jawatwo's Followers
Benjamin Tigervicious
Stop that, ya goldarn baboon. No respect! No privacy! No nothing! Save Miiverse😡, you banana head!
Saitama★^★ Darckmel999
\(^o^)/ Bienvenue sur mon profil jeune foufou. ;P Je suis un jeune vieux gamer, dans la trentaine pratiquant de retrogaming.J'ai commencé sur la NES,GB,SNES,64 ect...Bon voilà quoi et donc maintenant la WII U. ;P Je cherche des partenaires de jeu majeurs, pour des combats multijoueurs endiablé Sur des jeux comme MK8,Splatoon,Xenoblade chronicles X, et encore bien d'autres je l'espère. ^^
Grum LegendaryGrum
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«Tah'Jai»♪ teamus1234
Hi guys My name is Tahjai I live in Deleware so nice My favorite color is purple black and blue My people... MinorFeather Ghost♥, JasonRemix And way more people I like the song 'U make me_Cry' Second favorite song 'Imagine dragons' And my third favorite song is____umm 'Hate u I love u' I use headphones i have black beats And um I have Minecraft and Splatoon And lots of others.. bd June 16
Rook RadialAktiv47
~he/they pronouns please ~ i get anxiety when starting conversations. i dont dislike you, i just dislike messing up my words im rook. the name has meaning. if you want to know then just ask. ive been digging drawing recently feel free to talk to me if you need it im here for you guys. :p
Devyn devyndreamer632
Hello there, My name is Devyn A few games I like include: .Splatoon .Mario Kart .Yoshis, Wooly World .Super Smash Bros Wii Facts include: .I love watching Youtube ! .I love music and playing instruments .I also love to watch anime .One last thing about me is that I usually start to watch and love stuff that is not that popular or is weird . And I guess that's all you need to know .
Stefano★YT Heroe2016
¡¡Hola miiverse!! ▼¸▼ Mi nombre es Stefano Celis Si te gusta lo que publico sigueme plz ¡¡¡GRACIAS POR MIS 3000 SEGUIDORES Juegos :Minecraft smash mk8 Me encanta sonic ■■■y pokemon ★★★ Tengo todos los juegos de pokemon ah y tambien mario ★Adoro Splatoon★ Tengo novia hablo Inglés y tengo 45 amiibos Best Friends: marchico NickFury andygamer y kikex Tengo la nintendo swicht y la 3ds BYE
Wii U News FoIkloner
[Status] Active. Thanks for your messages of support.
マコリカ morimaki
マコリカです モンハンクロスはじめました スプラトゥーン他は休止中^q^ MH4G 女性ハンターのセルファで4から引き継ぎプレイ フレンドに寄s… 手伝って貰って特別許可証ゲト DQX ソアラ(エルフ♂):武 セルファ(オーガ♀):戦 グンバル(ドワーフ♂):僧 をメイン職業に育成…半年以上放置状態 MH3G 男性ハンター: 排骨麺(パイコーメン) 女性ハンター: セルファ どちらのHRも300台ですが腕前はorz Zombi U WiiUの発売日に同時購入したものの約一ヶ月後の2013/1/3に初プレイ。 一人目がなすすべもなく瞬殺され、二人目がバッグを回収したところで初日は終了。 以後、現在にいたる… フレンドリクエストはメッセージを添えていないものはお断りさせて頂きます。 ゲームやMiiverse方にはこちらからリクエストさせて頂くこともありますのでその時はよしなに
Hi! I'm a Nintendochild since +25 years.♥ Through Mario Maker I came first time to Miiverse. :) You will see also some of my drawings which I have made with Art Academy. I have blocked the friend request function! I use the friendlist only for people I personally know. Feel free to comment on my posts or to follow me! :) ★Treat anyone the way you would like to be treated!★
kayleeboo kayleeboo12
hi kayleeboo12 here welcome to my page i 12 my brithday 2 . 1 . 4 i like pink bedmister down secondly school wiiu chart allowed no friends result pls comment on my pictures games i can play with you my friends for school is megan and brandon if you say boyfriend i don't have one brandon my friend thank-you everyone have fun on miiverse don't worry lets me know any questions comment bye-bye.
Maurii Lackii
POWER ON, Mii! I'm an old school gamer from the 1970's whose been fortunate enough to own 1-2 home consoles since PONG. I now game soley on the Nintendo Wii U. Playing: Mega Man 9,Super Smash, Splatoon. Missing on VC: Kung Fu, Baseball Stars, Pro Wrestling. Other: Urban Hikes, Classic/Alt. Rock, Cooking, excessive contemplating. I GOT NEXT!
Siddiata Diana61
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean i'll miss you untill we meet again.
nikita gazwill93
This user's profile comment is private.
◆Sam◆™ Mastermind6404
I'm irrelevant. See ya if anyone ends up seeing this...probably not. I play station MrOreo133
addsy0 addsy017
addsy0 grcade
FinishLast CitizenDJ
$.mugga__ 997064
This user's profile comment is private.
номеsтūск☆ EbzKel
•˛•°☆Hey there munchkins~ ☆°•˛• ˛.•☆–I'm Seren–☆•.˛ •˛•°I'm 19 years old, and I'm pretty eccentric, but don't be afraid to say ħį~ •˛•°As of 1st January 2017 I will be posting weekly (If Miiverse is still a thing!) •˛•°I love drawing and writing, but also love tips so please help me ^u^ •˛•°☆ Bai now~ ☆°•˛• [Insert drawing request here]
Hyperion Hyperion123
Sup? Love Zelda, currently playing through Tri-Force Heroes. Love Metroid although haven't really played the Primes. Have a lot to catch up on! Giving Earthbound a go.
Iceman92 Iceman92
Incase I run out of comments, just know that you all are Miiverse, the very spirit of this place. I hope to see you all again. With the end in sight, thank you all for the support you've given me, you're all awesome. ;) See you all again someday soon. :) One last time, Goodnight Miiverse.
★2Kƒίşşίη★ Bill1237
Yo! Its fissin. My name is Ahmed I'm 15 I'm a mario and sonic fan. Bye. Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye... :-P Birthday 20 march
Bug~A~Boo Bug-A-Boo-111
(э˙˘˙)э—☆·.·. Visit мγ ACNL toωn 'Willoω' »—Drεαм—> 4F00-0024-2AFB Evεrγ мoмεnt ωε spεnd ωorrγing αboυt toмorroω is α мoмεnt ωε losε froм εnjoγing todαγ! •Friεnds• Thαnk γoυ so vεrγ мυch for αll of γoυr 'γεαhs', coммεnts, drαωings, kindnεss & sυρρort. It мεαns мorε thαn γoυ knoω! :) .·•☆Eмbгαcε γoυг bεαutifυl flαωs. Pεαсε of Mind♪ –Thε Jεzαbεls
Bill JBWalton03
Manchild, Gamer, Grump, Gangsta. Nintendo make me smile and scream in equal measure.
Aymen Aymen29
Hello everyone! The name is Aymen, welcome to my profile. I like playing video games and I hope you do too! I publish amazing Mario Maker levels you guys will love and I play online in Splatoon and Smash Bros Wii U and yeah! Reddit: OnTheSlope03
Jazzem Jazzem
24 year old lifelong Nintendo fanatic! Favourite games: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Super Mario Galaxy The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Street Fighter 2-4 Super Metroid Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney The World Ends With You Streets of Rage 2 Pokémon Blue Mystical Ninja Rhythm Tengoku Dynamite Headdy Batman: Arkham Asylum Super Smash Bros 1-4 Danganronpa And many, many more!
Dj-Pickle Dj-Pickle
Starting 8 November it's the big Giveaway... sign up for all manner of crazy shenanigans... Oh no that's right, Nintendo are pulling the plug...
ώヨゥーユώ mayuma88
こんにちわんこ~♪ いっぱいからもー♪ 知念くん大好き[・ώ・] 大切な人おる!手出さんといてなー 同盟組んでる子いじめたらあかんで。 嫌いな子は嫌い。好きな子は好き。 ま。いつも笑顔で生きていきたい。 んじゃーおわる~^^ バイバイキーン
Dan TragicDan
Just got my Wii U!
Macklin Macklin
Hello there! Welcome to my profile! Here's some stuff you should know about me. I like Video Games. And I'm a boy. Not a girl! That's all you need to know for now so thanks for reading this. Bye!
fυгу AmelieLoup
▼ • нεγ ... моί c'εςт ƒυяγ • ▼ • ιтαιία • • тαттοο • • l9'ς • • ƒαя cяγ - αςςαςςιи'ς cяεεδ - тнε ενiι wiтнiи • • χßοχ збо #gαмiиg • • иогмαи - o3.1o.15 • vαl ‹3 ● εи vяαι j'αι ρας δε ιυиεттες ● • СΛLIFØЯΝΙΛ • • мαятίи ιυтнεя кίиg.jя • † гίρ οιδ мίίνεяςε † ▲ • ƒυяγ εтαιт ιε иом δ'υи тαик δε guεяяε αмεяιcαιи • ▲
Alix Pilou44
/!\ This is my Wii U account /!\ My 3ds account:Pilou3ds Bienvenue sur mon profil! ♥→Nintendo (Mario, Kirby, Rhythm heaven), Osu!, Kpop music, watching animes. ~Inactif~ ^-^
miisfit miisfit
I am the monkey on your back and we're going for a ride...
Giuseppe thejobloshow
Hello! I kinda like playing games and drawing.