Cranky's Friends
TurfMaster Bryce777777
*Look for Miiverse Haven before we get shut down alright? * Adult gamer who respects all videogames and their impact on our unique personal experiences * I own 18 different consoles and 10 different handhelds from throughout the generations * Completed every Zelda game 100% multiple times to the point where I have everything memorized * I'm a full-time Head Chef so I'm usually working or gaming.
Willie1978 Willie820
Finally made it to the Miiverse Hello its Willie820 Nice to meet y'all 1up. I'm a huge Nintendo Fan been 1 since the NES, which I still own as Well as SNES, N64,Gamecube, Wii and Wii U of course. Also game on 3DS too, just love Nintendo and gaming in general!!!
hi characters
Old School Gamer Dad here. If your too young to remember cords between your console and your controller, don't fret when I don't accept your friend request. I game primarily on Nintendo Systems because I recognize quality. But I do not limit myself to only Nintendo. If your looking to game online hit me up. 3ds Players as well. Hit me up through Wii U to exchange ehem ehem....
diddy kong muhamunchlax
Tim uuddlrlrbasstart
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
Kobe KobeGamer102
Hey Brahz!!! I am a HUGE Pokémon, Smash Bros, and DK fan. Other than Video Games, I like Youtube, Clarence, Miley Cyrus, & spicy food. Top 5 fav. SSB4 characters: 1. Mii (Miley Cyrus) 2. Fox 3. Mewtwo 4. Mr. Game & Watch 5. Pac-Man Fav. Number: 22 Fav. Color: Yellow Nickname: The Kobster cya l8rz!!
Kenneth KennethUSA
I'm Kenneth & i'm the Nintendo Wii U & New Nintendo 3DS fans. My favorite characters is Mario, Sonic, Wario, Yoshi, & Link. My favorite game on Wii U & N3DS is Mario, Sonic, Zelda, NES Series & Super Smash Bros Wii U & N3DS. My life is playing my Nintendo 3DS with DS & 3DS games. I love drawing things. I love Mario, Sonic & Cats plush. I love Cats, i love Japan & Anime too. I love Anime Neko Girl.
DR.1UP We-are-Creation
Nicole ZeldaMaster9000
Hey peoples of the miiverse. My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Some games I play are Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, SSB, Animal Crossing, Kirby, and Pikmin. Some stuff about me: I am 18 years old. I love God, dancing, video games, exercising, drawing, and sewing. I may post random drawings on random occasions. Shout out to PK Ben (supersonicboom92).
ベンーちゃん benstannard
it is on like donkey kong. My game collection is getting out of hand. I just bought a new 3DS. Need more time!
Fileepio™ masta-g-uk
Hi my name is Phil and i live in Nottingham, but am originally from Manchester UK. I am a very laid back and sociable kind of guy. I support Manchester City Fc, love playing games, and will definitely never grow up! ps, pass the sauce! :-) Friend me & follow & i'll share all my secrets, but please only friend me if you are going to be sociable! ← or u will be deleted!
link hero-of-time26
This is my profile! I am homeschooling (at home) I am a member of the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. I'm an ocarinist. I love Pokemon, Zelda, and Batman Arkham Games. My favorite game is Batman Arkham City Armored Edition. BECKY SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!
JayDubb JayDubb195
"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." Couldnt predict that those mere 7 words would chart a course over the next 26 years where I would eventually play & finish all 17 official Zelda titles except 2 (Oracle of Seasons/Ages). LoZ = greatest series in the history of gaming. Other HUGE favorites include: Metroid, Mario, Resident Evil, Mario Kart, & Smash Bros. May the (tri)force be with you.
cobaner456 yoshimum
This user's profile comment is private.
Dakota 992958
Listen, I know that some of us get bullied for all of this... but everyone is safe with me. Trust me I have been there... but once you get to Freshman people will finally except you for who you are. And the best part about it is that... most bullies will become your best friends. In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite, when all seems lost, look to the stars.....
justo Alpha_Male_3011
take what you want.....but ill handle the rupees i am a gaming legend the ultimate playrr you will not defeaat me.
BklynQueen BlessedBklynite
Extremely addicted to Splatoon right now!Friend me if u play so we can message each other and link up.Love Nintendo since the 80's.I will always be a Gamer for Life.I accept all friend requests and will follow you back.I give out lots of Yeahs,even though I don't get many, but I don't mind.Will one day attempt to draw on the Wii U.I am an Author,Small Business Owner, and Gamer!
Sakon SakonGV
Hola! He jugado a cientos de juegos y mis preferidos son: Xenoblade, Zelda, FireEmblem, MonsterHunter, Metroid, SSB, Mario, Star Fox, F-Zero. BIGFAN of NINTENDO! Most Wanted games of 2014-2015: 1. Xenoblade Chronicles X(Wii U). 2. Zelda U(Wii U) 3· Paper Mario5(Wii U) 4. StarFox(Wii U) 5· ??? "I'm not doing anything suspicious...really". Sakon, Zelda Majora's Mask
Jonathan 7JON1999
Ask before you call me on Wii U chat. I remove friends who haven't been online for a month. 3DS Account: 429JONATHAN I really love the Wii and Wii U systems, I feel like they're both very under appreciated consoles with lots of great games to play! Please leave a comment or a yeah on my post, feel free to take your shoes off, stay and chat a while. *Fiarko
Boko Boko84
Hello fellow gamers, I am a 31 year old lover of video games! My all time favorites for Nintendo are Earthbound and any Animal Crossing, Pikmin or Zelda title. I love meeting new people and chatting about all games and systems so add me if you like, I will be around a lot! Cheers!
Nintendork Bunny10X3
If you like Pokemon and makeup, check out my YouTube channel, BulbaBrandy. I add new videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'm going to start doing Lets Play videos as soon as possible. So, if you'd like to show your support, go subscribe to my channel and check out my videos. :)
Tendo Mii♂ jordanmiimaker90
I lov to Mario Party, play sports, and, kart race! I wish Waluigi was in MK7 though :{. And I wish to hav a game called Wario Bros. Wii U and 3DS. The game is about Waluigi and Wario be the heros and DK and is the villan again and we try to save Pauline or Mona... or maybe even both. also i dont do wii u chat my big bro answers it for me and will i go play with the dog, Named Cheches! XD
Kid Reggie jordanNGwiiu6000
Yo everyone i like to make miis and play mario bros./ Mii based games playing Wii U and 3DS with my friends. I wish i could draw like most people on Miivers.
Sean ProfessorOlimar
I am the FullmetalKing. Really into Fullmetal Alchemist, Buffy & Batman. Fav Superhero Pre New 52 Wally West. >I DON'T WII U CHAT< My favorite shows are. Fullmetal Alchemist & FMA: Brotherhood Buffy the Vampire Slayer & Angel Gravity Falls Young Justice Soul Eater Avatar The Last Airbender The Flash & Arrow &Dollhouse
Franco AndyGreen1971
I love Nintendo with a passion even though they are testing my loyalty right now. I am looking forward to them proving me wrong and making the wii u a massive success!
randy joseph86rdub
Brandon BrandonLink
I like boxing and zelda so yeah be my friend
Scurge Scurge42
Hello. this is my gaming account. i will occasionally be on Miiverse but only 4 making posts from games. R.I.P. Miiverse :'(
Forbes Forbsz
This user's profile comment is private.
Tony Zer0theHer0
Profile comment hidden by admin.
René Doremouse
I Love Pumpkin Pie! and Mario, Link, Samus, links awakening DX is my childhood! .. so is Mario 64 and Oot! ha! Ooooooot! funny when people say it.'s like. ... Haha see what I did there? That's called a video game joke.
TNNtendoU! TNNtendoU
****PLAY MY ADVENTUROUS, EXPLORATION FILLED, CREATIVE SUPER MARIO MAKER COURSES!!! Hey I'm Tyler, 33 yrs old,small town Granite Falls, NC! I'm cashier & author horror novel: Breller Feller! Luv '80s music nicknamed Ty D. '80s Guy!!!(with 3 !s) lol. Njoy oldr tv, movies,& mor! 1st vid game as kid: Galaga arcade & fav N games:Mario, DKC, & othr Nint. old school! Thx 4 readn & hav fun n Miiverse!!!
I'm from Uruguay :) so I speak spanish too :). I'm 33 years old and a Nintendo fan since I was only just five when it all started with my Donkey Kong Coleco Vision mini led Arcade and now I own all Nintendo gaming Systems ever produced till this date. I'm a Nintendo collector and I Love Nintendo to death!!
alex kinch alexkinch
about time i joined this. i play pokemon a lot but huge zelda and resident evil fan.
Shryd Shrydney
Sup, I'm Shrydney. I draw a lot. I'm a 20 year old girl and I'm really nice, I promise. I'll respond, so don't be afraid to say something!
Robbie robbie728
avid gamer, huge zelda fan, music major, classicaly trained gigging pianist. add me, we can play games and talk about random things.
Steve Snakeeater318
I've been gaming since 1985! I'm a big Metal Gear fan as well as Mario,Metroid,and all the other Nintendo games:) I'm really enjoying the Wii U it's a great system! I'm also a really big Star Wars fan my personal favorite movie.
Lani Squatch94
Long time gamer.I go all the way back to the Atari days. I've been a Nintendo fan since 1988 when I got the NES. Zelda is my favorite series EVER! Breath of the Wild is an amazing game! I loved every minute of it! Sad to see Miiverse go, but it was fun while it lasted. :'( Goodbye everybody! I'll never forget you! Happily married♥♥♥ Had Crohn's Disease for 19 years Prayers appreciated
Wiimagen Wiimagen
When I die, they will put my body in a box and dispose of it in the cold ground. And in all the million ages to come, I will never breathe or laugh or twitch again. So won't you come and play with me now, among the teeming mass of humanity? The universe has spared us this moment. ~anonymous
Andrew gamingandrew0329
Mario mario110299
siganme tengo los juegos de nintendo land, mass efect 3 edicion especial, zombi u, batman arkham city, resident evil revelations, little inferno y academy art
Avery AlphonseThomsen
im a gamer who dislike the crazier new jersey people and is epic with games!
Michael CianydeCandy
Hey all! I've been gaming since the late 70's. I've owned almost every major system released and a few of the more obscure. Nintendo has always been a staple. I am a big fan of the SNES and Gamecube. I really enjoy the Wii U. If ever you want to chat about games send me a shout! Maybe we could be friends and play some games. Hope you all enjoy! Happy gaming!
SBT*MewTwo Fluffy425
we'll we'll we'll if it isn't autocorrect
Hey, Paisanos! It's the Super Mario Bros. Super Show! I am bad, and that's good. I will never be good and that's not bad. There is no one who I would rather be, than me. ♪There's a great big beautiful tomorrow, Shinin' at the end of ev'ry day... ♪Man has a dream, and that's the start He follows his dream with mind and heart And when it becomes a reality It's a dream come true, for you and me...♪
Studz Purplestudioz
I'm a geek and a hardcore gamer! I bought or had every Nintendo console starting from 98'. This new gen is amazing! I love these games I have so far! Any gamer is my friend so send me a friend request and I'll accept any! I play: - PS3 - Minecraft - 3DS - Wii U
Nic nickel696
i have been a nintendo player for 15+ years. I own every nintendo home console except the nes and a few of the portable consoles. my favorite nintendo game franchises are mario, metroid, zelda, donkey kong and pikimin. other game franchises outside of nintendo that I like are call of duty and assassins creed. I am very excited for xenoblade chronicles x this year and zelda wii u next year
samison junebug65
Maybe Wii can have a party U know just me and U........... gosh i'm messed up. I'M NOW ON 3DS!!!
J. Gibson SidiousStrange
Lifelong gamer and fan of all things Nintendo... I play on multiple consoles, but credit Nintendo with making me into the gamer I am today. My favorite games of all time (no particular order): Mass Effect Metroid games Zelda games Okami Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Metal Gear games Pikmin Elder Scrolls games Borderlands Batman Arkham Skies of Arcadia PinballFX Fallout 3 Destiny Starfox
Saint Flo 3DSFlo
I love Jesus Christ. I love my family. I finally got a Nintendo Switch! How bout them cowboys?
Tibbs Tibbs316
I've been a lifelong gamer. Nintendo has had a huge impact on my life. Zelda and Mario are my favorite series'. Enjoying the Wii U and am excited for what will come!
Chuck discostu62
Hey Joe
JC Moreno26
average human being: studyng human rights and peacebuilding, loving WiiU, and just living and caring, feel free to add me or follow, I speak english, portuguesse, and spanish.
Gianni ZeldaPlayerX1
Addio Miiverse
billy link999
wii u games i have nintendo land assassins creed III assassins creed IV tank tank tank scribble nauts unlimited dark siders II super mario 3D world zelda the wind waker HD and much more
Joe(ジョー) ElectricKaibutsu
I'm a 28 year old American guy living in Japan. I'm secretly a Nintendo fanboy but don't tell anyone! 日本に在住の28才のアメリカの者です。よろしくお願いします!
Colgo13 Colgo13
Mario Kart 8 Eat Your Deluxe Greens: 5359-5217-0539 Hoping for rare drops in MH4U... Skidding on peels in Mario Kart 8... Defending my Splat Zone... Check out my brother's profile - NNID: Rikmeister []xxx[]-o-o-o-o-[]xxx[]
justjohn justjohn
I've been gaming for over 20 years and what can I say still luv it always been a fan of good old nintendo my first ever console I got was the original NES when I was about 5 I think thats 5 years after its first ever release anyway been gaming for many years hope to be doing it many more
Filipe filipe94
I love Nintendo, as far as I can remember. I'm a Nintendo and SEGA Collector ( but I also have Playstation and Xbox )... I love to draw, paint and, of course, play video games. Please enjoy my Drawings !!! I'll try to repay all the Yeah's you give me !!!! 'I live in Switzerland and speak English, Français and Portugues.'
Däve DaveH30
Mario Kart is the finest multi-player experience in video games. Also, I just lost The Game.
brian Brian874
TOM Tom.Fortuna
my name is Tom and I am 18 years old. My favorite games are Mario, Zelda and Sonic. Other than a Wii U I have a 3DS. Also I like drawing game fan artwork on Miiverse. Please add me if you want to be friends. :) ▲ ▲▲
DryBones DryBoneJones
Hello, I am an artist working on my first steampunk graphic novel. I've posted concept art here and there. I have more art to share because miiverse is awesome! Anywho, I'm a fan of Nintendo (not a fanboy), can't say i'm crazy about some of their decisions as with its competitors. I'm also a fan of platform, racing, fighting, horror games.
Chris Triforce81
Hey, everyone! Some stuff about me: • Nice guy here from NYC. • I LOVE everything Nintendo! • I have all the past consoles and hand-helds (all still in working condition). • I never leave home without my΅NEW΅3DS XL! • I own 75 Amiibo ♥ My favorite franchises are: • THE LEGEND OF ZELDA • ANIMAL CROSSING Hit me up if you're a fan! :) Power ▲ ▲ ▲ Wisdom Courage
L NiinaBeanZ
I draw every free moment I've got, animate by day. As far as Nintendo goes, Zelda, Pokemon and Mario are staples of my free time. Skyrim, Final Fantasy, Hack//, lots of older games are dotted in there too. Love to draw with others, feel free to doodle converse with me, it will probably make my day :3 I enjoy making odd animal noises
mandy mandyjoy
Nintendo SuperFan for life NES 85'- Wii Ü & Gameboy - 3DS Collector of all things Nintendo! Fav games Mario,Zelda,Metroid,Kirby,Donkey Kong,Pokemon,Pikmin,Kid Icarus, etc.... Love classic games too!!
Shaun Bladed_Phantom
WaluigiBag WaluigiBag
Nintendo is always so ultra fun!!!! Mr. Satoru Iwata is a Nintendo hero!!!! Nintendo Reggie!!!! Nintendo Switch is so super incredible!!!!
vin LivingDeath
buck Buckbuck
Gaymer guy here. Wow, just realized i could write alot more... ive been a hardcore Nintendo fan ever since the release of the NES and I haven't stopped since. I love Colorguard, Dance, drawing, yummy food and obviously Nintendo! I love Miiverse, its my virtual sketchbook!
Mouser Scarr03
When someone asks you if you're "Nintendo Hard?" you say "YES!!!" Well that actually only counts if: 1)You've been playing Nintendo since the NES in a time when games made people cry and crushed their souls 2)You ran home to watch Super Mario Bros. Super Show after school 3)You've eaten Nintendo Cereal 4)Subscribed to Nintendo Power and/or Game Pro 5)Know who Kevin Keene is Where do you rate?
zmd zmorrison83
Hey everyone! I'm married with two kids and I've been gaming since 1987 on the original nes. I love to draw and see all the amazing art on Miiverse.
Matt DGraphics
Welcome to my all original comics & art profile. The title of my profile picture is "Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously" - A Triple Self Portrait. This is a remake of a drawing I originally made in college years ago which combined Norman Rockwell, Vincent Van Gogh & my cartoony style. Make sure to check comments on my Splatoon ART GALLERY 1 & 2 posts & please join in the fun if you have Splatoon!
i'm 40 my fav game series r zelda ninja gaiden double dragon mario mega man castlevania fav tv series highlander movies star wars i'm christian i believe honor is everything honor is love star fox is another fav series i love wiiu chat but u have to be 20 or older
Humberto olacheafamily
Nintiana Nintiana
So yeah I like Rare. I also enjoy astronomy, watching competitive Melee quite often, color theory, the electromagnetic spectrum, zoology, mathematics, music, can't forget sunken ships, and... Rare. My favorite games are: Banjo-Tooie DKC2: Diddy's Kong Quest Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Conker's Bad Fur Day Starfox Adventures Playtonic Games gave me faith in games again :') ★ニンテンドー64が大好き!★
Bry OcarinaOfPrime
Im a nintendo geek, waiting for Zelda HD. Wii U is turning out to be pretty sweet. Follow\Add me and lets play. No calls please, it's awkward. Ocarina of Time best game of all time, NUFF SAID
craigums craigums
I work for The AbleGamers charity to help make games more accessible for those with disabilities. r/wiiu r/3DS
Stephanie MistressMoitie
Hi everyone! I remember getting a NES twenty-two years ago back when I was a little girl, and have been playing video games ever since! Am so happy to have a Wii U and look forward to meeting lots of fellow gamers. :) ゼルダの伝説が好きな人にもっと会いたいます。日本語は大丈夫です! Due to the limited friends allowed, I'm currently only accepting requests from those whom I get to know a bit first. Please understand. ;D
Yep, this is my profile :/ Interests: My wife, my pets, gaming, guitar playing, wrestling, weight lifting, Jerichoholism, Noel Gallagher, drawing stupid stuff, and so forth. Dislikes: Um... working? The only thing that sucks more than work is not having a job lol ANYWAY... Follow me if ya like goofy stuff. Please no FRIEND REQUESTS from anyone under 18, Thanx and happy U'ing!!!
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright gol...
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright golden trifoce and white fluffy mittens..worn by iwata while announceing new things ,flying in mario3.. without any wings these are a few of my favorite things
epona colored ponies,and crisp apple streudles,ocarinas warp whistles and cool miiverse doodles
and when the dog bites when the bee stings........