Users cool chris Is Following
David davidbuddha
jdog johnparsons19
i love wii u and 3ds and if your a savage friend me
Twitwi Chastel43
💍▬▬▬▬▬🎮🦄✅🦄🎮▬▬▬▬▬▬❤️ THIS COMMENT IS EXCELLENT ❤️▬▬▬▬▬👽🔥✅🔥👽▬▬▬▬▬▬💍 Salut, moi c'est Twitwi et j'adore me marrer devant les jeux vidéo, mais j'adore surtout partager mes photos 📷 et dessins 🎨 avec vous, donc si je peux vous faire rire par la même occasion c'est plutôt cool non ?! 🤡 ✌(●‿●)👉 Abonne-toi ʕ◉ᴥ◉ʔ #Z'êtes Top ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ {´◕ ◡ ◕´} #Soutenons MIIVERSE😭😭😭
★Sarah★ LittlePikachu
Have i ran out of posts? Yes No♥ DRAWING REQUESTS ARE ACCEPTED Hello I'm Sarah. I love to make friends so add me, follow me and like my posts if you like them! Please no negative and hate comments. Thank you♥ I love to draw and i love animes and k-pop.I love to draw miis although i think I'm terrible but i hear nice things about them. Thank you and good day!
Good_THUMB meldcarroll
Follow me because.... 1. You need too 2. I'm naturally amazing! 3. You have no other choice bruh. :]
MasterGman MeskwakiGamer
Hi everyone follow me if you like splatoon and love minecraft!!!!
Minecraft MinecraftCT
Official account of the Minecraft Community Team!
Luke LukeIsCool13
RYH.OscLOL benficaoscar2006
Hola la street sa va ou quoi ? Je m'appelle Oscar.Joaquin c mon prénom complet . J'ai 11ans , jsuis en 6ème et je réside en New-Aquitaine mgle !!! Jsuis celibataire, youtuber. J'ai la switch et Splatoon mais sa depuis 3mois ! Donc jte dis sisi la famille et a buenotot mgle !!!
ΑΟφςτατıсφ ghostwalkers
Hi , I ' m Static . Things about meh : I ' m 10 I ' m saved † Build and Live , Mostly ..... Build . I PLAY SLITHER.IO
fabi derpymlgpony
lol cool should follow
CoachIsaia CoachIsaiah
hello my name is Adrian I am 13 1/2 yrs old . Here are some things you should know about me. I am a pretty serious gamer I love anime otaku My favorite game is SSB4 always looking for a challenge I am also looking for friends please follow and send freind requests. If you follow me i'll follow you back. MERRY XMAS
lordbowser jacoboffalu
im taken
ironman Jadenandwatt123
Profile comment hidden by admin.
juanito pollo1201
Daniel isajoker
mario kart 8 es lo mejor
Jeff keuchly90
you should play splatoons
Kantsu hiro.hamada123
Hey Well I guess the end is soon for miiverse in some months so i thank all the friends i have made on miiverse and nintendo for making miiverse bacause if they didnt i wouldn't know the miiversian friends i have also if you have any other way to text on plz tell me my friends so then when miiverse ends we can still be in contact 'υ'
Anna anna010605
Hello! Welcome to my page! Her you will find tournaments for games like Disney Infinity and Assasins Creed 4. You can also find how you can play with me in certain games. I hope you like it here on my page! I will to monthly tounaments and weekly announcments. I will also do Annual top ten lists and weekly votes! See you there! Sincerely, Anna
hèctor hectorin1
hola a todos soi hector tengo 11 años me gusta la pizza,el espagete y el poyo me gustan los videojuego me gusta la saga de mario soi muy amigable y si me siges yo te seguiré los qué me sigan los ayudaré en dudas que tengan en videojuego y les enseñare a ser mas pros de lo qué ya son (^o^)
DIAMONDYT sorenivan
as u can see i am pretty op , so frend and yeah me and i will yeah u and follow me and ill follow u .and dont be a #hater or else and if ur a hater and try to follow me i wont follow u.and his name is JOHNCENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
antnony anthony246552
hey guys playing some splatoon
- rasiyahteabout
αiBaby Kim p5stunna
Haiiii! :3 YOU SHALL DIE OF DA KAWAIINESSSSS! \(•ω•)/ MUAHAHA! (I like donuts, did u know?)
GamingDog colin-sean
Two brothers who play super smash bros, splatoon, etc. please no hate in the comment section. enjoy
cuteycat8 cutekitty822
Hi! Are you my friend if not be my friend now!
MrTyler300 tylerloveshismom
Government official. Naw jk. If you want miiverse to stay put #don'tleavemiiverse on every miiverse official account!
ミーバス終了やと……!? ホントにThankyouなmyfriend↓ (まな、くろ、とろ、みかん、とびお、じゅりs) あれなんで書いてないこのやろーって人はコメ 松.文スト.ユーリ.喰種.カゲプロ.APH.ズトピ.殺天.被ノエ.キン肉マン.TDL.MCZ.最俺.全身.クプらきゃん.さかたん.しぃ兄.アンさんetc… ↑ひとつでも好きなのあればどこにでも話しかけてね! ワイのフォロワさん神様しかいなかったから見てみ?( *You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down.
Lucas(Pro) Pelliro1
Si firmo es por k es especial y si doy mola es de TOPS 10.000 Molas Soy Naufrago y tengo 27 años parezco tonto XD pero no y... No veo vegeta777 ni WillyRex. Son niños ratas o mejor dicho hombres ratas ;| sin ofender
evan mario-luigi-evan
je mapel evan et je suis un youtu tubers
Abraham abraham0407
Hola amigos de miiverse! Me gustan los juegos de Mario,Kirby,Animal Crossing,etc. Mi juego favorito es Splatoon. Podemos añadirnos de amigo y jugar Splatoon,Mario Kart y Smash Bros. Mis youtubers favoritos son Dsimphony y Naishis.♥ No acepto WII U chat. Un saludo y adioos!! :D
tails supersylan
This user's profile comment is private.
Tristan#ŁA tristan.dumont
Bonjour, je suis un DÉMON-RENARD-KYUUBI, et j'aime beaucoup : détruire des trucs ; et les Churros. Par-contre, j'ai une peur rouge des aspirateurs, à cause d'un aspirateur qui m'a aspiré l'œil droit ; et des verres d'eau, car j'ai failli m'y noyer 42 fois ! J'ai aussi très peur d'être changé en manteau. Vous pouvez maintenant vous mettre en position fœtal facilement, grâce aux churros magiques.
speed koppalings
Je m`appelle Speed. N`oublier surtout pas on est la pour s`amuser.Ravi de faire votre conaissance.J`aime les jeux mario et pokémon.
Victor yields
I am expert at video games.My username is yields. At my school I am the smartest boy in all my grades so far! Everyone considers me a genius and the best because of my behavior. Well, there are some h8ers though. If anyone follows me, I guarantee that I will follow them, so keep that in mind. Feel free to ask me any questions. Right now I am hosting a tournament in a discussion.
andrea j. wikopppp
ciao sono andrea vivo in provincia di torino , i miei giochi preferiti sono i gioci pokemon super mario e di sonic il mio sogno e di fare gameplay su youtube ma pultroppo c ho una voce bruttissima sono un retrogamer accanito e le console che ho sono ,nintendo gamecube , game boy color , game boy , game boy advance sp , nintendo wii wii u , nintendo 64 , nes , snes , 3ds , 3ds xl , e ds i,
*nono* nonotohayato
おはこんばんにちわ!*nono*です!では×2、自己紹介はじめま~す! <ユザネ> *nono* <誕生日> 10月25日 <年> 11才 <好きな色> 黒、白、ピンク <好きな動物> 猫、犬、ウサギ <好きなゲーム> スプラトゥーン、 <好きな食べ物> チョコレート <好きな服> ワンピ、スカート <嫌いな食べ物>野菜類。 以上です! フォロー、フォロワーいつもありがとうございます!
ミスター・ボブス YUR153FGA926
こんにちは!こんばんは! 年齢12歳 ○○中学校 部活 陸上競技部 好きな食べもの メ口ン 好きなゲーム スプラトゥーン マインクラフト 好きなYouTube チョコレートスモーカーズ スカイピース おるたなChanneI 水溜りボンド ジョ一ブ口グ よろしくお願いします!フォローもお願いします!
joseph starscream899
so yeah my favorite game is shovel knight. my favorite band is alice in chains. i'll do references to them now and there. i like a lot of anime and any anime related thing. my waifu is anna from shimoneta. (i like yandere okThat's all i'm comfortable sharing. my life is: good happy:★★★★☆ sad:★☆☆☆☆ angry:★☆☆☆☆ tired:★★★★☆ excited:★★★☆☆ kind: sorta intraverted:i'll stay here extraverted:WASSUP!!!
Ģм▲KitKat▲ kat-kat24
i'm 14 an 8th grader ouo (yeyz!) into: zodiac & homestuck anime nintendo drawing music & (best of all) FOOD! Im short compared to people my age. im practically a walking dictionary. ( ask me anything o3-) 90's kid! status:The line óvó (lol, you thought i was gonna say, hah!) posts left: Plently! èué Kekeke... Roleplay? Anytime. Anywhoo, Thats all. owo See ya! èvé
Marie10 Mariedidthis
Hey i'm trash (not in the bad way) and a proud weirdo! my fam/friends coffee and svea i'm also on colors!3D follow me @Marie10! i'm also really akward so if you say something nice i'll probably say "thank you so much!" and i say "um......" alot! follow for follow #NODAPL thank you and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night
hey if you like minecraft or splatoon friend request me and i will say yes even if you don't have...
hey if you like minecraft or splatoon friend request me and i will say yes even if you don't have that i will say yes so remember friend request me:-) :->