Users Golden Is Following
たいち takayama1320
小5のクソガキです 好きなスポーツサッカー 好きな食べ物ウザイオレンジ 特技ボールをクルクル回す 好きなユーチューバーウタエル 将来夢ユーチューバー いつかヒカキンにみたいな ユーチューバーになるねん フォローよろしくですぅ バカなことでいきていく
AdamTF Fishleadam
Yo sup? The names Adam Thanks for 4000+ I'm a mutant fish with an ego the size of the moon. Few things bout me: 1 I NEVER accept blank friend requests 2 Please don't ask me to follow you (I get it too often. XD) 3 I don't Wii U chat 4 I don't answer questions outside of Ask Adam Make sure ya check out AdamTF_2 This is the fish, signing off -AdamTF
aidan judy3205
My name is Aidan
Aidan aidan123123
Hi mate, I'm a big minecraft addict. I love to make the best out of my time by hosting or competing in minecraft gameshows. I even post some of the gameshows on the internet! I used to be depressed because my parents divorced when I was only 4! To make matters worse! I lived with child abuse.
wolfboy blkbamabeauty
Hi im gamerboy the mudkip im a youtuber which is my name! Subscribe like and comment and firend me if you want to play pokken t,Splatoon,Smash bros,Minecraft and other cool multiplayer online games i'll get in the future! So have fun Subcribeing to me!xp
daivi jhx3tqae5wkx7j
Slippery SlipperyAlpha
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
Mike NostaticMike
I am the main developer at Nostatic Software. I hope you enjoy playing our games!
June BladeSisters_J
The second eldest of the three sisters.
ケイ NintendoKei
任天堂でMiiverse案内役を担当しているケイです。 Miiverseの更新情報、知っているとちょっと便利なMiiverseの使い方、Miiverseをみんなで気持ちよく楽しんでもらうために気を付けてほしい事など、さまざまな「おしらせ」をご案内します。