おお、最後にここですか。 京都はやっぱり観光客多いな~。 そして、京都の方とは一人もすれちがっていないという……
Ness's Yeahs

Guys! Check out Closedverse. It's based on Miiverse and it's interactive! Check it out so that you can enjoy the Miiverse feeling! My username is Rosie64.

I will make more posts before closure! Having a Mario Party!!!! Love all of my Nintendo buddies of Miiverse!!!!

Last post I’ll ever make on this alt. Thanks to the 200 users who followed this account despite it not even having 100 posts.

Good night everybody, I'll see you all on YouTube once I get my YouTube gear. (LAST POST ON MIIVERSE)

Hey, guys.
It's a me. So Miiverse is ending very soon, which really sucks. I just decided to post because of the seemingly negative tone that appears to have resonated in the...

No...no, no, no, don't you dare! DON'T YOU FREAKIN' DARE, NINTENDO! Sad as it is, the Miiverse is the only thing I got for social media! This is the only way I can talk with people! YOU CAN'T TAKE ...
Mario Kart 8 Community

Q&A Time!
Since Miiverse has come to an end next Tuesday, I would decide that I want an Q&A! This means that everyone can ask a question, and only I can answer! So, feel fre...