jawatwo's Yeahs

Comment on Colgo13's Post


17 hours ago

Fantastic, buddy. Hope some day, the switch will allow us to see and produce such great artworks ;) If games let us time to draw ! :o

Comment on Scott's Post


20 hours ago

Thanks for all the lovely comments everyone, I am truly touched and will miss you all.

Comment on jawatwo's Post


1 day ago

thank you for the memories

Comment on Scott's Post


1 day ago

Thank you very much Lazerduke, I feel the same way about many of my miiverse friends too buddy :)

Comment on Scott's Post


1 day ago

Cheers Scott. One of the reasons miiverse was so great was the kindness and friendliness of people like you. See you on the other side.

Comment on Scott's Post


1 day ago

Big cheers Drew, Super Mario Odyssey is amazing on the Switch. The Switch looks to be getting the support, which the Wii U very much deserved. Miiverse was probably the Wii U's greatest achievement...

Comment on Scott's Post


1 day ago

Dear Scott your one of my oldest and dearest friends on WiiU. Thanks for all the great times and your loyal support! i will try to be a better Switch friend lol

Discussions Mario Kart 8 Community


1 day ago

Open Closed

Goodbye all :(

Thanks for all the great times everyone, I will miss so many fantastic friends on miiverse. Hopefully we will be able to communicate with each other on the Switch...

View More Comments (48)


2 hours ago

Goodbye all

Comment on Chrıs's Post


1 day ago

Thanks Chris! My pixel brother. Maybe see you on another syte?

Comment on Chrıs's Post


1 day ago

Thank you all for taking the time and spending a comment. It means a lot to me. Today has been the highest highs and the lowest lows. I'm seriously going to miss you all. Cody I haven't seen you i...

Comment on Chrıs's Post


1 day ago

Comment on daddy's Post


1 day ago

Comment on daddy's Post


1 day ago

Comment on Colgo13's Post


1 day ago

Comment on Colgo13's Post


1 day ago

Wow dude. My favourite piece of art of a second rate superhero. Love it, brilliant Gwen death art.

Comment on jawatwo's Post


1 day ago

Comment on jawatwo's Post


1 day ago

See ya around on that new Nintendo (Switch) universe... and maybe sometimes on the ◼⚫🛆✖ one! :)

Comment on jawatwo's Post


1 day ago

Take it easy bro

Comment on jawatwo's Post


1 day ago

All the best Jawatwo.