Users Ness Is Following
☆saki☆(^^) RYU.KOU1234
♥MK8...MAX vr(9/9/'17)♥ ♥☆o。Beloved friend...Justyn 。о☆♥ ★.°:♥Saki+Justyn=∞♥:°.★\('-^*)⌒♥
******** marth323
I killed My Wii U it burst to flames hi my name is Ray my AGE:13 i love to draw I know my drawings are bad but i very nice kid scroll down for more information about me my BFFs are David W. sweetheart TJ☆Tronguy
νχ◆Dσηυτн DonutHawk35
Guys please save Miiverse! If we don't it will be the end of the world! - Someone who's not me Why is my profile comment elongated lmao
C. Turtle CancerTurtle
I don't accept friend requests from strangers. G'day, I'm C. Turtle, known to my friends as Mel/Melody. The C. stands for Cancer, as in the zodiac sign. I'm transgender, so that's a thing. I'm a big fan of Rhythm Heaven, Smash Bros, Ace Attorney, and Professor Layton, and I love crossovers. My alt. is CTurtlesAlt, I'll use that when I run out of posts here, so follow me there too if you want.
★Harriet★X PrincessHarrixx
Follow: Squishypanda101 Bunnylover1010 JoshTL Jac Clow Gul Flynn Dark Cj Ryan, RyanEmiel James, Minemas ★Memories★ Lee, MadlyPancake143 Shaneo mac Mankalor Riddler BIGSCOTTY65 Umaari Omar fraser317 Ty-Ty♪ ^_^Emma^_^ porkypig8 kittycat Babycraft JoshTL EJ, MiniActor luna Evilcrafty WindWolf If you hate on ANY Of my friends, You Will Have to go through ME
Brenden smilesgaming5
This is Brenden's on topic account. Main is the same as this NNID but one number lower. Feel free to send friend requests, but it may take a while for me to me to accept them because I don't use my Wii U often anymore.
Brenden smilesgaming4
Before you hit the block button, please know that I’m not a yeah giver despite my massive yeah count. If you seriously have a problem with me, however, go ahead and block me.
Jasmina Harleyjoker2007
Ich mache gerne in meiner freizeit sport und ich male gerne. Beste Freunde: Laura,Eunice,Dhala,Brianna,Beylul Lieblingsfarbe: gelb und lila Lieblingstier:Hund Lieblings Nintendo spiel: Animal crossing New leaf, Pokemon XY wenn du mir Folgst folge ich dir auch Ich will nicht das Miiverser schließt : ( Lieblings Pokemon:Fynx Alter:10 Schaut mal bei laura vorbei bye bye ☆★♪♪♪
Bryce MOOodes-MOOse
This is it. The last days on miiverse. I have been thinking of the switch ever since the announcement came. If I could convince nintendo to keep miiverse, I would put all my effort to do it. I still remember my old account and back when I first started in smm. 946 post were made in my previous account which is quite a lot! This is all I have since miiverse is ending and thank you for your post.
Anthony AnthonyOrd.Marr
"You're Anthony, and you're awesome!" -Arcade Bunny, 2017 Hi! I'm Anthony! I'm nice and friendly. I'm now on Wii U! Please follow my alts! SuperBilly67 & AnthonyO.M_05 I'll block you if you're mean. Thank you! Bye!
William ilovemario2000
Cordova gamestoptoy
all games i playd
Mollie MollieSummer
Hey! This is Mollie! Welcome to my profile! My favourite singer is: OLLY MURS! He's sooooo handsome and he's my boyfriend! If I was 18, I'll marry Olly Murs forever! So, see you! P.S: I love you, Olly Murs! ♥♥♥ See you! I'll miss you, Miiverse... :(
Cordova InwardTimeTrials
Can you follow me and Rosalina on Miiverse Reasons: Me: to reach me life goal which is 3000 followers on miiverse before its gone forever Rosalina: She's my favorite character from Mario kart 8 Support Me and Rosalina by following us on miiverse
Cordahva StarleyNight
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Linkirby LinkCardCaptor
Hi there! and welcome to my page! and... about me.... I Love The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, EarthBound / Mother, Metroid and Super Smash Bros!!! Hola a todos! y Bienvenidos sean a mi pagina de perfíl, y sobre mi... Mis sagas favoritas son The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, EarthBound / Mother, Metroid y por supesto, Super Smash Bros.!!!
COOK SUN mimittone
コック=サンです 無料で遊べるRPG「RPGツクールフェス」でゲーム投稿完了しました! 作者ID:265 『プリムフィア=リンク』 ガッツリストーリーRPGです イラストはそこに登場するキャラたちのイメージ画です。 気軽にDLしてねっ! 【第2回コンテストの DL期間は終了しました。 プレイ&評価 ありがとうございました!】
æ^Duster SU-COILS
MS•Duster's alt! Check me out there!
ダイスケZ hairaldedede03
カービィやポケモン、undertale、FE等、いろいろなゲーム大好きです! 好きなポケモンはリザードン、ガオガエン等の炎御三家達です! コメント、共感、フォロー、フレリク等気軽にしても大丈夫です! 私喜びます…! いつも共感等してくれている方々に感謝です!!
Claus mother3-lucl
*Yo!! This is my second account:) When I give a yeah to your comment, that means I replied it:) Sorry, I don't usually post something:P *サブアカです。主にコメ返用に使っています。共感した時は、コメ返したと思ってください。 本アカの投稿数がピンチの時に使ったり、気まぐれでコメントする場合があります。 最近フォロー人数が増えたため、お気に入りの方のみフォローしたいと思いこちらのアカウントでフォローしています。 突然のフォローすみません。フォロバはしなくて構いません。 プレイ日記、お絵かき等の投稿はしません。それでもよろしければフォローはご自由にどうぞ。本アカでお世話になっている方以外フォロバは基本しないです。ご了承ください。
アオリイカのグミ1 ngokyou0118
☆★ςΔςςУ|-/ AdrianaGonzalez
Now that Miiverse is ending in November, I just want to tell you all that you mean so much to me! I've had an amazing time on Miiverse and I want to thank you all for making it possible! You've given me over 1000 followers these past few years and you've made me laugh! I wish Miiverse never had to end! Thanks for all the memes and good times! I'll never forget you guys! Sincerely, Adriana :D
yuu0118 fokusai
This user's profile comment is private.
Adriana creepernana05
Hi! Welcome to my 3ds account. I'm not a new user. I have a Wii U account called ☆★ƒςΔςςУ★☆. Please follow me and that account. Also, I do follow 4 follow. I absolutely LOVE twenty one pilots and Teen Titans Go! I'm friendly, so I will chat anytime unless I have 0 posts. Lastly, I won't be on this account much since I have a Wii U. Have a nice day! Bye! #MEMEZ
Nicole♪ papasebi
Hallo ich bin Nicole und spiele gerne Splatoon , Pokemon teeken und mario kart 8. Ich versuche so viele Freunde wie möglich zu finden. Also wenn ihr mit mir befreundet sein wollt schickt mir eine freundesanfrage (^o^)
SkrubSikle SkrubSikle
' I'm an active member of the Overwatch community. ' - SkrubSikle, 2017 Greetings! I am but a 14 year old introvert who spends most of my time in my room with my consoles... So I have plenty of time for Miiverse! (^~^) Currently shipped with: Trainer Whitney Favourite games atm: Overwatch, BotW, Until Dawn and FE Echoes Started on 14/02/16 I will miss this place...
Asher Nerdtendo13
Welcome to Miitomo, it's a mobile app for miis, like a slightly altered Miiverse but you don't play on your wiis. You'll find it way more soothing even though it makes you cringe, make a mii who looks just like you! [unless you are a ginge] Nintendo first released it in the nation of Japan but it's poor mechanic's perfect for big mouthed Americans cause you talk about yourself!
Yeahbomber Yeahing_is_great
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Bonjour c'est MAX LA MENACE. J'ai 11 ans J'abite en BRETAGNE J'adore JURASSIC PARK,JURASSIC WORLD et le Football mon équipe préféré est le Stade Brestois 29 j'adore Mbappé J'ai un deuxième conte Miiverse sur ma 3DS XL QUI S'APELLE MaxLaMenac TOUT SIMPLEMENT BON N'ÉSITE PAS A T'ABONNER A MON CONTE SUR 3DS ET A MON CONTE WII U DEDICACE A NAT29 DEDICACE A MAE39 Dédicace A Matt ^o^ ABONNE-TOI ^o^
Lulumichen Lulumichen
Hey guys and girls!
GypsyOtoko gypsyotoko
Fanboy of Nintendo and Capcom. Lover of all games. Closet programmer. 日本在中アメリカ人です。日本語でも是非声を掛けてください! ^^
Johanne Johanne_4
Hi! Im Johanne. I mostly play mario maker on this account. I got six times on the level rankings. I also got once on the Maker rankings. Tournament winners: Kong and BCH. Thank-you for 120 followers! Enjoy my profile!
Asia Zeldasia98
Hello Everyone! ^—^ My name is Asia from Sicily in Italy (So sorry for my bad english ^^"). I am a Nintendo fan since i was born ☆˛☆ If you like: The Legend of Zelda Professor Layton Ace Attorney series Or Anime and Manga Follow me :D
Jeanette Jeanetic
Just another Australian Gamer. My favourite game is Splatoon! Another hobby I have is drawing!
я¢м★Tомás Dublin2001
Hi! Im Tomás and Im 16. Im just an Irish bloke who trashposts in NSLUC and loves Nintendo. 23k VR in MK | Clans: vχ, oм¢, я¢м I have 275+ stars in SMM! I play Smash Bros and Pokken. Message me if u wanna play. Im a Kaizo SMM player Block me = You Win I have owned a GCN, Wii and DS lite I love Geometry Dash Kronos#6838 (you know) Thanks for stopping by :)
キクミン flyingkikumin
◆Thank you Miiverse!! ◆そして皆さんありがとうございました。こんな幸せで楽しい時間。何て贅沢だったんだろう!!感謝してもしきれません… ◆皆さんどうかお元気で! ◆青い鳥でこっそりつぶやいてます (・8・)またお会いできるといいですね☆ 2017.11.08
Janice SpielerLea
Hi ich bin Janice Ich bin sehr nett.Leider bin ich in letzter zeit sehr traurig denn meine Freundin zieht zur Türkei:(. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir FA Schicken würdet. Und ich bin sehr oft on.:) Meine BFF auf der Wiiu ist Lara und in echt ist Tanem. Ich hoffe ihr folgt meinen freunden und mir. Und Tanem falls du dass liest du bist meine BFF♥ PS Tanem id LPMarkus123456
じょん janjunjohnninten
初代ディスクシステム版から、もう30年もゼルダマニアしている、オールドゲーマーです。 中でも一番好きなタイトルは、「風のタクト」。GC版、WiiU版とも、心に残る作品です。 この歳になっても、こうやってMiiverseでみなさんと色々なゲームの話を楽しめた事に、感謝しています。 最後までみんなで楽しんでいきましょう。 追記:サービスが終了するその日まで、Miiverseを楽しもうと思います。 その後は、青いロフトバードに乗って新しい世界に旅立ちますね。^^ My name is John. I'm Japanese. Thank you for looking. But I'm very poor at English. So forgive me if my English is wrong.