Users Gustavo Is Following
Pippy Candy_Spaghetti9
Well, The End Is Here… ♪ The End Of Me, And MV. ♪ Why Will I End? I'll Reveals Myself… I'm Actually Pika☆Pippy. I Hid Myself So I Wouldn't Be Banned. I Don't Care Anymore… I Only Care About Everyone Else… Only You Guys Matter… This Is The End… Me, A Shining Star… You All, A Flurry Of Shooting Stars… You're All Wonderful… You All Mean So Much… The Edit Profile Music Is Really Sad For This…Goodbye…
WolfyMcGee LoneWolfX7D
Bluebird: frostymcfoxy I'm on Closed too. I'm really going to miss this place. Special thanks to all of the people here who taught me to come out of my shell, influenced who I am, and gave me some of the best memories that I have ever had! This place is amazing and I will never forget it! <3
Eli TreeFallStudios
Hi I'm Eli of TreeFall Studios! I'm the developer and producer of The Letter! Hope to connect with you on Wii U!
Ð√Ðгаgøп™ mommylittlemnstr
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Gooberstin Gooberstin
Hey I'm Kearstin and REQUEST ARE OPEN I don't like it when people correct my spelling and grammar. Everyone makes mistakes and I usually realize them after I make them. "Jean, I–I fell in /love/ with you like droplets in the ocean. Every facet of you was just a drip. But the ripples they caused were massive." Every day I'm TUMBLin' eveRybody: Sharkgoober QUOTin thatEV: JeanKearstin
Lame Nerd AshleyTheNerd
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Sky scruse08
The Sky is always watching.... Game Favs: Hyrule Warriors Mh4u Zelda series Kingdomhearts I LUV ART and VIVI from Final Fantasy..... Wolves and certain charcters i can draw... Used to have an account on my 3ds but i left it.... I love anime though i cant draw manga...(*o*)
•▲γαχнì▼• yoshi3641
hello there i'm Sεlεηα but u can call me yoshi(thats my nickname in school)and on here i draw comics or random things.And u might see crystal that i draw alot and i will be drawing her an comic soon.(and draw an other comic)the comic is a redraw from 2016.And u might see galaxy,melody and me.Am yazhi if your wondering because i change my name as you see.So bye.have an barkaful day.
☆ςυρerRιτα OliverandCompany
If you're an O&C fan, you came to the right place! If you decided to follow me, you're truly awesome! If you came to block/unfollow me, then I must of made you pretty salty. But Why should I worry, why should I care? This account is mainly devoted to one of Walt Disney's under appreciated classics Oliver and Company! So expect lots of random O&C FanArt! I mainly play Smash 4 & Pokkén T!
SPケン(・∀・)/ 2007waz
ななななんと!300人フォロワー突破! みなさんありがとござまあす 自己しょうかいー 性別..男 性格もう意味わからんww 好きなYouTubr たくっち だけ!! りゆうは1つ! マジでおもろいからです!たくっち WiiUやってるのかなーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 見てくれると うれしいです(^∀^)//
●W•H•A•T● springtrapgirl01
Henlo there miiversians, I post lots of high-quality trash on here for some reason. Leggy is my son I've been on here since 2015.. Fandoms: Steven Universe :`) Eddsworld. BATIM >:)))) Does the NSLU community count? Gravity Falls :0 Leggy. DHMIS FNAF `^` Voltron............ I have a precious pet pug. He is precious mhmm fRiCkItY fRaCk
Jilly JustJillin
Do not let our final moments be a forever goodbye. We should say hello to a new beginning, a new twist...To a new chapter that will be added in our life. Instead of Goodbye, why not 'See you later'? Follow your dreams, achieve your goals, conquer your world. Do it for those who can't. ↓My beloved friends 1Ninjagirl Ace Eduardo Sem Darby Tucker Ty Ty I ♥ ya'll ♥We're Texas strong Pray for us♥
Cookie pikachuroks
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Fiodex :/ CherryFaygo
sup homeslice- breadslice-dawg I'm a edgy, teen weirdo that draws weird things like maniac sheep (baa) so yea, check out my trash and reality is a illusion, the universe is a holigram, bye gold bye!~ ~Fio
★Maliyah★ geicwjd
★my name is maliyah★ ★i am 14 year old girl★ ★ fav color : blue, green ★ ★ fav food: PIZZZZZA★ ★ fav youtuber: JACKSEPTICEYE★ ★you follow me i follow you★ ★ I AM SINGLE AND I AM NOT 14 I JUST PUT THAT FOR NEXT YEAR I AM JUST 13★ ( look overthere) * walks away * BBBBBBYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE! dont forget to follow me !
mεн -ω- meloetta717
ello there!😏 or should I say goodbye 😢 mwy name is meh ♡♡ Or u can call me Roisin :) i wove art! If U wanna find meh somewhere else I'm on: SnapC: meloetta717 wove u all!! *big hugzz* ♡◇♡◇♡ PS: im leaving miiverse tomorrow as in 21/10/17 im really sorry and im might be on every once and a while... #Bye4ever😓
(оωο) ♀♂ NeonFish727662
Miiverse is about to end so I won't be here that much :( rip Miiverse we won't see you again :( IN THE ARMS OF THE ANGELS WE WILL MISS YOU MIIVERSE;-; ;-; ;-;
Lily_Scout Lilyheartminku
Welcome to mai Profile where i like the following↓ •Anime •Hatsune Miku •FOODS · not taken [because i dont come on here for romance] I post↓ •Random posts with no originality •Conspiracy Theories [so spoopy] •Punzzzz •Memez So yea Im basically that one Friend.... bai....
˙•˙Tπογ˙•˙ cracklebutt
Gabe the dog died, Club Penguin died, and now Miiverse, the only thing that made my life a little interesting is fading away. Thank you friends and followers for the support you have given me through out my years on Miiverse. Good, day ;-; -8/29/17
τεαcυρρυ★↑ thats-aesthetic
☆★☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜☆★☆ Greetings, I'm Teacuppu. Feel free to call me Tea I'm just your typical teacup that spends their days on playing Sm4sh and drawing to keep me calm. (U//w//U ) If you see me playing with my beloved ☆…Ρεгçγ…★, you shouldn't mess with him. Or you might as well face my Falchion~ Percy♥♡ “あなたを本当に愛しています.. ♡♥♡” ☆★☆゜・。。・゜゜・。。・゜☆★☆
MitziMamba Victorybunny
Hello I am kad ima rockafire geek not much else All hail the CRT television!
Jaylene MagicSaki
I love the Rune Factory franchise, and Pokémon. I play Animal Crossing, and enjoy Legend of Zelda games too! I'm trying to learn Japanese, but I'm not fluent yet. わたしのなまえはジェイリーンです。 あなたのなまえはなんですか? わたしはカナダじんです、あなたはどうですか?
YeahςĦΔΝΞ fnafisdabest8536
YES, I'M A GENEROUS LIKEGIVER! GOT A PROBLEM?! Hey, I'm a 15 year old named Shane, I'm lit! :P I'm the leader of the Yeah clan! (Follow to join!!! ü) I can't follow back because I'm following 1000 people already! Make sure to "Yeah" my Favorite Post, plz and thx! I DON'T WII U CHAT 'CUZ WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME!? W e c a n k e e p M i i v e r s e a l i v e ! :D Thanks for reading! c:
aullu pichothebird
would you like to shuch up??? also i'm drawing some tattletail stuff i know the games ded but idc
R I P Vycoul33
i might actually over sleep. so. DA: Bluupi the blue bird thingy: BluupiBloop a G with a + Bluupi Bloop a sad pizza shorten down to CV with it's little Closed uniVerse: Bluupi (SHE CHANGED HER NAME) that is all. miiverse will probably end in flames while i'm asleep. oh well. i won't really miss MV, just wish i could've saved my old drawings from my older account. B y e - b y e
SkyKat1o1 skykat101
hi i am Skykat.lisen up random people,cause these are the things i like and dislike. ↓LIKES↓ FAIRYTALE DeathNote Markiplier reactiontime SuperMarioLogan pewdiepie jacksepticeye cupquake Cookies Music Razzbowski ↓DISLIKES↓ bullies cold water SMILEYFACES PS:i only like winky faces. you can applause now. i am a girl. °¬° i like following random people the mii is not how i really look
Muffl-in87 FNAF087
Muffl-in87|14|♀|Her/She pronouns RQ: Never/Friends Only AT: Ask I'm not as active here like I used to be, but feel free to look around if you want \_(•-•)_/ I have other places that I'm on and much more active on them, sorta. You can try and find me, good luck! !n$t@gr@m- muffl_in87 D3v!@nt @rt-Muffl-in87 †ψмδl3r- muffl-in87