its not...
Steve NF's Yeahs

Welcome, new players!
Hi everyone! Alex Here. Have you noticed a bump in activity recently? That's thanks to all of the cool people who picked up the last humble bundle joining the Runb...

Yeah, it's so weird because this seems like the only game that punishes you for that. And on top of that, most challenges can't even be completed until you unlock later areas (like using Jolteon fo...

You can't do that yet, you have to unlock all of the building items (accept amibos) to accsess the warp pipes
Senior Editor for NintendoFuse, big Nintendo fan, & Wii Games 2010 Finalist. Started gaming on NE...
Senior Editor for NintendoFuse, big Nintendo fan, & Wii Games 2010 Finalist. Started gaming on NES, and I've got no plans to stop anytime soon. Own all Nintendo consoles except Virtual Boy and some of the Game Boy versions. (I might be slightly addicted.)