Users Jai Is Following
†меме▲ςεη† Eva_Reyes
ωαddυр! *^* ί'м мεмε, γо пеω нοмίε! >^< ί ιiке аιι ġамеς.. X) I WANT TO BE CANADIAN!! ÒωÓ †▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼† ~º*ηιġнтсоге ƒгеак*º~ ×–ςкатевогďεг–× ¤+¦βιυε is ma сσισг¦+¤ iм еагтнlıиģ рагт шоιƒ & рагт νамр <(Λ,_,Λ)> Jordan is m'handsome no one dare steal him from me.. ÒзÓ *Gives you a cookie* саггу оп... ßγε ηοω -ω-
flazer1907 z0m3la
i love kirby and family and i am a tomboy
Sebby trylk255
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Boo Technosauros16
hi im daisy i like art anime youtube pugs sushi manga skateboards technology and friends! i am totally a gamer! play all sorts of games like; batman arkham asylum, batman arkham city, batman arkham knight, batman arkham origins, lego batman, lego batman two, lego batman three, star wars battlefront, lego marvel and lego avengers. my fave game ever is overwatch and my fave character is tracer! bye
♪Opal♪ GatorCrash
W O A H Welcome to my camp! It's cozier on the inside :) I get in discussions, bake noice memes, and post my doodles here. I'm a member of the Warriors fanclub! ♥ ~ Playing golf and putt putt, my flowers, chess, reading, and art. Characters I have~ • Peahead the Cat •Runner the Dog • Opal The Bunny • Fabbot • Horace Leafington Thanks for visiting, have a lovely day!
οβ アルタイル otoki1404
顔面殴ってくれてありがとう チームοβ本部でござる。もっとチーム大きくしたいoβに入りたかったらコメントしてねー ウデマエS' ------------------------------------ Playゲーム スプラトゥーン/マインクラフト -------------------------------------------- ---oβチームメンバー--- ノラトラ ノラネコ ノライヌ コケスケ マロン ゆず ゆうせい るりぽん テッペイ まゆ AKARI とんぬら 少ない(´・з・;`) 最後は、みんなで、約束の、あれやるよー。 せーのでいくよ。 せーの、アデュー
Sanctus Pk darkknight937
Miiverse closing in November? Lets try to make the most out of it. I'm just someone who likes to draw stuff from time to time Please note: Friend requests are closed, enough said I don't RP Comment spam and scribbles will be deleted No art request but maybe for friends...maybe So, sorry about that And with that, I hope you have a good day (or,night...whichever) Debuted:1/3/2016
Tomas Tomas3DS
Profile comment hidden by cookies. LOL! My name is Tomas! I'm 11 years old. I'M AWESOME! Drawing is my passion. I mostly post drawings... I do drawing requests! I am an ULTIMATE GAMER! Thanks for 500 followers. I'm usually on Miiverse. I'm not from Anguilla! I'm actually from the United States. I play Kirby,Tomodachi Life, and Mario. I love Tacos! Follow Caramel (lynx1020)
kyky pookagurl
Hi everyone!I'm kyky!I love RPG games,youtube,anime,and music!I wish someone could be my sister!hopefully we can become friends!see ya in the comments!
Isabelle BellaStar16
Follow me on either of these places if u wanna stay in touch when Miiverse ends! YouTube: That_Wired_Potato WattPad: BellaSongTale I will miss yall
Jack★☆★ 77Jesus
»Miiverse is gonna end Today/Midnight...« Hi Im Jake (Jesus) And Welcome To my Room! -I Love Animes and Nekos!~ -Im 16 -I have a Youtube Channel! -And making new friends! :3 {\___/} ( • - •) ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ★★Stay Calm N Help Miiverse!★★
CraZArtist Alphawolfgirl00
My Close Friends: ★Kiki (Kitsukii) ★Hally(BubbleIzBack) ★Julie(JulieKortz) ★Marisean(Mangosweets) i'm a self taught artist & i've played guitar fo 6 years. ćλβ мемвег i love roleplaying. Christian † for like 10 years gah! i feel old! I'm still me don't fret i'm still the CraZArtist y'all know & love (hopefully) I'm straight but it doesn't matter cause i don't date on here also i'm a ♀
Juila☆★☆ cuites200
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Theryn Suytterh
Hello there! some facts about me: ☆ I'm 11 ☆ I'm in 6th grade ☆ I live in canada ☆ I play : lego , zelda , mario , and pokémon ☆ Favourite holiday: CHRISTMAS! ☆ I LOVE cat's / kitten's! ☆My real name is Theryn Follow These peeps!: cherry , doctor mario , meme wizardand L.K.S.I II ▲▼ means Im out of posts ;-; means sad •⇔•means I have HOMEWORK AND HAVE A GOOD DAY :D I can has cheeseburger?
WhatsUrFC? yatesbra002
James Echos123
I'm James and that's all there is to say about me. I only post art on here so don't expect much else from me Started: 12-25-14
JOSE G. jose3gui
hola mi nombre es Jose Guillermo Perez Rodríguez soy un chico muy alegren 5 cosas sobre mi 1:soy muy fan de pokemon @ mu3rt3 2: cumplo es 14 de Enero 3: soy de Venezuela 4: me gusta mucho el rap 5: soy muy ambicioso meta 150 sub ayudame a formar una gran comunidad para ayudar dale al boton de segur BF: Yoshi 16, Gabi-chan y adri ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑ sigales #SMV
Mario reddragon546
Original mario is here , legendary hero , I love making friend and care about everyone and I love to play games and sports and I help everyone , I'm careing and loveable and have a sense of justice, artist
ZG♪Nathan N.4632
*Name: Nathan *Favorite game: smash bros *Favorite youtuber: gmm/the game theorists/Peanut Butter Gamer *Love pokemon *Favorite pokemon: Jolteon (i nickname mine sparkz) *I would like100 followers( i will follow you if you follow me!) * I HAVE THE SWITCH by the way i am Nathan:) dont get confused
†ゆうは† 2016-Yuha
*~『ミバの皆さんへ』~* 今まで、コメントや共感、フォローしてくださった皆さん、本当にありがとうございました! お陰さまで、ミバが終了する前にフォロワー様が3110人突破しました♪初期化前のと合計すると、約11000以上ですw初期化しなきゃ良かったと思いましたが、このアカウントにしてから共感やコメントが凄く増えましたw共感が普通に100とかいってたのでビックリ!とっても嬉しかったです(^^) でも、ミバが終了するときいて凄くショックを受けました…。バは、私の楽しみのーつでしたから…♪ あと、マルトゥバの村日記を最後まで見てくださった方ありがとうございました!実は、皆さんに楽しく読んでほしいと思って結構投稿の内容とか考えてましたwミバが終わっても今まで出会った皆さんの事は忘れません! 来年からスプラ2やるのでもし会ったら宜しくお願いします♪†ゆうは†です 11/7いつかまた…♡END
awesomeman awsomeman04
Hello everyone you managed to stumble to my main profile. I like .Video Games .Roleplaying .Movies .Nintendo and PC .Miiverse See you on the flipside.
X¬XGerardo pikmin_pro98
R.i.p this place thank you for the memorises :[ :[ :[ WHY YOU DO THIS NINTENDO *sigh*
Zoe zoedog899
hi im Zoe im 16. im Bi my best friend Fang. AKA Dreyden. :) my favorite tv shows are pretty little liars and the fosters. my favorite singer is demi lovato. i like to go to school i don't have many friends. :'( but im hoping to get some on here taken by emopandavill shes the best shes the love of my life i love her
cat pooke pookiemonsta15
mow mow mow mow mow naow get a life good day .....................? ok you can stop NAOW!!!!!! brovo you did it sssssssssiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkeeeeeee nehehehehe naheheh
welcome to my profile imEггогКгίς -------------------------- i like games like ƒηaƒ pokemon and a super mario super smash bros and the Γegeηd of zelda mario kart --------------------------- See you later k!
Ashley Pokegirl2377
Hi,I'm Ashley! I love anime (espically Attack on Titan and Tokyo Ghoul), Art, eddsworld,pokemon, the legand of Zelda, mario,youtube, Music: Twenty one pilots, BVB, My chemical romance, Green day, gorillaz, Ed sherean, and Lukas Graham I also love theater! Self taught. Youtubers: Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Domics 13 year old artist I will follow back if you follow me! ★Have a great day!★
Frisk YoshiGamer57
cuidado con el hombre que habla con manos... ¡¡¡DETERMINACION!!!... aqui abajo se comparte AMOR coje todas estas "bolitas de amistad" I.I.T.!!!! en este mundo es matar o MORIR -flowey y gaster
Western Gianna0907
Huh... seems u want to know a little bit about me.... i play undertale,splattoon and other games..... im female... i dont draw that good.. im single...... Rlly still here?!?!.... Ugh... fine some more information about me.. crush:nootnoo-NOTHING i dont have much friends... im lonely... im nervous, blushing and bored.. u know what?... BYE!!...
Bethany J★ bethhere
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←↑Vinniε↑→ o0Vincent0o
Closedverse Is A Thing. Spread The Word. FOLLOW: o0jessica0o RebbyJR D/A: #RebbyJR I'm Old.
zinedine lucrue
Je joue sur pokémon lune et celui ou celle qui me donne un celebi shyni moi je lui donnerai un marshadow et comme objet il aura une orbe vie alors celui ou celle qui a celebi shyni me le dit et dit oui ou non a cette proposition
ЯΔΙŠĪ Κ SmashyBrawler
I like anime, vines, netflix, youtube, food, and dubstep, I'm a FNAF fan,I have a PS3, Xbox one,Xbox 360, Wii, and Sega Genesis Aaaaaaaaand that's it! /")^~^("\
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
Bruce Nnooo_Bruce
Hi, I'm Bruce from Nnooo. We made the award-winning escapeVektor, Spirit Hunters Inc and Blast 'Em Bunnies for your Nintendo 3DS, as well as the myLifeCollected series of apps, including myNotebooks, myDiary and myPostcards. We also made Pop Plus Solo. Our first game for Nintendo platforms was Pop for the Wii and we also published Cubemen 2 on Wii U and The Legend of Kusakari on Nintendo 3DS.
Saúl :D kedina-lover
El otro día tuve una genial idea :> : Borr4r mi cuent4 .-. A)Dejar esta como provisional y crear otra 7u7 B)Irme de aquí tan rápido como he venido :/ (Pero por ahora me quedare con vosotros <3) Si quieres ser mi amig@ no dudes en Hablar conmigo :) Tranqui que no muerd0 :) Adiós mis amiguits mios :>
- name is Jai im 15..and im just another wannabe artist and loner at life.:(
βυτ ΐ ďσ нäν... name is Jai im 15..and im just another wannabe artist and loner at life.:(
βυτ ΐ ďσ нäνξ şőмё тħīňģş ťħăť мâķę мё ħăρργ:
1.My best friend..:)
3.Spongebob..(dont judge)
4.My brother..(sometimes)
ťħīņğş i ħāťě:
1.Judgy people
2.My life
3.Doge (that terrifying meme)
5.My depression/anxiety
6.High School..and all the
creepy people in it.. ¬_¬
âù řęνίόг