Jai's Followers
Gizmo DEP205
im 8 right now i love the wii u and ps4 and xbox 1 s and ps3
louis mikadochou
emilio emiliogabyalex
Harley Q Nathou66
salut j'adore joué à splatoon alors venez tous me rejoindre et venez nombreux soyons amies + on est fou + on rient
♪Panda.P♪ Lilely0306
→BFFS:TC☆Robyn Skeersick Savage•ω• inK√Skrrrt nûke jorge GS~v~Böt [KC] mario← →♪panda.T♪♪panda.W♪●panda.B●brandon senya← ουсh dοηț hίț мγ ƒαсе ιίкε thαț! welp bye bye! dont worry your still my ƒгiεηd! →αηd ρεαсε γα снιbι ρεερς← ♥Skeersick~♥ »-♡-› plz follow me! right here for free! ♡•♡ i will always remember Panda.T
∞←Vane→∞ Vanne_22
††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† Ηι ίм Мr. WANKY αηď Ι Łΐķε το dгаω тнîηģς…Ĺϊķę ƒůηηγ τнιηğς…ďøп'т ģετ ςçαгεď, įм å ğřëäť łâżγ ΒΌΫ Łαηğυαģες: Ęņģľišħ ★★★☆☆ Ďütçh ★★★★★ ƒřεηсн ★☆☆☆☆ ƒανουïтё şοηğ: Sevn Alias - 96 bars Ťħįś ωας му îñƒő αβουτ ме! βγε-βγε! ††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††† βγε! XD
Sem MichelK33
Hi Welcome on my profile, SOMETIMES WII U CHAT English: ★★★☆☆ Dutch: ★★★★★ Take a look at my posts and have a nice day! Bye! Do you have see my info?! Why do you scroll down? Hello? can i get a answer? Can you see it go back! check my posts. wait it's special... Your trolled XP Bye-bye!!!
Elmo Its-ya-boy-Elmo
☆★☆★☆★☆Hey people!!!,☆★☆★☆★☆ Welcome on Elmo's Profile!!! =) My hobbys are: singing 123 and abc and more songs, dancing, drawing and gaming! My favourite song: Bonus Ducks If you like it, be my special friend !! I hope you enjoy my profile! And don't forget: Always be happy like me!! :D Have a nice day! Bye-bye!! #MakeAPostForElmo ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
♪★Ůηκиοω★♪ Orange-Beatboxer
Ηι Ιм γøυг QUIZzzz мαςτęř I♥ βεατβοχ I♥ τнε ωοгιď I♥ мγςзιƒ #Orange-Beatboxer #MiiverseWithBeatboxers #ImAQuizMaster ģοοďβγε мίϊνέřςέ΅
kaylea kaylea76
Mike SuperWildYoshi
»Chance»↑ 05Chance
(U can join if u ask & add an ↑ 2 ur name.) Members: Chance↑[Leader] ↑Kris↑[Vice-president] Isai ↑ Thom↑ †Mena†↑ £Drago↑ Jonathan↑ м¢ƒ•ςрмL•↑ Owen enrique↑ Devon ↑ Mason↑ Wd.gaster↑ Kenshi↑∞ τεαcυρρυ★↑ Liam↑ ςλvλgε↑ «Zero»™ ↑ Konyan'w'↑ ↑«матίa»↑ ↓Aziid↑ ↑ Glade ↑ Mason ↑ ↑Miku↓ trent↑ ↑→Gяаρэ←↑ sulaiman↑ ♪★one eye↑ Austin↑ bendy ↑ Koala↑Bear »Cupcake»↓ ApolloRJR↑ Machai↑ ↑Pancake↓ ↑☆Pichu★↑ ect…
SG◆Josh cheesy4959
Whats Going On Guys? I'm Josh. You Can Expect Reviews, Tournaments And General Stuff From Me! I Love Series Like Super Mario Bros, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Bandicoot And Mario Kart. My Favourite Game Of Time Is Crash Bandicoot XS, #GBA! Anyways, Have A Good Day! ( Shoutout To @HL▲Rosie! )
◆Guthrie DABEASTX13
Pinkie 2BPencil91
Hi,Im blueBoy age~ adult, also a big kid by heart :) color~green,purple,blue food~ spaghetti,rice ,chicken system~ wiiu xbone pc,soon switch,3ds that is all here is your cookie i know i cant draw o.o ok bye now :)
liam nbo liamisthebest215
Hello Welcome To My Profile Page ile Tell A Little Bit About Me! I Was Born In Some Were In April Girlfriends:None D: Still Looking For A Girl That Truly Loves Me! Im Kind, Really Respectfull Im Mostly Online 100follows★ 200follows★ 300follows★ 400follows★ 500follows★ 600follows★ 700follows★ 800follows☆ 900follows☆ 1000follows☆
Savagegirl Nevaehsabetta
hi this is my 4th ACOUNTE please friend me if u follow me ill follow u back get suspended alot love to talk fav song desaparecido( SLOWLY ) im a big deal im a christen no wiiu chat should i change my name on Miiverse √ off miiverse YEABOMER Srry
Shadow mudkipshiny
Hello there :) miiverse is coming to an end soon bye everyone :')
p3Te Hardcoreluigifan
What is up my dudes, Peter here! And yeah welcome to my profile, i like gaming, I'll probably be doing life stories and TotW posts and all that good stuff! and anyways PEACE and try not to get banned!
Super Pi92 pietrob06
Salve a tutti amici di miiverse io sono un professionista in questo portale e un appassionato di giochi per Nintendo 3dsXL. I miei gruppi preferiti sono: fai il tifo per sonic the hegdeogh tomodachi life lego star wars il risveglio della forza gruppo you tube mario sport super star nintendo badge arcade gruppo longue miitopia. SEGUITE I MIEI MIGLIORI AMICI CHE SONO @matDRUMMER e @Ğιαcσ06-4.
Gav GavinTiger05
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sans. Tobeyxd112
HOI!! IM TEMMIE!! (i wished...) My name is Tobey and im a 12 year old Gamer... :( i love video games and art but also love Anime! My favourite shows are Tokyo Ghoul and Steven Universe! BAIII! UMMM... i said bye(clod Ummm plz leave... Isaid leave..... Go away..... LEAVE MEH ALONE!!!! Don't forget to follow me♪
Sad Flash Sup3rflash116
Hello There Im Nice But Im Also Sad. Plz Dont Wii U Chat ME. I Have An Obsession With Anime And I Cant Stop Watching It. Thats All Bye!!
matmax 33 tysma33
Bonjour je m'appelle Matys j'ai 10 ans et j'adort avoir des amis et j'adort ma wiiu mon jeux préféré et splatoon et enfaite ma date d'anniverser est fausse je suis née le 11/07/2006
chanell <3 chanellikursin
my name is chanell♥ and im so sad about miiverse closing plus my fish died :(
coryxishin 9TailedWolf07
Wo tsS po pI nG jiM bo
~aya~ imohim
♥нαι! thx my beloved friends+followers for helping meh!:3 things bout meh: HUGE believer in god, i dance /gymnastics, i draw, i dont wiiuchat :<, etc. dislikes: jealous ppl, annoying ppl, AND JUSTIN BEIBER XD he da worst nu offense LOLZ btw i follow 4 follow. wanna cookie i dont HAVE→● *dabs* peace!
Aoife Aoife111
Hi! I am 12! I'm a nice,kind,caring and a competitive person. I love all my games!I have a 2DS! I like My Little Pony! I selftought myself to play a game without looking at the instructions and improve my drawings! My other account is 2DSAoife
Tomas Tomas3DS
Profile comment hidden by cookies. LOL! My name is Tomas! I'm 11 years old. I'M AWESOME! Drawing is my passion. I mostly post drawings... I do drawing requests! I am an ULTIMATE GAMER! Thanks for 500 followers. I'm usually on Miiverse. I'm not from Anguilla! I'm actually from the United States. I play Kirby,Tomodachi Life, and Mario. I love Tacos! Follow Caramel (lynx1020)
******** Ahmad_of_Dark
some friends i'll miss Saki Bacon c: Speed c: Orange c: Mike Sora Ed Thunder Amon JR lily Danny Beth Pichu :'c
Hello my real name is Erick I'm have 14 years old,send me friend requests in this account,I will talk about youtube for the color of my shirt (red references youtube),my second account is SharGirlBy,in this account I will play videogames of favorites communites if you want to see it,see my first following or friends(#7) is my second account ok search it ok bye guys `=í
kaotic☆man zenopidia
WARNING! THE FOLLOWING POST ARE AWSOME DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ARE THE FOLLOWING: hardcore gamer, a nerd or a CAT also i'm trying to reach 50 followers it would really help me and my playthroughs, i'll upadate every time the follower goal is reached. ▲ ▲ BYE-BYE ( ° ▲ ° )
Sebby trylk255
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flazer1907 z0m3la
i love kirby and family and i am a tomboy
Lulumichen Lulumichen
Hey guys and girls!
♪Opal♪ GatorCrash
W O A H Welcome to my camp! It's cozier on the inside :) I get in discussions, bake noice memes, and post my doodles here. I'm a member of the Warriors fanclub! ♥ ~ Playing golf and putt putt, my flowers, chess, reading, and art. Characters I have~ • Peahead the Cat •Runner the Dog • Opal The Bunny • Fabbot • Horace Leafington Thanks for visiting, have a lovely day!
οβ アルタイル otoki1404
顔面殴ってくれてありがとう チームοβ本部でござる。もっとチーム大きくしたいoβに入りたかったらコメントしてねー ウデマエS' ------------------------------------ Playゲーム スプラトゥーン/マインクラフト -------------------------------------------- ---oβチームメンバー--- ノラトラ ノラネコ ノライヌ コケスケ マロン ゆず ゆうせい るりぽん テッペイ まゆ AKARI とんぬら 少ない(´・з・;`) 最後は、みんなで、約束の、あれやるよー。 せーのでいくよ。 せーの、アデュー
mich sky7571
What is your favourite nintendo game? and what is your favourite character? Nintendo=life:)
max max.frcom
wsh ces max je suis tres actifs et je rp tt le temp abonnez vous et suivez moi svp abonnez vous a moi et je m'abonne a vous mrc aux 54 abonnes vs etes les meilleur je vs adore
CraZArtist Alphawolfgirl00
My Close Friends: ★Kiki (Kitsukii) ★Hally(BubbleIzBack) ★Julie(JulieKortz) ★Marisean(Mangosweets) i'm a self taught artist & i've played guitar fo 6 years. ćλβ мемвег i love roleplaying. Christian † for like 10 years gah! i feel old! I'm still me don't fret i'm still the CraZArtist y'all know & love (hopefully) I'm straight but it doesn't matter cause i don't date on here also i'm a ♀
Jack★☆★ 77Jesus
»Miiverse is gonna end Today/Midnight...« Hi Im Jake (Jesus) And Welcome To my Room! -I Love Animes and Nekos!~ -Im 16 -I have a Youtube Channel! -And making new friends! :3 {\___/} ( • - •) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ★★Stay Calm N Help Miiverse!★★
Isabelle BellaStar16
Follow me on either of these places if u wanna stay in touch when Miiverse ends! YouTube: That_Wired_Potato WattPad: BellaSongTale I will miss yall
Heyo..my name is Jai im 15..and im just another wannabe artist and loner at life.:(
βυτ ΐ ďσ нäν...
Heyo..my name is Jai im 15..and im just another wannabe artist and loner at life.:(
βυτ ΐ ďσ нäνξ şőмё тħīňģş ťħăť мâķę мё ħăρργ:
1.My best friend..:)
3.Spongebob..(dont judge)
4.My brother..(sometimes)
ťħīņğş i ħāťě:
1.Judgy people
2.My life
3.Doge (that terrifying meme)
5.My depression/anxiety
6.High School..and all the
creepy people in it.. ¬_¬
âù řęνίόг