Ness's Friends
ƒğŁ★Кξνιň savageking27
KEVIN IN THE HOUSE!! My bff's -Rosie -Colton -Benny -Jordan -Brett -Rashad (who didn't start miiverse) -Shawn And more! I'm in 5 clans 1.MLG 2.SG 3.HL 4.MKP 5.ƒğŁ(Leader) Shoutout to ƒğŁShawn and ƒğŁBenny Plz friend me! I have a new clan called ƒğŁ, If u want in, u have to follow these rules↓ 1. No hateful content 2. No bullying 3. No CUSSING Bai!
Ry Ryan720
Fluttershy fluttershy_pony2
Hi, I'm Fluttershy. I'm Back. I want to continue where I left off before Rosie took over my account. I want to get into Breath of the Wild for all of you to see. Don't worry about, Rosie. She won't be coming back. I'm sorry to all that got into her crossfire.
supergamer supergamerrulze
hi im supergamer! if you wanna be freinds with me! i'll accept your freind request! i say everyone is awsome at miiver's! even you! most of the time im playing super mario maker! stay perkey! and have fun!!! (^o^) im pretty poplur on Roblox!.............. on freinds... if you play roblox and met tails331.... TA-DAAAAAAAA! you found me on wii u! NO JOKE! im tails331! belive supergamer!!! im tails!
Janice SpielerLea
Hi ich bin Janice Ich bin sehr nett.Leider bin ich in letzter zeit sehr traurig denn meine Freundin zieht zur Türkei:(. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir FA Schicken würdet. Und ich bin sehr oft on.:) Meine BFF auf der Wiiu ist Lara und in echt ist Tanem. Ich hoffe ihr folgt meinen freunden und mir. Und Tanem falls du dass liest du bist meine BFF♥ PS Tanem id LPMarkus123456
mekhi mekhi131
love video games love playing minecraft and lego avengers view my posts and like them
aj Adlgamer06
hi everyone i have a xbox 360 and a wii u and i play minecraft and terraria friend me to play with me and i am nice and i play mario kart 8
sofiane rosemariesofiane
Tanem★New LPMarkus123456
Hallo ich bin 9 und ich bin Türkin und ich habe hier in Miiverse schonn sehr viele Freunde gefunden und ich hofe ihr Folgt sie Angela ~Mario~ Allan:) Inés Josi Kadir Bella KTZ★Klara marie Tray Marci Alkan ugur und Tristan Meine BFF Boy WIIU ist Alkan und meine persönliche Freundin ist Janice bitte Folgt sie Bitte Folgt alle meine Freunde und mich ^_^ Und meine Lieblingsfarbe ist hell blau
Carter CoolCartman
Yo-Kai Watch rules also im open to all friend requests!
Foxy mikkiiscool1
ARGGGGG ello matties i be Foxy the pirate fox this be me pirate cove •fnaf Queen if you have any questions plz ask! •NO WII U CHAT PLZ!!SO PLZ STOP CALLING!! •I play t or d and somtimes does fnaf rp's •fav song:Project 1987 and another 5 nights •fav color:black or red •best friend: YeahShane plz go look at his profile •fav video game:all fnaf games!
♪Jσсεlγη♪ 451541
*Age: 15 *Gender: ♀ *Status: Taken *Favorite Food: Tacos *Favorite Color: Blue *Favorite Game: Minecraft(No in-game chat) *Favorite Candy: Chocolate(any) *Favorite Season: Winter *Hobbies: Sports, Band *Teams: Raiders, LA Kings, GS Warriors *Instrument: Trumpet *Personality: Friendly *Languages: English, Spanish *Likes: Sleeping *Hates: Waking up I don't Wii U Chat. Feel free to follow me!!!! ^-^
Dς☆Mel Mel218
Hi my real name Melissa but you know me as MelTheCat.My favorite games are Splatoon, Minecraft, Mario smash bros.I like playing these games with my brother and sister.They both have a user But my sister still needs to setup her user.That's all.
awesomeman catchthesun0872
hi my name is aiden please follow me and send me a friend request bye thanks for reading :)
Caleb cj13bandmasterii
Ummmm. Soo like yeah umm sure ._. ^_~ #WithoutMusicLifeWouldBFlat #WhatIsLife #BTS #TWICE #EXO #KPOP #YouTube #FairyTail #TokyoGhoul #YuriOnIce #Hetalia #ANIME Im just a really short 16 year old ._.
Woomy Boi keithyboy1978
I'm cool I have a 3DS and amiibo and you can play with me but you need to be my online friend or Poop okay man you get kicked so be my friend yes or no? You can be my friend on Wii U or 3DS okay mate!
Easiestc.c kbiohazard
Fizzo EndermanWins
hey fellow gamers!It's The Ender master of games!Plz follow and maybe friend me.I gots cool,new look,and you'll like it.But If U must know,I have a strong suit in FNAF(but also sonic).And I may be young(13),but I'm supa kewl!But watch out 4 DarkSprite,my dark opposite from Shadow Land!We are arch enemies!But for now,I'm just amazing,like always!
(æ)duster max_recoil
♪Mind of a Thief♪ My fav games are Donkey Kong Country 1, MOTHER 3, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. I lab out Dr. Mario combos and strategies to advance the character's meta. I am one of few loyal H-3 Nozzlenose mains. I'm getting the Switch soon. Team ætheric is always welcome to A- ranks or higher! Learning German!
migui nuriamiguel21
NessAlt nicoleheather91
jez Demonspike
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Mariok57 anterio165
hello my name is anterio and i like fnaf its my favorite horror game and if you to be my friend just tap friend request and if you want to wiiu chat just call me if you my friend and if you want to play mario kart 8 online or any game i have just tell me and i have a xbox 360 and ps3 i got call of duty black ops 1 and 2 for the xbox 360 if you want to play with me just ask.
hobo ellsworthfamily4
hello to all my friends and followers on miiverse or just random people: i play a lot of games. be sure to friend me and follow me thanks so much for 70+ followers!!!!!!!!!!!! the games im currently playing the most are: breath of the wild, shovel knight treasure trove, super smash bros, minecraft(when im really bored with nothing else to do), splatoon, star fox guard, and occasionally wii games!!
chiquinho detonausa
Eu sou gamer e gay eu tenho todos os videogames o atari 2600 nes o nintendinho super nintendo nintendo 64 nintendo gamecube nintendo wii nintendo wii u nintendo 3ds sega dreamcast xbox 360 e xbox 1. agora eu tenho o super nintendo snes nintendo gamecube nintendo wii nintendo wii u nintendo 3ds xbox 360 e xbox 1. no total eu tenho sete videogames cinco videogames da nintendo e dois da microsoft
★Ryan★ ryanhunt224
Hello miiverse. Just a quick thank you for 200+ 200!?!?!. i love games like, mario, kirby, the legend of zelda, terraria, pokemon, Splatoon, and more! heres my top 3 nintendo franchises 1.The legend of zelda 2.Super Mario 3.Kirby current hyped games:1.Super mario odyssey 2.Splatoon 2 ALLHAIL SWITCH BREATH OF THE WILD AND SWITCH IS OUT!!!!!!!!!
Walid walidwaziri
I love to play all sorts of games and also playing with friends. I have almost max friends so I can't accept all your friend requests, but I try to view as many as possible.
Comody kaho-s3lnmv
◇Hoi!! Welcome to my profile! 非常に多趣味な人間です 多忙のため共感・共感返しメインです ◇MOTHERシリーズとUndertaleが大好きです ◇いちごとうふ村 アナ村長 よろしければどうぞ♪村名検索が早いです 現在とび森、MOTHER2・3、MHXXをプレイ中 ◇Love MOTHER series I've played all the series ◇I'm playing MOTHER2,3 and ACNL these days Hooked on Undertale! Follow if you want:) ◇フォローはご自由にどうぞ MOTHER/アンテ好きの方、お互い共感、コメントし合える方などは極力返すようにしています 自分からフォローすることはほぼありません
sonichero6 Nilluil
HL★☆Justin justin12
Hey Miiverse! Justin Here! Miiverse is ending... What is this?!?!?!?!!?! Also, when Miiverse ends, I'm selling all my Wii, Wii U and Nintendo 3ds. Then, I'm getting the Switch. Well everyone, its been a good time since we first met, its a lot of fun, and a good time with u all. Goodbye to my friends and Followers. P.S. If anyone has the Switch, please friend me so that we can play together!!!!