Today.. i'll teach YOU how to post! 1. Just post.

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Sometimes I think , " Why are they CLOSING Miverse ? " ... and i ' m like, " meh . " OK . that's all for this POST . Also if anyone wants to play Minecraft then just tell me !

Hy, Guys and gals! PLZ Follow my sister (AKA ashley(Derps are cool) .) Because she just started but if you want to see more girl stuff(i'm not trying to be mean) and a little boy stuff so PLZ!!

Would you rather.. fight 100 horses sized ducks or 1 duck sized horse? Leave a Comment! (P.S. I'm making a Q&A So check that out!)

Why is my Day sooo bad?! I have no people to play with! Can someone play Minecraft with me Because I need help on A Team Build Battle AND Solo Build battle! So comment! ( I will not reply but I wil...
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess wha...
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess what?..I DON'T swear! Back up Profile is Chuy 2 . And Sister's is: Derpsarecool [ashley]. Don't friend Request me when I have a HUNDRED friends, Just Please!.. Don't do it in that Day! Also I accept Random Friend Requests.
- I Do Wii U Chat!
- I'm not online very OFTEN!
Well.. daz it! Bye:3!