Ive officially forgotton my home(France)...ive been in america too long..:(

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Try to read this...comment↓if u think u know what it says... "Bkebtskall mkeas me cginre....if u cnat raed tihs← OH MY GNOODESS...taht was a acicnedt...Dnot cpoy taht dwon...bye...:( *jsut the fris...

Sometimes...i like to go out to my grandmothers house and bury myself in her garden..then act like im a potato..:)

Mom: We're going to the store today.. Me: Uhhh. Mom: Will u tell me what we need so that i can make a list..please? Me: *walks to fridge* We need, Beans,Greens,Tomatos,Potatos, Ham,and Lucky Charm...

Im starting to wonder.. "why am i alive"...everything i do seems to be wrong or not good enough for people..i don't get it. Sometimes i wonder what the world would be like without me? *sigh* ill ne...

Brother: (walks into room) heyo meyo! Me: Get out. Brother: Why...i love u soo much Me: Well i dont..now get out. Brother:♪why u gotta be so rude,dont u know im a human to♪ Me: Really? Get out..ur ...
Heyo..my name is Jai im 15..and im just another wannabe artist and loner at life.:(
βυτ ΐ ďσ нäν...
Heyo..my name is Jai im 15..and im just another wannabe artist and loner at life.:(
βυτ ΐ ďσ нäνξ şőмё тħīňģş ťħăť мâķę мё ħăρργ:
1.My best friend..:)
3.Spongebob..(dont judge)
4.My brother..(sometimes)
ťħīņğş i ħāťě:
1.Judgy people
2.My life
3.Doge (that terrifying meme)
5.My depression/anxiety
6.High School..and all the
creepy people in it.. ¬_¬
âù řęνίόг