remember switch isnt a replacement for 3ds and wiiu
Cranky's Post

I feel bad for the people who buy a Wii u .....on November 9th To never know of this majestic place we will forever hold near and dear to our hearts

Last night..."Man I have to stop playing switch and go to bed!" Puts controller down turns off tv.. undocks switch... and takes itg into bed.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Just beast the story in super Mario odessey. NINTENDO is the greatest. But I'm only 1/4 complete This game is easy but it's pure fun! I love the way Nintendo implimented 2d and all the throwbacks...
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Switch has 2 of tge highest rsyed games in history in its first few months. 3 of the highest this year...Nintendo's getting good at this!😂
Super Mario 3D World Community

1 more day
1 more day till I can play. Odessey looks so much better than 3d world. Let's hope for donkey Kong family doc! Lol
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

ok so here are my thoughts...botw was a great starting point for future Zeldas ..but as far as replay value... I cant see playing botw through more than maybe once more and when the new zelda come...
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright gol...
these are a few of my favorite things... raindrops on roses mario and luigi as kittens.bright golden trifoce and white fluffy mittens..worn by iwata while announceing new things ,flying in mario3.. without any wings these are a few of my favorite things
epona colored ponies,and crisp apple streudles,ocarinas warp whistles and cool miiverse doodles
and when the dog bites when the bee stings........