Users Cranky Is Following
201X Likeaboss41225
just got miiverse, and YAY, im already making friends... Did i make it weird? GOOD
I am LITTLE, and I'm 23. I am a skilled classic gamer, and a major Brony. I love games from Atari 2600-N64 era, MLP, cute things, and muscle cars. I love ALL Ponies, but stay away from my Fluttershy/Princess Cadence! I'm one of Equestria's rulers, and a Son Goku-like hero with inhuman skills. I'll miss you all. Thank you for your support. :'(
plutarco ZAZUETAMP
私はプルタルコスと呼ばれる Acepto solicitudes de amistad... Bienvenidos futuros seguidores y amigos :D Fav. game:The Legend Of Zelda Fav. animes: DBZ,Death Note,NARUTO,One piece,Yu-GI-OH !,Samurai x , y caballeros del zodiaco Fav. tv show's :Adventure Time Mi cumpleaños 30 de Mayo :D Tengo 15 años Mi color favorito es el Verde I speak english too, so, you can talk me in both...
arturoware ArturOWarE
Drawing funny faces on a 3DS for your viewing pleasure. Thanks for passing by :D
Lazerduke billyfox
zorro tristan_onoe
Sólo me dedico a dibujar por estos lados. No muy seguido pero trato de aportar con algo. Si ves que los comentarios están desactivados, es que estoy trabajando en algún cómic dentro de un post. Eso, amor y paz.
あるちゃん jinbei2411
はい、あるちゃんです。 投稿の共感・コメ、フォロー等ありがたい!!励まされる!! フレ申請はゲームでご一緒して気が合った方のみで~。 趣味はお絵描きなのでミーバースの投稿は手描き投稿がほとんどです。 投稿頻度低いし、あまり達者ではありませんが一所懸命描いております。 ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ ◆絵のリクエストは受けません◆ ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ ポケモンを愛してます。生まれ変わったらポケモンの世界に行くんじゃ! <現在のWiiUソフト> ・モンハン3G.HD ・ピクミン3 ・絵心教室(製品版) ・スマブラ ・スプラトゥーン ●お絵描きの調子が下がり気味! ●模写だと思われる絵にはあんまり[そうだね]押しません。。。 が、フォローしてる方の絵は見ておりますので。
Minx ThatSkaterChick
I love videogames in general but my favorite franchise is and always will be Legend of Zelda.I also like Smash,Skate 3,and Super Mario Maker.I'm into animes such as Naruto,Soul Eater,and Attack on Titan.As you can tell from my name, I love skateboarding, as well as Archery,any type of fighting(MMA Teakwondo Karate Judo Boxing)and gaming. Gender:Female Real Name:Kenna Ethnicity:Caucasian, Irish
Psyon Syanne
Hello. My name is Pyson and welcome to my profile. Nintendo has always been a huge part of my life. My favorite series is Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Super Smash Bros. I love drawing video game characters. apologies for my recent absences. School is back, so i'll be very busy. But i'll still be on ever so often. thank-you for understanding.
Rafigna Red-Leafar
Hi everybody!!! Rafigna here!!! I enjoy drawing all kind of things and trying different type of styles. I love playing Video Games, watching Anime and TV Series. Languages: Español, English, Français. …………………■…………… ■■■………■%■…■■■ ■■%■……■%‰■‰■■ …■%■■■■■■‰‰■… ……■%‰‰‰‰‰‰■…… ……■%■‰‰‰■‰■…… ……■%‰‰■‰‰‰■…… …■%♥‰■■■‰♥‰■… …■%‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰■… …■%‰■‰‰‰■‰‰■… …■%■■‰‰‰■■‰■… …■%‰‰‰‰‰‰‰‰■… ……■%‰■■■‰‰■…… ………■■………■■………
MacGyver MacGyver-1970
"Mac's Corner is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Do you have problems seeing all Mac's Corners? It works well on a 3DS, and you can also sign in to Miiverse using a computer. Then you can see them all! Thank you, Iwata-san, for all the great memories from yesteryear, today, and the future!
Pokeboy01 hokieonevt
Hello Miiverse! Here are some things about me. I have loved nintendo since I got my 3DS. I want there to be peace in the world. My favorite games are Minecraft ,Pokémon,and Mario Cart 8. Mostly i play Minecraft. I Also love to play online. Also I LOVE cats!!! ...and the Poke part of my name is pronounced like Pokémon not pokey like slow
★Erick★ AwesomeEriX
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ B ‹ › ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ A v [:::::::::::::::::::::::] GAME OVER Continue? >>Yes No ( •_•) ( •_•)›¬■-■ (¬■_■) Deal with It Stay Awesome★
Rukiafan Rukiafan7
Welcome to my profile! 私のプロフィールへようこそ! Fave Games MH4U Bravely Second Persona Q Pokemon AS MH3U Golden Sun/The Lost Age Xenoblade Chronicles/X Hyrule Warriors Conception II TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass, Wind Waker HD, Minish Cap, Oracle of Seasons, & Oracle of Ages Kingdom Hearts II.5: Remix Ni No Kuni Tears to Tiara II Xenogears Rogue Galaxy Persona 5 Tales of Graces F
Ίяίς ● ;3 Hermann1303
нειισυω!;3 ωίεßσ δяücκςт δυ αυƒ мείηεм кσрƒ?? Icн нείßε:Ίяίς ● ;3 Icн вίη:10 Jαняε αιτ. нίεя нαςт'η ●! εςςε ίη ςснηειι,вενσя εя ςснмίιιτzτ! ηα тσιι,jετzτ ίςт εя zεяςснмσιιτzεη jετzτ кαηη ίсн είηε ηευε ηευε рαскυηġ καυƒεη! ġεн ωεġ υηδ ιαςς ηεη ƒσιισωεя δα!;3 нίεя нαςт ησсн'η ●!;3
Aaron michealhallo
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Nick JanopNick
Greetings! My name is Nick. I'm a huge Nintendork, and love to play video games. My favorite game franchises are Super Mario, Donkey Kong, Kirby, and Punch-Out!!, Luigi is my favorite character in anything ever! Be sure to check out my Wii U account which I will be following. Have fun browsing my page! :] I don't post much so if you keep checking back daily you're gonna have a bad time.
Chervan SuperAbachiBro
Hi! I just wanted to say that I enjoy being on Miiverse! I like all things Nintendo, as well as others, such as Rayman! ^^ By the way, I've created a backup account under the name SuperAbachiBro2, so be sure to follow me on that in case.
Nugget AmazingBozini
Ow! Why'd you poke my face?! I'm Sam! Fire Emblem fan!. I play alot of games! Pokemon Sun 4 life!. Help me get rid of the Admins!! The Cake is a lie!
ƒ¢★Kαι monkeyDruffyFan
I'm Kαι MK7 competitive. vг : 7,7k Wuhu Mountain Loop : 1:14:931 (bad :v) WiiU nnid: Jay_Bowser :P
Zado Kingzoda39
Manny(SHM) ShinyHunterManny
I'm a 19 Year Old Nintendo Fan who loves to Shiny Hunt, and play Splatoon! 5 Favorite Nintendo Series: Mario, Pokémon, Earthbound (MOTHER), Animal Crossing, Splatoon, WarioWare, Rhythm Heaven. Hobbies: Drawing, Video Games, YT, Flipnotes Favorite Nintendo Character: Marie, Ludwig, Inkay, Goomy, Giratina, Larry, Ness
Dan supperNovaDraco
just before u go and see any thing click that follow button Hi super Nova Draco this is my small corner of miiveres i have become a pokemon master, an ultimate monster hunter beat the ender dragon and much more join me and my pet talking dragon Rex on our jorney to become game masters some facts age ypull never know favorite vedio game eveer majpras mask the rest you can find out bye
James Lavashark99
It's almost here. The end of an era. Couldn't leave without thanking my people for helping me become the person I am today. Thanks all for the memories. Sayonara.
Zach—————— noswalgamer
Hello this is my alt account. my main account is noswal1990
josiah prince429
i'm a fan of mario and sonic and i mostly play smash bros3DS and captain toad and splatoon i love dogs. I take all friend request if you follow me i will follow you back
i'm 40 my fav game series r zelda ninja gaiden double dragon mario mega man castlevania fav tv series highlander movies star wars i'm christian i believe honor is everything honor is love star fox is another fav series i love wiiu chat but u have to be 20 or older
“かみ”Ninja oobmds328146
R Rontrium
My Posts are only available in Japanese. The mistake in English is a promise. The mistake in Japanese ia aslo a promise. スプラトゥーン ついに購入いました ゼノブレイドクロスは全然進んでいませんが(汗 マリカやスマブラは完全に放置気味>< ※フレンド登録は、関わりのある人物を登録したいと思っています。
Im 26. Started playing Nintendo with the NES at the age of 5. Nintendo is where the heart is. Favorite Series or Games: Fire Emblem Final Fantasy Monster Hunter Zelda Xenoblade Chronicles Persona (2,3,4) Starfox Metroid Etrian Odyssey Bravely Default Mario Land/World Animal Crossing Splatoon Smash Bro's Mario Kart Tales Of Story Of Seasons Pokemon Luigis Mansion Phoenix Wright Telltale Games
Tyrell romy44
Artist, monster hunter, Nintendo enthusiast, and captain of the wonderous airship, the Araceli Xavia. Come join an epic adventure! Enjoying all the drawings everyone!
Li Kovacs LiKovacs
✦ I love Nintendo games and I love to draw, Miiverse is the perfect blend! My favorite video game series is the Legend of Zelda. ✦
Skye NintendoSkye
Hiya, I'm Skye from Nintendo. I'll be posting videos with Nintendo-related stuff in the YouTube Nintendo Channel sub community, so make sure you swing by ;)
Timmy phantomliger
I'm a 26 year old aspiring game designer. Always loved Nintendo. :-) I am now an official Wii U developer and working on a game for Wii U.
Keri~Anne mizzkj
hey im paris im a big fan of the legend of zelda and steven universe. im bi but i mostly like girls. send me a friend request if you want. i like to draw but im terrible at it lmao. so buh byyye
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright gol...
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright golden trifoce and white fluffy mittens..worn by iwata while announceing new things ,flying in mario3.. without any wings these are a few of my favorite things
epona colored ponies,and crisp apple streudles,ocarinas warp whistles and cool miiverse doodles
and when the dog bites when the bee stings........