owin's Friends
NiqhtCence NiqhtCenser
Hi Guys This Is My New Acount NNID NiqhtCenser Hope You Enjoy
Umbreon blackbeartic2
marc Untouchable56
HowAreYou? LeftHandedPencil
I only use this account for Smash so don't expect me to play any other games. I main Mr. Game & Watch and I'm almost always up for a battle request. I hang around on Twitch a lot so you can probably find me there.
Issei Issei_Hyoudou-TM
Cool Beth mmcbeth
Hi I am Jacob I like minecraft and i'm on uselly 3:00Pm - 12:00AM school days then 6:00AM - 3:00AM Pacific Time Zone if you want to play mc with me friend mmcbeth Also Closing Acount Down to all Friends And Followers That Like Me Friend -> NiqhtCenser or NiqhtSword <-
el machin Asriel86
If anyone is down to play smash bros send me a friend request
Owin owin25boss666
Aiden AAM939
Hello im Aiden if you have been friends with MY4983, then friend me im MY4983 . My nintendo network ID got cut off so now im AAM939 thank you if you friend me. That's all.
Cristian kingofaces879
»V«|Ibuki Gohan_3251
Hi! My name is christian and im 14 years old.im good at video games, and my favorite kind of food is pasta! Favorite Food:Pasta. idk what to put anymore! if you want to know something about me, feel free to message me!! ^^ Thanks if u read all of it!!!! :):) :) :P Fite Meh
Jaiden jls195
hi im jaiden got a wiiu 2-27-16 Favorite game mvc color ? bros alan shadic & my friens include alex jahnnessa icey luna darkfish goku and (kyle when hes chill) wreslers aj style dolph ziggler and rko animal ? food pizza super heroes wade wilson spideman ssb fighter sonic nintendo characters luigi yoshi sega characters sonic aiai song phenomenal i go to war even i dont wanna
Ban hippielittleturd
I'm currently Online 4-8 pm also I play splaton, Minecraft, Mario PaRty, Mario cart, Kirby (Wii u and nintendo), and SUPER MARIO MAKER also a lot of nintendo games but mostly the kirby and pokemon games . . . AND MK7 Things I'm a god at: Bows, Tower Contral, Mind Games and almost parkor. P.S IM GEMINI
********** sanicpro123
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miiu thetryhards
Anthony MarioMan8472
ςγήAsterio 3Xpedite
I'm the type of person who typically loves cheesecake! :)
#Rekt mysisterg
boss JasonVee
Amanda playgirl232
my name is amanda im nice at pionts if u dont annoy me and im sure we will be great friends
WííÜÇállèr JoeyDaChatter127
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ike man izaakq03
Hello... Welcome to my profile. MUHAHAHAHAAA!!! *cough* Sorry, it's dusty in here, well anyways here's my profile. I do like to draw during now and then, and other things too. My favorite games are Smash Bros, Mario Maker, Splatoon, and MK8... and a few others. So yeah, here's my profile, and have a nice day. And potatos... Sorry I felt like saying more... Yeeah... uhh... Alright then.
sky dad therealfgteev
hey subbscriblers and doh-nots and fgteevers ready for superchargers I am and have 100 friends already
tails xboxoneisthebest
hey guys I love skylanders, ironman, sonic boom etc. I do like the xbox one better then the wii u but it is my opinion feel free to friend me I will accept it and I have smash, splatoon, skylanders, sonic boom and the lego movie on the wii u I have another account but this is a back up account so I will use the other account more so bye
sonic ironmanfan10
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dayanna alexcis1347
dantdm driftking2016
hi my name is brandon and i like to play disny infinity2.0&1.0 if u want to play with me friend request me thats all thanks :)
Aidan AidanDaBaller
Aye I'm a huge Mario Fan! I'm open to playing against anyone if you're down. Aight Peace!
☆Jeremiah★ jtm828
hi guys im 13 if you have mk8 or mario smash bros you can friend me and we can play so see you guys later. i hope of posting pictures on ssb......
Sonic ironmanfan1
hi i am sonic but you can call me larry i like mario, sonic, skylanders, super smash bros and SPLATOON!!!!!!. and i do wii U chat but i do play games with other people and i watch the skylander boy and girl channel and i always like and subscribe there 3 channels and i am sonic's number 1 fan in history and FAVORITE SUPER HERO IS IRONMAN!! until next time stay fresh senserly sonic's biggest fan
Tk hlee23
Thorn epicness44
Sonic brennenstarling
skulleado arthuriKing
hola me encanta jugar link
TPS ThePokeStriker
benjamin flipserb11
I am a sonic fan.If you follow me I will follow you back.If you send me a friend request I will definitely accept no matter what.Please be sure to follow me
TS|King KelvinKing123
Hey! Wanna Play Some SSB sometime? Im some what good Fav Youtubers:DashieGames,Pewdiepie,8-Bit Gaming BTW:My Waifu is Lucina And Ana Anyways See Ya!!
NaWoomyiel nathanielwhite
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#SS Sñówy Trisjoe14
Hi, i'm Joey from Michigan! Things about me! Top 8 Favorite Games 1.Splatoon 2.Super Mario Maker 3.Animal Crossing: New Leaf 4.Yoshi's Wooly World 5.Mario Kart 8 6. Mario Kart 7 7. Tomodachi Life 8. Super Mario 3D World Friends Gary, Tristan aka I Got Swag, Travis, Sam2K109. Zack, mk ashton, and Kenny Lord :] Note, Michigan Wolverines are the best! One more thing I love Amiibos I have over 70.
sonic mbamberg1
hey my name is Sonic. I love to play, learn, and dance.Im a big fan of sonic and mario mostley sonic.I love nintendo and sega. I play most of those games. Im also a fan of pokemon. One last thing is im little bit of a good drawer. That it for me cya im also im not an expert with all games also i had a 3DSxl i do wii u chat by the way. i accept any friend request
¡Weege¡ santiago410
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Nytronik davin63
Hello Everyone, I'm Nytronik, Heres some Info about me; ♢ I play Super Smash Bros., Yoshi's Woolly World, Splatoon and more! ♢ I will except Friend requests unless my List is full. I do Pixel Art. No Wii U chat. I also Yeah bomb Sometimes. ♢ I'm also epic. SSB4 Master. ^_^ I'm also extremely good at putting salt on people's popcorn, or on anything for that matter.
**Prince** songokuthegreat
Vegeta88 Agustin00
I am the Hype!
battletoad feelsoulgood
Daniel Daniel987123
Hi its me Daniel agin and I have a new nnid because I lost my old one yes I still play the games I put on my old nintendo network id but now i am playing new games like little big planet 3 pokemon rumble world pokemon shuffle color zen Roblox minecraft ps vita/ps3 the magic hammer cube creator 3d smile basic kirby triple figthers delux super smash bros for 3ds boxboy and pokemon piccross
Isley falco146
roli kyogre56
NaNo NaNokimu
muffinmax muffinmax1
A rad dude with a bad tude Twitter - @Muffinmax_ Twitch - muffinmax_smash Youtube - Muffinmax
Erica ericaxxrose
********** justa2007
i love chatting with new people and love wii u chat and playing games!!!!!!!!My name is justin i,m 9 years ild thank you for looking at my profile!! storm trooper i love
undertale1 connorsanders
Blucario Gamer9304
Hi I'm Kevin aka Blucario I mostly play smash 4 Lucario main Level 9 cringelord Ya like jazz?
Squill turtwig101
im a cool guy and i love squids, cats, and magical beings like warlocks. im a cool guy.
Daddy gamehunters
Star Yeuuko
#Can't stop won't stop. (-) Merciful but potent.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Umbreon blackbeartic
This user's profile comment is private.
Hi i'm Syillss (psy-lis) i'm a skateboarder and a video gamer also i rap in my spare time i'm manic-depressive and i'm bisexual more gay though i'm a punk/emo i'm lonely a lot of the time i'm in my head a lot I love animals and Youtube i'm single i'm 18 and that's about me
4+20 ViciouZGameR
Domen cole72804
Hi everybody I do wii u chat but not in (October) sorry reason why because that is scary season and I have a 3DS and it's the New 3DS XL I have, and I love going on roller coasters and I do accept friend request so friend request me anytime if you want oh and one more thing 4/2 is not my birthday that's my mom's birthday my real birthday is 7/28 now goodbye
rainbine sequoiaburden
hi i really like undertale, anime, video games like splatoon call of duty ect
Paul X2ndhandsarcasm
jake Pokeplayer100
Starusue Starusue
Ayyy!! :3 Follow me on www.twitch.tv/starusue
§nazzy<3 Gigazilla2000
Hai peeps! (/˘¬˘)/ Gigazilla is here to welcome you to my profile. I have many games to play for the wii u. Have Smash? Lets smash it up! Have Splatoon? Try to no scope me ;] Have Mairo Kart 8? Lets race to the finish :D Have Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate? Lets go beat monsters to death. And more games to come. So lets play some games º³°
Sinx 689Link
Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That's alchemy's first law of equivalent exchange. In those days we really believed that to be the world's one and only truth.
Lynn FrostedGemStone
welp goodbye. Miiverse was fun before it died (in my opinion) about a year ago. It was nice knowing all the peeps and seeing everyone's art. you won't find me anywhere cause I don't have any socials. (actually I have closedverse for the heck of it, user:MusicBox everything else is the same) sorry for not being active and talking to my friends. that's my only regret. k bye
Skim Milk Applerack
Terr-Fare KorokumaTheWily
I'M AS GRACEFUL AS A 3-LEGGED GAZELLE!! Officially 22, enjoys hardcore games, and long walks at the- life. What more do you want from me? I just play Smash and Splatoon till I don't suck. My art is ok, do try to make it look decent. I'm always liking to chat by notif's, not WiiU chat, so no, don't. Part of The Potato Squad.
Josh brandonq01
Jaden Jaden25
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KoopaXross ChaoStar
Anthony Anthony2315
"There's only two types of people in this world, the ones that entertain and the ones the observe." I love to dance and play video games!
Luigifan Luigifan305
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hi my name is owin umm i sy kool a lot oh and my bday is comingup oct 16 i will be turning *mom: ...
hi my name is owin umm i sy kool a lot oh and my bday is comingup oct 16 i will be turning *mom: its your dinner. me: okbye people