cool chris's Friends
Coolkid101 FireBlade4-2017
Hey Everyone Caleb here im 9 years old i like pokemon mario minecraft im famous youtube channel SkullSlays151 Lyrics MEGA Lovania Favorite Color Red I have over 15 Girls who have a crush on me I have 5000 Subs Type Gamer Favorite Thing love my fans friends family and Girlfriends Other User CalebEprans Plz like view posts sub to my youtube also follow and friend me Bye You Rock!!!!!!
Aaliyah Aaliyah222000
chris josie076
Maraque SquirrelMQ
Hello to all Wii players, i really like Splatoon it's my Fav game...occasionally i play Mario kart 8 so come play as friends sometime & let's battle. I will accept all friend requests but just letting you all know i only speak English. BTW my name is Mark...Life is all about friends & how we stand by them..Keep Smiling Everyone :-)
Mr Happy Aiden_Cool_Guy
Matthys matthysdjo
Luke LukeIsCool13
reedoo4132 reedoo4132
was up!! - reedoo4132
Daniel isajoker
mario kart 8 es lo mejor
ryan BeastBoy332211
hi my name is ryan and i love pvz and minecraft and lots of other games and i want a lot of friends
aaron briar63
hi my name is briar,but my real name is aaron.i love games such as mario & sonic,minecraft,sonic lost world,mario kart 8 smash experience with friends is great i'd love to meet/play with everyone! if u follow me on miiverse ill follow u back
Robsky ARRIS-8D92
denim denimcuthbert1
JacobAM624 shickann
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Maddy MLPShadowLady
Hi my name is Maddy and I'm going to talk about myself. One thing I'm not single. Well I love playing football and swimming. I'm in year 12 and I'm starting my greds soon and I'm not excited for that. I started school like 6 months ago and I'm pretty happy that I'm at school again and not getting builled hahaha!!! But I have my friends and my boyfriend by my side I love you allThanks for listening
Yoshi0677 Xboxplaz
Hey Im Xboxplaz Im 12 yrs old and i live in minnasota and i have lots friends my favorite yt is Bijuu Mike He is so funny and on a vid he played yandere simulator and he was yandere chan and she had a yt that is fake Bye and i hope we can be friends
mama Carme1974
Soy la nena que rie
lordbowser jacoboffalu
im taken
Julienco!! EsmachtSpass
RJ lizzyk184
Minerguy MinerguyPlayz
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Chris PC bartszu
hey bros im makinga mcraft rblox oboy friend me ill answer hen well build
brian hypnotist2
im am looking 4 great artistic people and people that are nice,kind,caring,respect,bravery,and anyone that isn't mean. i do rp, so include me in rp
demetria82 dominiq7
hello welcome ro my profile. whats our favort food mine is piza. do u like anmails i like horsess they cute. dont tell me what your age where u liveor some thing like that and... LETS SAVE MIIVERSE!!!! from being permally closed i tinnk FOREVER!!!!
kylo ren roverrobot2.0
Hey! i am a great friend if you have minecraft!! T_T miiverse is ending plz comment while you can...this is what i do. 1.minecraft 2.disney infinity 3.disney infinity 2.0. 4.disney infinity 3.0. 5.splatoon 6.LEGO star wars the force awakens 7.LEGO Marvel super heroes 8.LEGO city undercover...never in a long time plz friend me and have a nice day!! SAVE MIIVERSE SAVE MIVERSE SAVE MIIVERS
EpicGamer migueljr2015
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Leri wiiyou130806
ich spiele gern wii u und ihr oder hady,nintendo,tablat,nintendo switch,xbox,ps1,ps2,ps3,ps4
Kat KatTehNootNoot
well im having controller troubles again so ill be gone again. some buttons and the screen doesnt work. yay. ttyl guys
Ethan jordane55
Hello please folow me I will post great stuff for you guys and If you yeah them and comment too i will comment back to you well by guys
Miquel JiM1525
XxRedGunxX xxRedGunxx
i am geting good at doing what im best at i worked so hard for all of this succes thank you everybody i love you all
tails supersylan
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Noah Crave_Candy
I like candy and I like mc and i have mc for pc. I like to play multiplayer games so i can play with friends! (^o^) (^-^) _--_ ! (-_-) / --[]--/ [] /\
heirobrian addsmack
tutur63 arthur63700
salut a tous!!!!
Kooltool T00K0o1
Favorite Things 1-Anime What type?? My Hero Academa 2-Minecraft 3-Splatoon Why Cuz u a squid or kid?! 4-Furrys i try to draw my own Thats all you should know!!
★Daряо★PGC ladybird41
hey...its jacob i build stuff and post regularly i am in a clan PGC (pro gamers corp) also feel free to friend meP.S. Join PGC and help build in my worlds (you will need to friend me)also i wanna reach 150 followers follow for a follow i have the switch im just a 10 year old who posts stuff also im a gamer from the 5th nov i will be doing shoutouts to friends and followers. miiverse don't end .
ricky yami1975
Andrew andrewl1998
hello im Andrew and most of my favorite games are mario,zombiu, and batman arkam city.Sometimes I go on youtube and minecraft videos.I have frends list going on so you can frend request me in super mario bros u and zombiU.
pitbull ReneValdez
cool yoshi ethanzuni123
Chenz davy100005
if you friend me I WILL ACSEPT if im not online i would be outside, watching, tv or eating.(i'm like always online)
hotrod hotrod7810
GamerSans1 Nico3107
hola me llamo nicolas tengo 12 años a todos en mivers me gusta los videojuegos podrian jugar conmigo y espero agradarlos a todos especial amis amigos xd :3 :D :) y podriamos jugar super smash bros for wii u es mi favorito de todos los juegos y si quieren juegan conmigo minecraft me mandan solicitud ok :-) a todos chauu :3
GamerKid isaiahandjordan
Hey everyone I'm The Gamer Kid and I play many games starting from Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Bros U, The Legend of Zelda The WindWaker, Sonic Lost World, and Minecraft and many more! Also I watch DanTDM, Thinknoodles and Thnxcya! I am basically an expert at all games! Awesome people are Amber, Bodacious, Zomboid, Statix, Dominic, and Kenzie! Goodbye!
chris warmatchine6039
Hey people, animals, and whatever the heck you are WELCOME TO MY PROFILE( like you didn't know). Well I don't really know what to say but if you want me to do somthing, draw something, or do anything your crazy minds can come up with, I would be happy to do so. Well i hope you look at my posts, and comment on them, good or bad, and give them a yeah (or not), or just look at them if you want.PEACE!
ZioXcarter wilkic
MasterGman MeskwakiGamer
Hi everyone follow me if you like splatoon and love minecraft!!!!
shade RonanSmith
ahmedgamer ahmedduraid
hi guy games: minecraft more game is coming soon you want friend me: yes and be nice to me i am not youtube someday maybe it be great if you follow me i follow you back please let me 500 follow it be super thank and i made fanf 2 and fnaf 5
Desertking Is2318
Lando landothemando
Salutations I Like Games, Calzones, And Nintendo. I'm Cringe. Also I Liek Dank Memes W H Y H A V E YOU C O M E H E R E For Real Tho I'm Just Your Average Gamer Who's Constantly Posting So Yeah.. Ya Won't Find Much Here.. W H Y H A V E Y O U COME T H I S F A R. Oh Hi Again. I Don't Understand How You've Gotten This Far. I Like To, Draw And Hide. Also Yeah.. I'm Weird Well Bai.
DarkSide darkside4406
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joe joee05
Hi!i want to have as many friends as possible and if so let's play minecraft because its my favorite game ever.I want to be friends with you and if you do thank you. Your soon to be friend -Joe
MLG§łёvêñ Sharktail77
Games I love on 3DS Super Smash Bros and mario kart 7. Games I love on Wiiu Minecraft Mario kart 8 and Splatoon :]
jayshadow jmalave21
Good_THUMB meldcarroll
Follow me because.... 1. You need too 2. I'm naturally amazing! 3. You have no other choice bruh. :]
Luke TLC1972
hey guys im Sinnoh i like smash splatoon and if you want to play smash got some rules final destination only and no spam
ThePhoenix minion54321
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got banned kevinmpatterson
meow! hi i love cats and animal jam! pokemon and professor layton and yo kai watch
ReB∞T GameHazard
Fat boy Rinconc
Don't hate me and I has been playing games for a looooong time just clear I AM NOT FAT just a nickname.
Tara crystalmevenson
Hi im Tara and im 14 im kid friendly(almost all my friends r younger than me)im nice and i do not grief so ya i would love to play with u on minecraft super smash bro or splatoon so ya and plus if you follow me i follow u back. I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS AND FOLLOWERS SO THANKS FOR FOLLOWING ME!
kasen fwillhite
fuzzylemur fuzzylemurs
Everlast41 Everlast39
rmogVIPOJJHBHHJHHJILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.,............. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$nlp.,..j,ivkikp
Manny Dark_Knight809
Caitlin caitlin10
minecraft wiiu batman mario
Man Man DEVAN08
★Sarah★ LittlePikachu
Have i ran out of posts? Yes No♥ DRAWING REQUESTS ARE ACCEPTED Hello I'm Sarah. I love to make friends so add me, follow me and like my posts if you like them! Please no negative and hate comments. Thank you♥ I love to draw and i love animes and k-pop.I love to draw miis although i think I'm terrible but i hear nice things about them. Thank you and good day!
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hey if you like minecraft or splatoon friend request me and i will say yes even if you don't have...
hey if you like minecraft or splatoon friend request me and i will say yes even if you don't have that i will say yes so remember friend request me:-) :->