Cranky's Post

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


1 hour ago

remember switch isnt a replacement for 3ds and wiiu

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1 hour ago

Oh it will be for the 3ds eventually.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


3 hours ago

whos here is still waiting for ZeldaU?

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1 hour ago

Okay, request sent.

Play Journal Entries Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


4 hours ago

Cranky had so much fun on miiverse over the years.. the community added so much life to the games we played.Nintendo has the best gaming community! this is also the best wii U game Cranky Kong coun...

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1 hour ago

Also one last thing I forgot. When you sign up if you put in your nnid you can use your mii avatar on Closedverse.

In-Game Art Academy Community


1 day ago

still never finished this artwork ...oh well.. fill the void with a goodbye! all my friends!

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4 hours ago

On YouTube!

Discussions Super Mario 3D World Community


3 days ago

Open Closed

64 baby

If banjo kazooie and Mario 64 had a baby they would name it odyessey

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2 days ago

No that would be yooka laylee, they just forgot that abortion was a choice.

New Super Luigi U Community


11/01/2017 6:18 PM

Comment your favorite odessey outfit in comments.! Mine was definitely....

New Super Luigi U Community


10/31/2017 10:37 PM

R.i.p. Iwata San. 2017 switch is doing great. Never forget your directs!

New Super Luigi U Community


10/30/2017 9:26 PM

I feel bad for the people who buy a Wii u .....on November 9th To never know of this majestic place we will forever hold near and dear to our hearts

New Super Luigi U Community


10/30/2017 8:35 PM

Last night..."Man I have to stop playing switch and go to bed!" Puts controller down turns off tv.. undocks switch... and takes itg into bed.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


10/28/2017 11:41 PM

Just beast the story in super Mario odessey. NINTENDO is the greatest. But I'm only 1/4 complete This game is easy but it's pure fun! I love the way Nintendo implimented 2d and all the throwbacks...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


10/28/2017 10:08 PM

Switch has 2 of tge highest rsyed games in history in its first few months. 3 of the highest this year...Nintendo's getting good at this!😂

New Super Luigi U Community


10/28/2017 11:38 AM

Diddy kong amiibo + Mario odessey = life complete.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/26/2017 9:50 PM

Cappy is proof googly eyes maked everything better.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/26/2017 3:55 PM

97 metacritic! Lettsssss gooooooo!!!

Discussions Super Mario 3D World Community


10/26/2017 7:58 AM

Open Closed

1 more day

1 more day till I can play. Odessey looks so much better than 3d world. Let's hope for donkey Kong family doc! Lol

New Super Luigi U Community


10/23/2017 8:57 PM

One dock in bedroom one dock in game room. Ready for Mario odyessey!!!

New Super Luigi U Community


10/23/2017 7:26 AM

Super Mario odessey?....How about super Luigi odyessy for us Wiiu owners .. who's with me??

New Super Luigi U Community


10/21/2017 6:58 PM

Everyone follow everyone before there is no one to followww!

New Super Luigi U Community


10/21/2017 5:51 PM

I own miiverse. I'm just letting all you guys use it. Your welcome!

New Super Luigi U Community


10/21/2017 9:27 AM

Sometimes I forget we are all real people on here. #You are more than the mii.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


10/20/2017 8:25 PM

ok so here are my thoughts...botw was a great starting point for future Zeldas ..but as far as replay value... I cant see playing botw through more than maybe once more and when the new zelda come...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/20/2017 6:52 PM

Are wiiu games backwards compatible with switch?

New Super Luigi U Community


10/20/2017 4:17 PM

I just played Mario odessey at best buy ! Reminded me of Mario 64. The 2d parts are really cool.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/19/2017 8:03 PM

i just checked my daily log . i have spent a total of 98 full days on miiverse since launch!