Chu - eh's Friends
Bush85 UnsettledBush85
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ζжμч 2 HomeWorkl.l
I'm Just a person with a Second Account.. Follow Chu - eh !
ZEE ihxjjz
Im ZEE but my real name is Mihir i like minecraft an mario kart and i like hide an seek on minecraft and build battles and i have some more glide and battle maps and i am really good at survival modei have 342 diamonds (without host options) and i have good frends like shuggybear ramsey and little cake i love joining alll of your games I LIKE EVERYONE
Ashley Derpsarecool
Hi,my name is ashley!this is my first miiverse follow4follow and dont forget to follow my brother mychuyur. im going too middleschool and say "hi to roxypoo and his lil friend" ill try to text u. and dont forget to see jake paul and tessa brooks! weell thats ok for today so bye !!
Rainbow... RainbwTeddyBear4
Hi im Sydney, but you can call me Rainbow im very weird ·•˙ don't judge\(˙ˇ˙)/ my bffs are Mati and Maddie ˙ˇ˙ i have asthma im very shy so i don't talk i love animals especially dogs and cats i love flowers and being outside \(˙˘˙)/ photography is my escape from life♥ oh! and im 13 March 4th^^ i'm very insicure:( i'm very kind to all people \(˙ˇ˙)/\(`д′)/\(._.)/\(°˙°)/ wutXD bye for now :)♥ ˙˘˙
KOI★Karlo HugeBigTank77
hi im Karlo and and i am so happy to be a gamer.i am really nice and honest.I hope i can enjoy a lot with you. hola soy Karlo y estoy feliz por ser un gamer. soy muy bueno y honesto. espero disfrutar mucho con ustedes.
gamer13 13TheMinecrafter
Hiya, I'm a 13 year old girl that loves playing Minecraft, Splatoon, Tomodachi Life, and any Pokemon game. Feel free to send a friend request, and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
gamerwolfi redbunnywolf
Hello potatoes its not nice to see u (just kidden) ME LOVE ANIME ♥¬♥ ALSO..........:] meh Like eh wolves/dogs AND FINALLY I.........LIKE............POTATOES AND.... I AM A POTATOE c: SO if U WANT Some potataoes then you can eat meh :] byec: I SAID BAI U POTATOE
★βακεżιπι★ Bakeziri_1221
Welcome to Bakeziri's profile ACNL, Tomodachi Life, Super Mash Bros, Mario Kart 7&8, & Minecraft Fav 3DS game: ANCL Fav Wii U game: Mario kart 8 Enjoy! hm...why are u still reading this?
AnimeBoyZ fffamous2
Hi guys im AnimeBroZ!I live in California.I looooooove to make gaming videos on my channel,have 980,045 subs,& have the following games.Mario Kart 8,Super mario 3d world,Super mario maker,Super smash bros wii u,New super mario bros u,New super luigi u,& Mario party 10.So yep this is my profile!Bye Lovies!!I also love anime!MY FAVORITE!!!!!!
KingRyan1 ryan3687
Alex MCraftCNS
Inocente Eleonardo1980
Vivo no Brasil mas precisamente no Recife e quero convidar a você a jogarmos juntos, eae vamos? Yo vivo aca en Brasil mas precisamente en Recife, pero que tengo uno deseo del poder jugar con todos usteds, bamos la peleja?
[ΣΨ]Gamex TheSmashinggamex
hoi i am beast im canadian born 9/11/???? age: questions remain unawnserd i like chezburgers and my oc now ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oc: Name:Frost Age:16 Personality: Nice, Quite, Strong, Cowardish and A Nerd Relatives: None yet abillaty (if fantasy ice powers o.o) That My Oc -- Freinds To Check Out Kyledc1121 AngestyBlaze ☆saniyah☆! And Now I Have A Lucario.
Sophia^&* issophia
Hy!I am here!I need friends so I am asking people to be my friend...I also have a brother go follow him in my ''Following''chart!!!Thanks for being nice to Miverse...BYE!!!!!!
Ken Ken Kenya0927
Hi I have a lot of different profiles on miiverse but whatever My best friend is masky I do take friend request but I dont wii u calls I play a lot of games and I do streams on wii u games and ps4 games so I do a lot of fun stuff hope we can get along p.s I have a 2ds now
kinglords1 izael_jaime
hi it is izael_barriga you might know that i like video games espasily minecraft if you want to send friend reqeust feel free cause i will except them okay by
Lili leanny147
levi doggy254
anyone who wants to play egg wars text um...... i love aot and aphmau why are you still here..... u-uh?........ p-plz l-leave...... really?....... r u kidding?... fine stay i dont care... ok leave i care alot
DANI GAMER felixarmenta
Petey HappyPoo18
I my name is Petey and I am 13 and my favorite games are Mario Kart 8-Super Mario 3D World-Nintendo Land- I play not to spend my life on games and trying to plan my future and I am planing to follow my dad's foot steps into the Marine Corp and also planing to have fun in my home town LA but I still go for the Raiders I am kinda nice and I want to meet freinds with more people
Ashley 69010ashes
Hello everyone, here is some of my information. I'm 13 years old, i was born in Texas, i am a brunet cloured, i use glasses, very tall and i love going shopping
Skylar skylarbacon1
i love bacon!!! <3
mariobros mariobros123.90
hi :)
Evilchu zapman529
Hello my name is Evilchu and I am evil. Follower goals 1: 100 (completed) 2: 200 (completed) 3: 300 (completed) 4: 400 (completed) 5: 500 (in progress) A party in minecraft when goal 5 is done! Soon I will try a scary game called ''tattletail''. I played it, and I liked it kinda... Controlls are hard on tattletail I FINALLY BEAT SPLATOON!!!
Roxy RoxyPoo9
Hi its well you should know who it is if u taped my face. My name is Roxy :3 Here are somethings about me :3. I like Anime and Youtube my Favorite youtubers are JaidenAnitmatoins MARKILPIER!! AND JACKSEPTICEYE!! also My other friends are youtubers like JacksepticGirl :D Little Cake 3636 also Cake 3636 And JoesphBryson (SuperSmashBros Logo) And my Favorite song Is Discord And Mc is my favorite
Ggamer18 Ggamer18
Q powersofxmaswals
Bitzi bit986
I got a Wii U!!
AlissaЖCat Alissapooh12
Phillip PhillipPG
Hello i love splatoon and also love link!!!! If you ever play with me on splatoon. i love pikmin they're so cute!!!!!!!!
Ezra Dittus05
wilkommen auf meinem provil hir ein par fakten: Name:Finn Alter:13 Hobby's : Zocken ,rollerfahren , Anime +mangas lesen und zeichnen und JRK√ Lieblings Youtuber:Glp,Paluten,Herr Bergman,Logo und fiele mehr bf=Lauri (hug) bist die beste,Lars(hug too) bist die cuteste (^-^) beziungs status :singel ich liebe Pizza mit keserand ^-^ ich schreibe momentan an einem eigenen buch ich bin verückt \^-^/
Koa cat KoaPip
I like to play mario, minecraft and splatoon! hope you like me :3 lol!!! Bye Bye jk:3lo
orion mewtwo13v
my name is orion brunson and i love vido games by
EL|dedd sahilisawsome
Chase TPM GamerChase
Hey… guys and girls…! I'm Chase TPM, also known as the Platinum Miner…! I want to give a shout out to Bowsergirl, ♪~Yoshi~♪, and Yashi for doing such epic arts! I don't accept any friend requests…! (Only when I don't trust anyone) I'm always creative and like a comedian too…! That's all I got… I think…! As always, keep calm, and mine on I guess…! (R.I.P Miiverse, I'll miss you forever!)
GamerGuy56 ahualulco
Hello welcome to my profile. I am a nice person,not mean just nice. Favorite games: Super Smash Bros Minecraft Nintendo land Top Friend:It is Nathan because he is nice and kind so follow him. So thats all bye and why did you tap my face?
landon landon4708
love and i love people nice do stuff on and on ni and out
coy coy turner022
I love mario 3D world and mario kart please follow me i am very funny and cool everytime you message me or be my friend i will make your day coy is my real name did i mention im funny so please follow and be friends or ill eat your fries jk
Kay Fyrdo ohms_alon
Heya ~♥ So.. Whaddya wanna talk about? Me? Really? Okay.. Well I like nightcore.. And Anime! Ha.. I love the cold. Winter's great! I like The legend of Zelda.. I like school. Taco! Hic.. Taco! Hic.. I.. like turtles! No.. I mean.. I like foxes.. I like Harry Potter. Like they're good.. I meant GREAT! Fudge! Cornelious Fudge! Join the TS Clan! Bye ~♥ Ey! You an' your best friend!
sinwook woki7688
저는 남자이지만, 십대라서 닌텐도 계좌를 만들 때 엄마 거로 만들었습니다. 저는 슈퍼 마리오 메이커만 거의 해서 피치 메달을 벌써 얻었습니다! I'm male, but I'm teenager. So I had made my nintendo account with mom's. I almost play Super Mario Maker. So I had got peach medal!
Anjelo Bascombe
Hi I like both Sonic and Mario I play Sonic Boom:Rise of Lyric(don't judge me,I like it!) SMBU,SM3DW,Mario Kart 8,Nintendo Land and Super Mario Maker.Have a good day feel free to friend request me unless you like Pokemon cause I dislike it alot.
Shark♪Bait shortie1972
Hoiiiiiiiii sharkie and i draw.... and STUFF about me Bff: Cy and jenn k bye dud stop stalker hai meow oki u rebel you not getting to my post dudddd still u not k u reb
Leamons AntonyLittle
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jaden zeldamaster2112
i like mario and zelda games my main favorit series is zelda even though is still go out side and ride my bike once and a while.
Nico★cst nicowerner
Everything what you should now about me: i love the legend of zelda its the best game in the world!
Joe Dunderheadjoe
Hi my name is Joe check out my Super Mario Maker courses! PLEASE NO HATE OR ELSE I WILL QUIT MIIVERSE! I am extremly kind! I don't do Wii U chat! For now on I quit miiverse for 2 days if I get hate!!!!
yastin yastingarcia
patrick wells15
kitty DonCerdo
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LW/Codу LoneWolf385
To anyone reading this... I've left this place in search for a new journey. Considering what I'm leaving behind. I've already come to terms with this knowing this was for the best. However... I still feel troubled for leaving my friends behind. If only I could've told them to stay strong and I'll be fine, I promise... anyways, thanks for reading. Stay Awesome! ~LW/Cody
nicolas glamour13
bonjour c est nico voici mais truc drôle :★★★☆ interlligense :★★☆☆ jeux : ★★★☆ méchant :★☆☆☆ gentil : ★★★★ voici mais youtubeur préféré bledart squeezie ottovonbach thekiller1013 sly shooter panormal princecader easport merci abonne toi es sois mon n ami
fred. ¤–¤ Rigby1000
hi! I'm a person just like you! Everyone should take my new mono! 'Let's be friends before MV ends!'
Aidan Aidan_Chan
To understand each other and to share your feelings with each other those things are like bubbles hiding themselves in the grains of time so i have lost all hope
Hγρε★Rαмις ramis.z
неу тнеге! му пαме ις гамις! 😎 ι΄м а 15 уеаг оιd маιе! 🚹 ι΄м ƒгом тне υк! 🇬🇧 оώпег оƒ тне → "Hγρε" ← мк8 сļαл!! мк8 аιι тне шау! 🏎 7ооо νг. ςтагтеd 14/05/2017. 🕠 геğϋιαтıопς: 1️⃣ по шıı U снатς! 2️⃣ по вιапк ƒгıепd геquеςтς 3️⃣ ı'м а уеанвомвег, по нате! ねえ!私は日本語も話す ! 🇯🇵 それに続くボタンを覗くヒット! 🇯🇵 кеер мııνегse ƒгıелdιγ! 🤓 ƒоιιош ме & вуе! 🖐🏼
EggsBen. kingdomhearts3Ds
Danny 1st. gibsonmoran
This is my 1st account. The Truth about Tails "Sonic`s best friend and trusty sidekick, Tails can use his two tails to fly, allowing him lead Sonic a helping hand with hard-to-reach places. Tails is also something of a technical genius, applying his mechanical expertise to invent all sorts of vehicles and other robotic contraptions. Miiverse will shutdown til: 2 days. I like to know everyone.
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess wha...
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess what?..I DON'T swear! Back up Profile is Chuy 2 . And Sister's is: Derpsarecool [ashley]. Don't friend Request me when I have a HUNDRED friends, Just Please!.. Don't do it in that Day! Also I accept Random Friend Requests.
- I Do Wii U Chat!
- I'm not online very OFTEN!
Well.. daz it! Bye:3!