Golden's Followers
たいち takayama1320
小5のクソガキです 好きなスポーツサッカー 好きな食べ物ウザイオレンジ 特技ボールをクルクル回す 好きなユーチューバーウタエル 将来夢ユーチューバー いつかヒカキンにみたいな ユーチューバーになるねん フォローよろしくですぅ バカなことでいきていく
cool guy f1travisty
aidan judy3205
My name is Aidan
Foxy AMON1237
Hello, I'm Foxy (from FNaF) and WELCOME TO MY PROFILE! 1. I'm a DOCTOR WHO Fan! (Yes I'm a Nerd ,I know XD) I DON'T MAKE WII U chats! And my BEST FRIEND is The Cat! ♥♡♥♡ Have fun on my profile! Oh and, an other best friend of mine is Мîdηα (Selcan61) ^^ My You Tube account: The Traveling Man (Although I haven't posted any videos yet! XD)
Aidan aidan123123
Hi mate, I'm a big minecraft addict. I love to make the best out of my time by hosting or competing in minecraft gameshows. I even post some of the gameshows on the internet! I used to be depressed because my parents divorced when I was only 4! To make matters worse! I lived with child abuse.
Youtuber RyRyAllen
hi everyone my name ryan my favorites are cloud and carla i like them no face chating! okay i like to play splatoon with friends and okay bye! also i like to play minecraft with friend and list of friends: claudia, carla, cam. LILPAPAS111 BEST OF THEM ALL
JeremyG7 watsit2u
Hello guys! my name is JeremyG7 :D And i like to play videogames online.One off my favorite games are Super Mario Maker!! If you want to be my friend send me a friend request and i will asept your friend request. :) Im 13 years old, By:JeremyG7
Teen Cj king_cjswagg
Hey Guys I'm King Cj And Here's Some Stuff About Me I'm 15 Years Old I Love Mario Games My Favorite Color Is Blue I'm 6 Foot Tall My Best Friends Are WCRVwii Txqt79 Duber Benjie Steve Connor Johnny And Diamond King There Really Good Friends! Thats All I Gotta Say See You Later Miiverse STALKER!
ben10 dasjaun25
Aiden AJR2006
Ok. Hi, I'm Aiden, or AJ. An enthusiastic boy who loves video games. I try to be as funny as I can on the Internet and even in real life. Thanks for 500+ followers! My goal is 600 followers. When I get 600 followers, now I haven't done this in awhile, i'll do dares. Ok, have fun reading my posts. Also, I do yeahbomb, just wanna get that outta the way...Bye!
daivi jhx3tqae5wkx7j
wolfboy blkbamabeauty
Hi im gamerboy the mudkip im a youtuber which is my name! Subscribe like and comment and firend me if you want to play pokken t,Splatoon,Smash bros,Minecraft and other cool multiplayer online games i'll get in the future! So have fun Subcribeing to me!xp
psss hey you YEAH YOU! *shows you a bag* want some dank memes? -3- XD
Pauli nya u.d.laspalmas
Name:Pauli The Best:nl-laula,nl~Naufah~ ,Its~Âlëχ,Kawaii~:D, mett>:3 and ςαгαγ ~Sister's:ηl~☆laula☆,~kawaii^,Clau~♥ Favourite game:Splatoon Novio:Mett! >:3 for the power!!!! Bff's:Naufi,Laula,Pablo,Kawaii,Clau,,Âlëχ, andςαгαγ,mett♡♡♡ My:Kawaii!♡ Favourite cats:My cats. kawaiis:My,Markeh,Laula♥Naufi αηd Metty♡♥ Tata ☆ρκм♪καωαι #7
fnaf rackcitychick414
was up guys i play splatoon and more follow me an al do the same i allso do private battles like hide an seek and more make suer to friend request me two