Chu - eh's Followers
ƒπ»ςραлκιε diamond741
hey everone my name is ƒπ»ςραπκιε and am looking forward to having some friends here my nintendo ID :diamond741 i love games i almost like school and love anime alot and i hope that me and you can be good friend bye!!!
Silver SilDicap
irrelevant SuperwomanX
Bi º*º crushing on san ;]] huge hp fan troye sivan, blackbear, logic, lana del rey are babes prolly younger than you i hate school i loooovvveeee reading i have anxiety .,. im not emo lgbtq pride !! i love everyone :))♥ i still cant understand how i got ten followers overnight follow4follow babes (;
Neko★Gal AnnabelleTheGirl
Best Friend: τκz★Star☆ I'm 13 and I love music. I'm new here and I already got a lot of followers! Peace out!
Danny 2nd dannymoran101205
Hello I am Danny 3ds this is my 2th 3DS account. Hola, Soy Danny esta es mi Segundo 3DS cuenta. Yo hablo inglés y español un poco (voy a aprender español todos los días el mexicano) Thank you for 4 friends and 162 followers. Gracias por 4 amigos y 162 Seguidores. I spoke English a lot and Spanish a little.
heb Chris10357
shy guyPUG darpug
Yandio YanDio
Lionheart2 HangmanZfighter
Muy bendecido.
H!T Sen BonnitsMiku
Heya! I'm just yo' SENsational Girl, *HumanVania Intensifies* IRL: Mood: Sad... Relationship: No...úxú Glasses Fandom Trash Speaks 4 Languages Cosplayer ♥BATIM/FNAF/UT♥ --♀----♪-----∞-- Online [☆] Offline [] Outta posts: NEVER! Don't be mean to my followers/Friends > :< Or you get a BAD TIME... Sayonara! p.s Bye MV...ÚWÚ *Gives you a cookie* Omg'!! Thank you for 500+ Follows!!!♥♪
Koki Mckoki
はる haruooo0816
stephania ilovedogs2112
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louis mikadochou
Davide'pro spiderdvd-gio
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T r a v ↑ TravisLeT2
нι му ηαмε ις ♪★τгανις♪★ you can aslo call me the yeah boiiiiii ι lιkε το уεαhβοмβ . ι αм 14 уεαrς σld. αlτς: NinTravis_2 RealTravis2 I am the Ruler Of The Virgina Club And i live in VA сlαης: МКЯ (allie) Э☆ь (M e m b e r) ★оιιэнλ★ (Leader) ★МКα☆ωλ★ (allie) S☆Я(allie/member) ↑(m e m b e r GOODBYE MIIVERSE >:( Bye I miss ;-;
Tobeytron tobeytron18
Why'da poke me right in the face!? Oh yeah, to see my miiverse! Well, I hope you enjoy and follow me! I do like Mario games and many others though I don't post about them (Because I don't have any for the WiiU), but I would like for you to know that. So please enjoy your time. Try not to poke my face so hard next time... pls...
Ben getgrow
I Love to play Minecraft: Animal Crossing: tomodachi life: Splatoon: Mariocart: Minecraft pocket edition: Mario Maker: AND TOOOOOOO MUCH MORE!!!!!!! anyway, by guy's!!!
KingDLR dlredd15
sid sidnei86
Fox Juls iggy56
wiggity wiggity wazzup dudes and duddettes its me julian and here are the things i like *undertale *FNAF *bendy and the ink machine *EDDSWORLD *CUPHEAD FAVORITES↓ *family *friends *all of you *spaghetti my gender is male wut? okay goodbye ummm... im gets nervous TAKEN by the best~♥ so cash me outside!! HA YOU THOUGHT!!! HAHAHA
Cade-Dog#3 cadowolf
Hello everyone as you can see i like dogs and i am a huge kyrie irving fan too. I like to play video games and basketball.*JOIN TEAM DOG!!* i am 11¾. Also i am half french and spanish. /0 ▼ 0\ - the dog/ Cade-Dog#3
ňĺğħł☆βφγ★ aidendox
hi guys ilke to play splatoon minecraft and youtube or sometimes mario kart 8 and my name is aiden and if u follow me i'll follow u and my birthday is not the 11/22 its the 12/17
Chamouraï polrobert
Salut c'est Samouraï •_• Alors je me présente : - Mon vrai prénom est Paul. - Mon nom est Robert. - J'ai 8 ans. - J'aime le foot, - J'aime le chocolat ( blanc ). - J'ai 2 grand frères et 1grande sœur. - Mon animal préféré est le Chaton. - J'adore manger. - Mon moment préféré se passe le soir et c'est dormir. Voilà j'ai fini de me présenter. Au revoir à toutes et à tous. : ) ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ( :
Hi im hunter, im a teen, not like any other person. don't think about my birth day, i often forget my own birth day so don't worry! well...that's it see you around bye!
きなこまんじゅう jrbkhh
え?自己紹介?するよ? 後で、いやいや今やる 名前}あぶりとろさーもん 本名}知らない 出身地}北海道★ 好きな歌}カンナムスタイル 好きこと}お城作り フォローしてくれたら非公開意外返します くらいだとお、おお、おお、思うよ ぐっちゃぐちゃwwwwwwwwww フレンド多い人っていいなーフレンドもっとほしいな
kevin kev2907
Hi! My name is Kevin.I don't post as often as I used to,But Its ok! I like to post pictures for fun! More drawings will be coming soon to! Joined Miiverse on July 14 2014 ( 3 years ago !) Thanks for 223 followers ! You guys are awsome !!! I have the WII, WII U, New 3ds xl ,Xbox 360 , Xbox One S , and the Switch I post pictures of Super Smash Bros , Mario , and others! Amino coming soon
thomas birdo123
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Diane Diane0011
Me llamo Diane tengo 15 soy experta en juegos Tengo Mario Kard 8 ,Super Mario 3D World son los que mas juego aunque tenga mas Soy muy divertida y madura soy Buena persona muy social y trato de ayudar a mis nuevos amigos Me gusta jugar mucho con ustedes y con mucho gusto juego con ustedes Acepto mensajes etc. Y mi capacidad de ingles lo domino bien soo los espero en una carrera
********** tomgehl2009
jemand lust auf minecraft '???
こいバナだいすきっ♪ koibanagadaisuki
どーも。千葉県出身で現在私含めて4人の兄妹がいる恋バナ大好きです。私は三女です。皆さんどうぞよろしくお願いします。恋愛系について聞きたいこがあったら何でもきいてください。あと、長女の恋愛大好きはニックネームどおりかなりの恋愛好きなので、長女に聞いてもべつにいいですよ。まあ、皆さん仲良くしましょう。 ところで8/1からの新シーズンのチーム名とチーム数が完全に決まりました。チーム名は長女の恋愛大好き1人で恋ちゃん(れんちゃん)チーム、私三女で恋バナ大好き1人でバナナチーム、次女の焼き肉好き女&弟の!で愛ちゃん大好き連合チームを結成したのでこの3チームで今シーズンは8/1~12/30までの間で不規則な日程で対戦していきます。開幕戦初戦のカードは、恋ちゃんチームvsバナナチームです。ちなみにゲーム結果の更新順は月ごとに8月私→9月恋愛大好き→10月焼き肉好き女→11月!→12月は?(誰かな)です。
wes wesley222
i like you
latiñagirl RECKMASTER
I might be kind and cute like a dog and snuggly like a cat but i have hidden stories its not all cupcakes and rainbows in my life but... here some things about me i,animals,drawing,making friends or other types of "friends" i love the color cyan blue :l i enjoy pokemoñ and different añime . I get shy and start blushing easily and easy to amaze btw im latina and im15 bye!
RM∴ACまっつーー matsutake.3829
こんにちは。僕最近ポッ拳にはまってます。でも一番ln率が高いのははミーバスだと思います。仲良くしましょう~。 スプラポッ拳も楽しいです。どちらもおすすめです。 ちなみに皆さんは何をやってますか。 フォローはしてくれたら9概9999京9999兆9999万9999%返します。宜しくお願いしますー。 ゲーム弱くても。強くても。フレリクくれたらOKしまーすー。ミーバスは楽しいですよねーーーー。 まだ見てるの?そんなに好き?wwww まだ見てるの?そんなにみないでーwwwwww そんなにやめて欲しい? 飽きた辞める
fernafloo MemoGame
justin justinhuntetboss
justin hunter boss is the best he can beat the rest woo yeah man enjoy the game and have fun friends welcome to miivers hes 35 years old he loves to play guitar
maddizigle princess804
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»-НαΙЭy--› HaleyBear101
Heyo! Welcome to my profile. I don't put up with hateful people. Just letting you know now. I love all my friends and followers ( settle down haters, not in that way.) I am a Trumpet player and I am in Marching Band. I am 16 My Famm: *~Josh~*, May, and kittyChan... Don't forget to follow me. :) That's basically it... bye!!
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess wha...
Uh.. Hello! My Name is Chuy, but please call MEH Chu - eh ! If you think I swear, well guess what?..I DON'T swear! Back up Profile is Chuy 2 . And Sister's is: Derpsarecool [ashley]. Don't friend Request me when I have a HUNDRED friends, Just Please!.. Don't do it in that Day! Also I accept Random Friend Requests.
- I Do Wii U Chat!
- I'm not online very OFTEN!
Well.. daz it! Bye:3!