great the world would be if we could go back and fix things.
DeeDee Awesomekid649
Hi I'm Kidcraftjr2
Fangirl013 Fangirl013
Konichiwa!!! I love making friends! :3 Add me if you wanna chat!
CrazyApple Appple-Apple
Hello beautiful people, welcome to this profile. I like to draw now and then or talk to some old and new friends. You can call me Nicole or any names you might have. I'm shy but a loud person, silly at time to times, I'm a happy but an angry person sometimes, and I'm a weird yet loveable person (thats what I think :P). Hope your day goes great and have a cookie to smiles at. :D
Juan MegaMonke07
Juan's alt Hateful Indeed. YES MOAR STUFF ABOUT MEH I'm Weird BOOOM Alright...That's it for now stahp it .-. Why? You're wasting your time buddy *yawns* I'll just sleep STAHP
Nina Cute-Kawaii-More
[ ] Here [♥] Not here Hi, I'm Emily! I'm a otaku, and I just LOVE drawings of Kawaii animals and people. ♥♡♥ Fav youtuber? Akidearest! I'm EXTREMELY nice to everyone!!! Love you! I don't do Wii U Chat. I do follow for follow :3 . DON'T loose FAITH and BE POSITIVE! I have a great little sister here: Skylin/Sandwitch212133 Ok that's everything. Goodbye! Peace! :3 ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
Le Abby~ UnderTaliStuck
Huh... so this is the end. Kinda like the end of your favorite television show. Or when you beat your favorite video game. It's the end. Usually there's a sequel, never as good as the first thing tho. But sometimes it is. I met AMAZING people on here. And squidbagged with many an inkling. So, if this is the true end of Miiverse, meaning no Miiverse2 Then... well... Farewell and ♥Stay Fabulous~!♥
Brooke I_live_for_art
This user's profile comment is private.
bob 1955ford
sup i hate school and like splatoon so yah.
.!Aaron!.. toybonnie5249
Hello.... So..... Welcome To My Profile. I am willing to start over again because I like you guys following even though I have 100+ Followers. I am not actually reseting but removing all my posts and improving. I finally have my 3DS Xl and Internet So I am not dead. Its just that I played pokemon games, being outside, and alterserving schedules. So just wait.......................................
Zorotronix Zorotronix
Emperor of Zorotopia here, Im Zorotronix ,Top of the morning to ye, Lelz
Mimishooty NikTori
↑↑↓↓←→←→BA Start You've unlocked Great Memories and New Friendships! Miiverse has been a safe haven for a lot of people, and it's sad to see it go. But know you've created something great. Have awesome lives and keep doing what you all love. See you all on Switch. Love you guys, stay safe, nerdy, and happy as you possibly can.
kade wowimhere
quit stalking my profile!!!!
GreyFox FoxGamer22
I like to draw, got a problem with that? No? GOOD! Then you'll like it here. When im not drawing i'm playing video games or doing school. FAVORITE GAME: Katamari Damacy for PS2 FAVORITE NINTENDO GAME: Super Paper Mario FAVORITE 3DS GAME: Animal Crossing: New Leaf FAVORITE TV SHOW: not that it matters but it's Psych. FAVORITE WII U GAME: Super Mario Maker.
☆S h e a☆ Shea12235
All My socail media: Google:Shea12345 Discord:Shea12345 GOODBYE EVERYONE♡♥♡♥♡♥ I'LL MISS YOU ALL....
Hielo T. XxZero2413xX
Hi my name is Alex my favorite game is TLZ Wind Waker HD and i am a normal guy i guess, i play S.S.B too and i am pretty good at it
MusicFreak xXShadowxBladeXx
★·.☆.·★What's up, I'm MusicFreak★·.☆.·★ (i'm a guy btw) Information I love drawing,Playing games, Watching anime, listening to music, Reading manga...ect Other: I'm very weird and stuff, but i'm a nice dude.... And i love Roleplaying There's not much to say.... Anyways, I Hope You Have A GoodDay/GoodNight!!! ◆♡♥☆★Bye-bye★☆♥♡◆ Twenty-Øne Piløts♥
CancerFree Blushy0000
{ Ello Person } ★ My Name Is Star ★ I Am A Survivor Of Cancer →I Want To Help Others That Are Going Through Famliy Issues Friend Issues And Health Issues ← By The Way I Am Bi Have Any Questions Message Me Comment on my post or Follow me i will follow u back then message you BYEEE GUYS REMEMBER MY NAME IS STAR ★★
Ike megabuster42
I am an edgy meme who has one last message for you all Live life to the fullest and never have regrets
ωιητεπ☆★☆★ Happy_Time_Now
Hey... hi.
Angelique♪ TheRoleplayer
Hello! ♥ Welcome to my page. Feel free to stay! :> ... ... This isn't a Hotel Seriously... BAI
☆Noah LP☆ ClassicGamerX
Profile no longer in used. Last active: 12/24/2016 Note/Reason: Because there's no place, time, or meaning to use it again. All pixel paint posts I promised are now going to my first account.
********* ClassicGamer500
Other Platforms: Dεvιαntαrt: ExtremeKirbyDX ΐFυnny: ExtremeLocket2 Dιscσrd: Kirbytone#4429 Twitter: ExtremeLocket2 About my YTC, play my Mario Maker level.
'ω' TheRebirthOfLink
NWU♪Lina jimmydelebecque
salut je m'apelle Lina j'ai comme jeux: splatoon et mariokart 8 (pour jouer avec des amis) donc il y a 3 etapes : tu es mon ami , je ou tu cree une partie priver et on s'amuse ;) Et demande si tu peux etre dans la team NUW! je vous adore !!!!!!!!!!! NUW♪Family NUW♪ETHANE NUW♪kalios...etc Merci ! ♥♡♥♡♥
jacob jakesracecar
my oc name garrett age 18 he will do anything to protect his friends abilitys healing flight fire wings his two swords icemoure ice ability excalibor lightning ability his hands can shot fire out of them when hes at full power when one eye goes blue and the other eye gos red he likes people who fight evil appearance black cloak blue hair wings made of fire (made of a mage and warrior together)
Jake Jakemaker2
"Because We Are Tighter Than Bark On A Tree" Due to an constant amount of Friend Requests, they will be no longer accepted. Sorry. This also means I still don't do Wii U Chat
Deniz Argo12
Hi i am Deniz i am from Norway can we be friends? :D
ωοιf★Sarah hate124
" death asked life why do so many people love you but you're just one beautiful lie? And im the horrible truth?" ~ Kat ♥♡ Online:[√] Offline[] Eating[] Chilling[] GROUNDED[] Sleeping[] Post left[0]
Jordan nathankelley6
Hello. I'm Jordan A. Hanson, and welcome to my profile ^ω^! I like games, anime, transformation and other stuff. :D My birthday is 7/23. Enjoy my terrible profile :3 Age: 14
Jammy JammyDW
Nintendo finally found a way to get Jammy to shut-up about Dr. Mario. RIP Miiverse. There are 1155 Jammy s at the Discotheque. Please give your Miiverse name to the bouncer to be let in.
Potao Dishwasher102
Wubba Lubba dub dub!
Stephen slambros
Hello. I like video games and anime. I really like to post on RPs. I am a Christian. Thank you for reading this.
Javed javed8
★☆welcome to my page☆★ im someone who wants to have more friends and follows but you don't have to be my friends or followers and i may or may not have my favourite types of are mario splatoon smash bros. and mario kart is awesome p.s if you want to check my channel out search TheNZPak lets play the simpsons tapped out bye
Shawn SK shawnbon2222
Hello my name is Shawn and im a video game master I LOVE VIDEO GAMES Ö_Ö
EagleEye Eagle-Eye66
main profile : ioshi other back up profile : joaoM8şğ