Steve NF's Followers
Aj LEGOfan12
NO Wii U CHAT! Hi Miiverse! I'm a boy who loves LEGO, Video-Games & Ninja! I'm Christian! Fav. VG series: Anything Nintendo, Sonic, LittleBigPlanet, Kingdom Hearts & more! Fav. VG Companies: Nintendo, SEGA, Sony, Square-Enix & TT Games! My Systems: PC, PS3/4, GC, GBA, Switch, 3DS & Wii U. Please visit my Scribblenauts Unlimited store "Dojo of Imagination" we sell VGs, Ninja, Trucks & more!
Brendan bj51105
Miiverse is ending... I had fun with you guys... Shearing my video game experience, making friends and more... I will miss you... Good bye... Brendan R.I.P.
ABO CarlosAbo87
Odontólogo de profesión y videojugador de toda la vida, ex lector de la revista Club Nintendo, trabajo en Clínica Muela.
Abes ozzyozborn
Martin martinkelly
What? You found me!
keke mxellchabine
slt sava bien
RiotAct RiotAct74
I am absolutely LOVING my WinU!I don't care what the critics say,it is the best gaming console there is today.I love Zelda,Metroid,Mario,Smash,etc.Have just recently dived into Pikmen and am enjoying it quite a bit.Been gaming for a very long time so I know and love the classics as well,Zaxxon,Yars Revenge,you know colleco/atari well I am sure some of you remember.Lets play some games!
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jaime cassidy106
Hi I'm Jayden, and no I'm not a boy! , Have a nice day!
ToonLink logan1111
Hello my name is really Logan but i like Toon Link from Legend of zelda.i love the Mario & Luigi series i also love super mario maker.If you have that i suggest you to try my levels. have fun scolling back up
JCman7*NVC JCman7
Mechanical engineer. NASCAR (#87 Nemechek) and NYR hockey fan. Nintendo fan since childhood.
Kevin Magitroopa
I love playing video games, especially Nintendo games like Mario and The Legend of Zelda!
Conman101★ ZURGAG
JZ Elzapata10
Hello my name is jz i own a wii u and 3ds if u want to add me on 3ds just tell me in the comments of one of my one and if u want u can follow me
derik gloria.wilfong
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John HalfShelledHero
Heroes in a half shell, TURTLE POWER!!! Been gaming since I was 3 on my Atari & NES. My all-time favorite games: Ocarina of Time Super Mario Bros. 3 Super Mario Bros. Halo: Combat Evolved A Link to the Past Star Fox 64 Majora's Mask Metroid Prime Earthbound Super Mario 64 CoD4: Modern Warfare GTA: San Andreas Red Dead Redemption Black Ops 2 Favorite Ninja Turtle: Michelangelo
Nintendad Nintendad
I'm just a dad who enjoys Nintendo games. I'd write more, but I wanna get another game in before my kids wake up.
Krissy kandesmom2
My name is Kristina, I have a brother named Evan and I like lots of sweets and cupcakes. I am very awesome and nice with people and I like to play video games and riding my bike outside, and many more! I have a doggy named Ruby, and a cat named Phoebe! I love Splatoon and many other games too like Animal crossing and shopkins :3 ♥ bye!
angelica ajs101
lewis dylanstinks
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xHailFirex xHailFirex
Nintendo89 906320
Pat² daftcreaper
Welcome to the inactive world of PAT, please enjoy your stay.
Michael Micha_Mueller
Hii, heiße Michael und bin 25. Hobbys: Zeitreisen, Zombies töten, Prinzessinin retten, Rennen gewinnen, Strategie und die Welt retten, Projekte Managen, Terror bekämpfen und Zivilisten beschützen. Die Gehirnlosen und Langweiler nennen mich dafür GAMER.
Jebadiah JPlouffe802
Hey guys and girls I am nice and friendly and Im 14 and I hope meet you in real life
Kayden MadeaJail
Thanks for tapping my face so hard,so i gess your here to find out some things about me so here you go,things about me are that my name is kayden i'm 14 but i act older than my age people say and some more things about me are that i love music, love to dance and sing,love art or anything creative.I'm also very nice until you make me mad. and that's a wrap everyone PEACE OUT (\ /)
This account is inactive at the moment.
Ardalyne keshnel
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juan mario-juan
hi my name is juan l love mario games i read diary of a wimpy kid books im l0 my birthday is i want splatoon super bad!! i have 2 dogs and 2 cats i love to yeah bomb im very friendly
BbbyCotton Bobbbio
I love to play videogames
Jacob amberdlyte
BLK SAIYAN J-Breezy8264
What's good? imma keep this short and sweet. 1st off i go by j-breezy im 29yro and i am a local hiphop artist in VA, i listen almost all music, i love my video games, i have a ps3 xbox360 and ofcourse a WiiU. I don't know how to be fake so keep it real wit me and we will get along just fine. I welcome all who wants to be friends im a nice person and thats pretty much it Duces!
Ch0cchi Ch0cchi
I suffer from uncontrollable gas. I have three kitties, a dog, and a wife. I like video games and chilling with my previously mentioned wife and pets.
Ethan Dooggggg
Games, films, music, football. LFC supporter.
SMASH BRO. DYNASTY ! BIG SMASH FAN !!, Also im a gamer in general .☆ Love my 3DS★. I cant wait untill the next big update for for wiiu #WiiHaveAVoice #CrossGameChat . I play online so friend me we can play MK8 , SSB4 , & Beyonetta 2
Artemus™ Artemus311
Life is my hobby. Video games are my life. Also, Nintendo fan forever. I enjoy other things, but that's not important here. We're here for the love of Nintendo video games. Systems come and go, but a great game will never, ever be forgotten... Now you're playing with power! Past. NES. SNES. N64. GameCube. Wii. Wii U. NX. Future. Nintendo. Then. Now. Forever. Power. Wisdom. Courage. ♥♥♥
Senior Editor for NintendoFuse, big Nintendo fan, & Wii Games 2010 Finalist. Started gaming on NE...
Senior Editor for NintendoFuse, big Nintendo fan, & Wii Games 2010 Finalist. Started gaming on NES, and I've got no plans to stop anytime soon. Own all Nintendo consoles except Virtual Boy and some of the Game Boy versions. (I might be slightly addicted.)