cool chris's Followers
Seth Deetodee
Hi my name is Seth. :D My fav. games are Super Smash Bros,Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon,Super Mario Maker,and Call of Duty Black ops on the Wii. I will talk to you alot. I hope you love MARIO GAMES! If you do tell me I met even play with you! I hope you have a great day bye for now, bye-bye :)
Sad Aiden aroneous
Profile comment hidden by admin.
David davidbuddha
jdog johnparsons19
i love wii u and 3ds and if your a savage friend me
0wen whittle.ew
hi [:
deniz denizlaure09
olivier oliviergravel199
je vous aime
★MMP★δшεл RussellFamilyCPK
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]
LEON leonrochford
hi everyone i am leon. i realy want to try get 300 folowers. i be realy thankfull if i can.and if you follow then i will follow you.and if you yea alot of my comments and posts theres a good chance i will follow you. i try to post mincraft posts as long as i am not playing online. and always looking for people to play with. enjoi miiverse
ThePvP984 Guigui888X
Bonjour tout le mondes je m'appelle guillaume mes 2 jeux préféré sont minecraft et overwatch gentil ★★★★★ fort en pvp ★★★★☆ trolleur ★★★★★ jump ★★★☆☆ :]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
alli winter192
there's nothing better in this world than playing splatoon, sonic, and pokémon!
Carleigh Captain_Carleigh
Name: Carleigh Location: Earth (duh) Age:__ (you shall never know) Favorite Colours: Light Blue and Green Favorite Game: MK8 Splatoon Just Dance 4 Things I Love: Miiverse,MK8,Splatoon&JD4 Thanks for learning more about me:);)
Q's 2nd Clearvoid
Please only follow my main account ;) (My main account "Q" can be found in friends list) Thanks for looking! I post pokemon trade stuff on this profile so my followers won't get angry. check out my main too! (Q)
carlillos carlillos1029
!super smash bros el mejor juego del mundo! y new super mario bros u esta muy bien
superboy grahamplayer
glide times 102.900 cavern (glitched 101) temple 114.850 canyon 109.601 darren the best
みお MIO030704
よろしくお願いします。 あまり絵など会話がうまくないですけどたくさん フォローしてください。お願いします あと、みんなとたくさん会話がしたいので、 いろいろとはなしをきかせて下さい。 どうぞよろしくお願いします!
イカっぽいジョンソン asahirahira
プロフィールはジョンソンによって天ぷらにされているナリ ローレイル合衆国詳細 国家:ローレイル合衆国(United States of Rooreiru) 大統領:クリーピン・フィッツジェラルド・ジョンソン(C・F・ジョンソン) 領土:モーリタニア、ニジェール、マダガスカル 首都:ワシントンDC 最大の都市: 所属軍事部:MCWiiu軍事部 同盟国:たくさん 加盟組織:国連R、中規模国家連盟、MC警察連盟、海軍技術向上連盟、MC鉄道連盟 ミーバース、さみしぃよぉ... そうだ!大声出して、寂しさをかき消すナリ!あぁぁいぁぁあぁぁいぁぁあぁぁぁぁいぁ!
********** EvanLiam07
Hi guys Im Evan i love splatoon Level 50 S Rank Clans: NONE! I NEED ONE! ♡IM NOT TAKEN!♥ I love anime DRAWING IS MAH JAM! I quit WiiU MC 2016-2017 WiiU Chat only if i know your over 2 weeks K thx for using your time to read this K thx bai
matmax 33 tysma33
Bonjour je m'appelle Matys j'ai 10 ans et j'adort avoir des amis et j'adort ma wiiu mon jeux préféré et splatoon et enfaite ma date d'anniverser est fausse je suis née le 11/07/2006
UGO ugodelamarseilla
salut tous le monde j'ai sens ami mais je peux vous ajouté en ami je m'appelle ugo mon iddentifiant nitendo est ugodelamarseilla je vais vous faire la liste de mais jeu favori mincraft wii u edition★ splatoon ★ plein d'autre jeu mais sa s'est les jeu que je joue le plus ciao ajouter moi en ami salut est bonne chance pour vous salut
Ivo ivofoehn
Hallo ich heiße Ivo und lebe in der Schweiz! Ich game gerne GTA ,ACNL,Need for Speed und Wii Sports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luke LukeIsCool13
Mii WiiU-Mario-0123
mathews mathewWiiu
hi if your interested in my profile please friend me because miiverse is closing and want to play minecraft with a bunch of you out there and i love nintendo's greates products mario and luigi
aaron chuyvaca
yo soi ñiño de 10 años y tu comoseyaman vien venidos amigos ami mundo de imaginación y acopayenos amigos
kinderG&K Clemence29880
bonjour medame et monsieur ############ ################ ########### ############### ########### ############### ########### ############## bref truc impotant a vous dire allez an bas encore plus bas aboner vous
Gold_74 Hayden82
Check my play journal ^ Some things about me, Faverote color: Yellow Pets: 1 dog Has 1 sister Faverote food: pizza I support the αςτ, so you should to. Faverote show: The Amazing World Of Gumball. Make sure to check out these users; ryderlarson, stookydoo52, my sister: Peanut.A_74, and KnightSDplayz. Thanks for your time!!!
Julienco!! EsmachtSpass
keita keitaandhime
yuu0118 fokusai
This user's profile comment is private.
★Sarah★ LittlePikachu
Have i ran out of posts? Yes No♥ DRAWING REQUESTS ARE ACCEPTED Hello I'm Sarah. I love to make friends so add me, follow me and like my posts if you like them! Please no negative and hate comments. Thank you♥ I love to draw and i love animes and k-pop.I love to draw miis although i think I'm terrible but i hear nice things about them. Thank you and good day!
Noah Crave_Candy
I like candy and I like mc and i have mc for pc. I like to play multiplayer games so i can play with friends! (^o^) (^-^) _--_ ! (-_-) / --[]--/ [] /\
justin justin230804
Everlast41 Everlast39
rmogVIPOJJHBHHJHHJILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.,............. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$nlp.,..j,ivkikp
vicenteHD! vicentegamerHD
Sigue De Pie! Para NO PERDERTE NINGUN CAPITULO DE "UNA VI..." BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE!!! Mira Mi Serie "Una Vida Loca De VicenteHD!" Ez Mui Cool :v. Almenos este Mensaje No me Lo borra el admin De miiverse ( ′• - •′)♥ Zolo Ezo :v Kira Es Dios... Y Saitama Tambien :v seria Perfecto Si llegamos A 800 Seguidorez ˘°ˇ♥
hey if you like minecraft or splatoon friend request me and i will say yes even if you don't have...
hey if you like minecraft or splatoon friend request me and i will say yes even if you don't have that i will say yes so remember friend request me:-) :->