Golden's Friends
kid karoty Dudeshang
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Ashlee Ashlee_2988
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carren russally200000
hi guys
korra fireball8557
The Flash dunnster5
splatoon19 bellac17
lucky FJI.Barkat
i am good at soccer and a hacker on minecraft... uh that part is not true ö
DarK_Beast Atownhammer34
Name. Joey Age. 13 Status. With Erica If She Accepts Fav Color. White Best Friends. Erica Gwori And Tony. Why r u Still Here Do u Want A Cookie Or Something. GO AWAY ALREADY!!!
carson bbanbrook
• GOMAN • MenarmoniPotter
Unos buscan a su media NARANJA, Yo solo busco el tornillo que ME FALTA... √(˙▼˙)√
Panda Bear artcraft24
Sup minecraft games rule so thats it like shooting games to they cool
Nils NN1970LJ
Emimen peter_history100
The Gaming Gangster is in The Minecraft House !Yeah!
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cool guy f1travisty
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dark eye97 drewsfather
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youtube TheTwins524
cutecat38 dingaling00
chadkiller dogg112
Anthony anthoy789
The_Best TheBestEver1937
Hey, i am a very awkward person but i love to play minecraft XD. Feel Free to follow plz Grade:8th Age:14 Minecraft Maps:FNAF1,2,3,4 - Skywars - PvP Arena(2) - Murderer Escape - Who's Your Daddy - Prison Escape - Whack'em - and many more to come :-)
bosskev0 kevinboss29
Xavier LightManX
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tyra jones ladybug3tyrajone
pitbullgal tishaj80
hi! i am tishaj08 my fravorite dog is a pitbull
pandadowak tbriggs0980
fillip Spacystacy21
minecraft is fun and i got all my friends from minecaft
franky franky0828
i em lonelyyyyyyyyyy so friend me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee ):
Jammer Mumean
Dear Wii U Users, Hey! Welcome to my Wii U account! Im your average preteen who loves playing games like minecraft or Mario Kart 8! My best friends are Daniel, Cheezit, Royal, Aliyah, And Emily! So after reading this i hope you like playing along and if you do, you should play with me!!!!
lil timmy epicboss88
Bmosh10 bro585
Quin quinfarrell
Tails Mewtwonick10
I like toast
LoganGstar Walterstarr
smm pro
tom 150880
I have played spatoon,sonic boom,sonic boom lost would and super mario would
phoenix storeyeepage8
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dueceduece chevyimpala1968
grounded till christmas because sister broke head phones and i broke tv
squidkid3d Pamcicle
hello i am squidkid, I usualy post minecraft posts i currently have 94 friends on my wii u i know the switch is out but, before i get a switch, i want to spend as much time on the wii u as possible before i get a switch. The date I did this is August 22,2017
ethan wndrwoman36
natedog lambert404
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skelebones chugger2006
Hey there i like drawing so i draw the only days im online are the weekends I also play roblox if you want to friend me my username is diamondelytra0319 and thats it \(0.0)/
Jordan SuperJW
bella bellazora
Josh JoAlFl
hello every body come play!!!
Foxy AMON1237
Hello, I'm Foxy (from FNaF) and WELCOME TO MY PROFILE! 1. I'm a DOCTOR WHO Fan! (Yes I'm a Nerd ,I know XD) I DON'T MAKE WII U chats! And my BEST FRIEND is The Cat! ♥♡♥♡ Have fun on my profile! Oh and, an other best friend of mine is Мîdηα (Selcan61) ^^ My You Tube account: The Traveling Man (Although I haven't posted any videos yet! XD)
Aidan aidan123123
Hi mate, I'm a big minecraft addict. I love to make the best out of my time by hosting or competing in minecraft gameshows. I even post some of the gameshows on the internet! I used to be depressed because my parents divorced when I was only 4! To make matters worse! I lived with child abuse.
tuck007 tuck007
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goodmornin yayaboogiety
Wahhhhhhh.Yes Ssb is A COOL GAME!
lionmacer chivo0387
wells wells9
Reikin Boo10392
Mario and Luigi Rock. I am a person that doesn't like violent games like Call of Duty. I love games Nintendo makes and I like Minecrat a little. My two cats are like Mario and Luigi. To end it off I will say I hate violent games and I love Mario Games. Please Follow and we can be friends!
ypy knaack
jaelen jaelenwilliams59
dude my best friends are gavin darius hector and annie
Marissa redsunbug
DarkLink Darklink1243
Frankln521 franklin521
Hi, I play splatoon and minecraft online the most. I accept all friend requests so if u wanna send one go ahead and I will be happy to play :D / Since Miiverse is coming to an end and the Wii U texting service will be removed, you can add me on Discord @Franklin521#6202
jay brypri09
kakal wrxkano
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anthony luigi0402
haden joneses123
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