owin's Followers
ZøMbîZåçh savagekahuna
im nice and sometimes a nimrod but aways fun i love having fun
**Prince** songokuthegreat
Kenny TheToadBrigade
Hey everyone! It's mii, Kenny!!! Here's some facts: I'm 18. Smash Bros Wii U is my favorite game. Palutena's my main. She's my favorite character from any videogame ever! I have a fear of bugs (I'm serious). I have 5 older sisters. No brothers. I'm homosexual. I like to post stuff in the NSLU C., and about games I've gotten recently. Have fun and praise the Goddess of Light, Palutena!
bigred bigred011
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Meus Bovinious
Aidan kalawar
Hello. ^-^ •15, ♀ •A Virgo, INFJ, and what I guess is called an Extroverted Introvert. •Favorite Genres: rap, metal. •Favorite Bands/Rappers/People: Eminem, Nightwish, Ludacris, Ki//switch Engage, Slipknot, Busta Rhymes, Token, Maroon 5,Marilyn Manson •Favorite Movie: The second Saw. •Favorite Show: Dεατh Note. Follow: Z, Suki, Tankjob20, Bailey B., Boy Wonder. Feel free to chat anytime. =P
Daniel Daniel987123
Hi its me Daniel agin and I have a new nnid because I lost my old one yes I still play the games I put on my old nintendo network id but now i am playing new games like little big planet 3 pokemon rumble world pokemon shuffle color zen Roblox minecraft ps vita/ps3 the magic hammer cube creator 3d smile basic kirby triple figthers delux super smash bros for 3ds boxboy and pokemon piccross
NLM★Gleπ★ Supr_G
Hi im Glen Medrano. Im a 15 year old teen who loves Mario. Im an Experienced Maker in SMM. I have 9400★'s. [Lets see if I can get 10,000 by the end of the year.] Im also a Big Sonic fan! "Way past cool!" R.I.P. Miiverse, 2012-2017. Goodbye guys! I will miss you all. :) Been using Miiverse since January 1st, 2016-November 8, 2017. Im president and leader of a clan NLM (Next Level Makers)
Dad's Girl Purple126
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Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
LUIGI vinnyrocks05
im a binding of isaac, splatoon, minecraft, terraria, and a mario kart 8 player. if you have nintendo switch let me know.
Bendy feunardman
Salut tu te trouve sur le compte de Suzy (la fille ) et de Medy (le gars homo) Pas de wii u chat ! dsl sauf mon frere des foix qui veux bien ! bref je vous dis a plus!
rainbine sequoiaburden
hi i really like undertale, anime, video games like splatoon call of duty ect
newnew newnew19407
hello my name is newnew I am 8 and I like to play minecraft for wii u mario kart 8 super smash bros and super mario 3D world
Owin owin25boss666
Alex, hot SuperCheesePizza
Hackers are back on roblox.
james owinhollingsw
NaWoomyiel nathanielwhite
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▼▲ςεяεηα▲▼ gardevoirshiny
вƒƒ:ιανγ θωθ (Silv.Pandy) ßяαιχεη ςεяεπα яεмεмβея: ςεяεηα ις τнε моςτ ιмрояταητ τнιπġ ιπ мγ łιfε σωσ ρς:SATOSHI (αςн) AND SERENA ARE MY PROPRIETY °^° βγε♪♭
Jewel540 GloriaWB
Im a FNAF lover. I dislike no FNAF games. This is my goal chart for followers 110 FOLLOWER(DONE) 120 FOLLOWERS(DONE) 130 FOLLOWERS(DONE) 140 FOLLOWERS(none) 150 FOLLOWERS(none) 160 FOLLOWERS(none) 170 FOLLOWERS(none) 180 FOLLOWERS(none) 190 FOLLOWERS(none) 200 FOLLOWERS(none) oh and what ever you do dont scroll down you reble. i like you
Talaejah talaejah
hi everyone
Roast King smashbrogeek
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Nicki 212286
chris swish41
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WííÜÇállèr JoeyDaChatter127
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#SS Sñówy Trisjoe14
Hi, i'm Joey from Michigan! Things about me! Top 8 Favorite Games 1.Splatoon 2.Super Mario Maker 3.Animal Crossing: New Leaf 4.Yoshi's Wooly World 5.Mario Kart 8 6. Mario Kart 7 7. Tomodachi Life 8. Super Mario 3D World Friends Gary, Tristan aka I Got Swag, Travis, Sam2K109. Zack, mk ashton, and Kenny Lord :] Note, Michigan Wolverines are the best! One more thing I love Amiibos I have over 70.
bravewolf SuperSimba
STATUS:ONLINE hi i'm bravewolf simba is awesome Age:16 I LOVE WOLVES HUGE SONIC FAN I'm A WOLF I TRIED a WEREWOLF SPELL if you wanna know how just ask! i love foxes! my lover is SILVERFOX my BEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD derpyfox kawii chan Matthew royal pj deisel dragon9999 kittenNip pinky76 agent amy gary.g army fox.x Asuna i'm very fluffy so hug i love hugs!!! ^^
mizura CompteDeSecour00
comptes principal: Yuuki_Kagamine. myu est une kitsune est yuuki une neko vampire VIVE HATSUNE MIKU EST GUMI!!!! ze suis complètement tarey vive mémé-lili y'a que elle qui peux comprendre xD vive les patates nyan cats #seul neko san peut comprendre xD est vive les nyan cats est les panda-licorne *seul mon m.a peut comprendre x)* en couple avec zeko ♥♡♥♡ ze t'aime nya ///^^/// ♥o♡
Hi i'm Syillss (psy-lis) i'm a skateboarder and a video gamer also i rap in my spare time i'm manic-depressive and i'm bisexual more gay though i'm a punk/emo i'm lonely a lot of the time i'm in my head a lot I love animals and Youtube i'm single i'm 18 and that's about me
Fuzzy0ω0 LebronKobeMJ23
| | _ _ | | |__ __| | _ _ | __| |__ | _ | | _ | |_______| Favorite song ♪♪Soap mashup with twenty-one pilots♪♪ No wii u chat (^ω^ being safe) Friend request me Follow me Like my favorite post (up there↑) Yeah Bombs = BLOCK Goal 300-600 followers Be yourself and always be you 0ω0
Paige paigerenees
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☆Jeremiah★ jtm828
hi guys im 13 if you have mk8 or mario smash bros you can friend me and we can play so see you guys later. i hope of posting pictures on ssb......
tails xboxoneisthebest
hey guys I love skylanders, ironman, sonic boom etc. I do like the xbox one better then the wii u but it is my opinion feel free to friend me I will accept it and I have smash, splatoon, skylanders, sonic boom and the lego movie on the wii u I have another account but this is a back up account so I will use the other account more so bye
sonic ironmanfan10
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hi my name is owin umm i sy kool a lot oh and my bday is comingup oct 16 i will be turning *mom: ...
hi my name is owin umm i sy kool a lot oh and my bday is comingup oct 16 i will be turning *mom: its your dinner. me: okbye people