jawatwo's Friends
Reedy Reedy81
addsy0 addsy017
addsy0 grcade
LewisD L3wisDoc
Dave SugarDave
G buffaloman01
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PPM PaperMacheMario
Mocky Mockmaster
Denny MKDenster
degoose mdegrussa
Floex FloexUK
errkal errkal
Hyperion Hyperion123
Sup? Love Zelda, currently playing through Tri-Force Heroes. Love Metroid although haven't really played the Primes. Have a lot to catch up on! Giving Earthbound a go.
Grin GrinWithoutaKat
Monkeylime Monkeylime
Soiks PsychicSykes
Rob SpindashMCFC
Pattybean Pattybean
Gamer, sci-fi enthusiast and dad. Life long Niintendo fan since the NES. Also play 360 and PS3. Love adventure games and RPGs.
Dragon SDragon64
JohnBoy SuperGario
Ben hammsandwich
Seven SevenFisher
Deaf Gamer from SCO. Love games <3 I also play on 360/Xbone, PS4/PS3/PSVita as well 3DS/PC/retro games.
Mafro Mafroafro
Eric Photozhao
I'm Chinese,live in Beijing.I love painting. I love Nintendo as well,both Systems and Games. Welcome to my Black&White world!Maybe...add Gray.
MATT MattKing85
Grum LegendaryGrum
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Vix Chan Vix_Chan
Hi Everyone, and welcome to my profile. All Yeahs and Comments are greatly apreceated and I always try my best to reply to everyones comments. Sorry that I can't add everyone as friends, but there is simply not enough room on my rooster for all you great guys and gals... ♥3DS ♥Wii U ♥Animè ♥Drawing ♥Pikmin 3 ♥Splatoon ♥Pokémon ♥Animal Crossing Thanks for coming! (^ω^) Happy Gaming Vix
Lazy Fair Richy-San
Praise the sun! Lazy Fair from GRcade.
FinishLast CitizenDJ
Jazzem Jazzem
24 year old lifelong Nintendo fanatic! Favourite games: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Super Mario Galaxy The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Street Fighter 2-4 Super Metroid Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney The World Ends With You Streets of Rage 2 Pokémon Blue Mystical Ninja Rhythm Tengoku Dynamite Headdy Batman: Arkham Asylum Super Smash Bros 1-4 Danganronpa And many, many more!
Dinoric Dinoric
Sandra Wai-San
Hi everybody <(^.^)^ ♪♡ I love playing games. I'm also a big Miku-Hatsune fan♪ and i ♥ tsum tsum ^_^ If you want to visit my awesome Animal Crossing Welcome Amiibo town the dream address is 7D00-000F-5A02 Bugtown.
Pedz Pedz84
Colgo13 Colgo13
Mario Kart 8 Eat Your Deluxe Greens: 5359-5217-0539 Hoping for rare drops in MH4U... Skidding on peels in Mario Kart 8... Defending my Splat Zone... Check out my brother's profile - NNID: Rikmeister []xxx[]-o-o-o-o-[]xxx[]
jiggles jiggles
World's biggest WipEout fan.
Si Sygnar
Long time fan of Nintendo, from the NES to the Wii U. Currently playing: Call of Duty: Black Ops II New Super Mario Bros. U Nintendoland MH3U NFSMWU Runner 2 Lego City Undercover
Chrıs Trickery
Steve gunstar22
Gamer for around 25 years. Long time follower of former teletext/digitiser and now GameCentral via metro website. Edit: [ Digi is BACK people!! Check out digitiser2000 dot com ] Current consoles owned... Nintendo Switch, PS4 Pro, Xbox One S, WiiU. Retro consoles... dreamcast, Gamecube, Snes, neo geo portable. Game on fellow GC'ers.
Puppet PuppetBoy
Jamie PatSharpsMullet
Jon starquake
Supachipz Supachipz
Neil B, UK harrogatewario
I really enjoyed WiiU and in particular Miiverse. Going to miss it here! A Nintendo lad since my parents bought me a NES when I was 8, but my first gaming was on our Toshiba MSX - Polar Star what a game! Currently playing: Wii U - Devil's Third. 3DS - Zelda 3D Picross Switch - Zelda BOTW PS4 - Mad Max & Battlefield 1
Rik Rikmeister
Rik, 30 ~Fave games: Ocarina of Time, MK8, Super Mario World, Super Castlevania ~Fave bands: Faith No More, Tomahawk, Mr Bungle, QOTSA ~Cool dudes: Colgo13, Tohma02
Hello! I kinda like playing games and drawing.