Steve NF's Play Journal

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Super Mario Maker

Steve NF

08/08/2016 2:31 PM

A little late getting to these courses... but what is happening here that I am missing??

Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge

Steve NF

04/30/2016 11:39 PM

After just a couple hours, I'm 31% complete with all gold trophies! :-)

Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge

Steve NF

04/30/2016 11:23 PM

After many attempts, I'm pretty sure I got the fastest time and highest score I can on this level. 15,740 (That is unless the amiibo cards add to your score, because I skipped them in this "speed r...

Yoshi's Woolly World

Steve NF

01/11/2016 10:56 PM

Finally started playing Yoshi's Woolly World tonight. Did first three stages with wife in co-op. Wish the screen zoomed out so we could separate a bit more. One of us kept pushing the other off the...

Pokémon Picross

Steve NF

12/14/2015 1:27 PM

Not a big fan of how I get punished (don't get bonus picrites) for not using hints/Pokemon in a puzzle. Shouldn't I get more for completing puzzles on my own without help?

Pokémon Shuffle

Steve NF

12/13/2015 3:47 PM

Not a bad prize from Meowth today! Not bad at all...

Pokémon Shuffle

Steve NF

12/08/2015 12:48 AM

Pretty awesome combo! Wish I could have recorded it all.

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash

Steve NF

12/05/2015 12:38 AM

Played for about an hour or so tonight... and then realized I had played everything there is to play! This will be an interesting review, for sure! Mega Mushrooms are random and can mess you up, th...

Super Mario Maker

Steve NF

09/14/2015 9:53 PM

Woohoo! All of the 10 Mario Challenge courses have been beaten. Now I can take on the four NWC 2015 courses!!

Super Mario Maker

Steve NF

09/14/2015 3:52 PM

Found her! Just played and completed 100 Mario Challenge for the first time. Had 90 lives remaining, I believe, and skipped only a few levels.

Super Mario Maker

Steve NF

09/12/2015 10:52 PM

After playing around a LOT in the Maker, I finally unlocked all the pieces! Also uploaded a few more courses. None are particularly creative, but they'll do for now. I'm not much of a level designe...

Super Mario Maker

Steve NF

09/11/2015 4:40 PM

Go figure! Haha! First time beating 100 Mario Challenge on easy. All were really easy except this one made by someone named Dylan. Only stage I lost lives on, I believe. And I ended up skipping it,...

Super Mario Maker

Steve NF

09/11/2015 10:52 AM

Super Mario Maker has begun. Created and uploaded first level. Just completed 10 Maio Challenge with all 10 lives left, thanks to a couple 1-Ups. Excited to see what else I can do!


Steve NF

08/07/2015 10:43 PM

Soooo many ridiculously bad players online tonight! Some are barely moving, and getting only 100p. Ugh! Can't win on teams like these!


Steve NF

08/07/2015 9:46 PM

Time to start playing Splatoon 2.0!

Roving Rogue

Steve NF

08/03/2015 1:26 PM

Just started Roving Rogue. Interesting concept by starting at the end of the story.