Giovanny's Followers
Steve SonicMario120
Hello and welcome to my profile I like some WillU and 3DS games heres part of the list Sonic Lost World (WiiU), Mario Kart 8 (WiiU), Super Mario 3D World (WiiU) and Sonic Generations (3DS) and much more to come and I might accept your friend request. My good friends: Yoshi512265, zerzzes
Gamester Tynamo1456
Willow willowp
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★Bryan★ cashoutbryan
so guys we have sad news miiverse will not come back to nintendo and they delete nintendo tv now miiverse i will miss miiverse
pvp★Kenny alleseb7
i started using miiverse 3 to3 and a half years ago. my favorite games are super smash brothers[3DS and Wii U], splatoon, pokemon rumble world, and super mario maker. Please, no Wii U Chat. You can message me on Miiverse still, but no Wii U Chat.
coleman845 angieleblanc1
hi im a big minecrafter so if you want to play with me just send me a friend and i always say yes im a boy at 13 years old
caprisun matthewshedden
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Bullied★:( Bosshiker
Hi!! im ☆★Curry★☆! I LOVE PrestonPlayzz vids. PLZ sub him and PLZ sub to Kohen Davis my friend and i love sports,friends, and family. PLZ give a follow and bye!
E ERoid22
You cAN GET TO closedverse by looking it up online.
seddik lassie2009
preston wilcox10
(•ω•) Desuheart
Hoi :3 call me Desu, I like anime and stuff ohh and I like potatos. so... follow me.... ummm your still there soo have a potato... you :T you (shes still talking) yup sooo bye.... 200 years later... 7000 years later.. you (is she dead?) nope 9000 years later... Go follow my friend bye :3
cokeacola emeraldwarrior7
splatoon amazing
ender ender62
hello im ender and i want to let you now that im just starting to do this but you can play with me. just add me as a friend
k dog 22149awesomebutt
hey, the names k dog and here's a few things about myself, 1. I like five nights at freddys. 2. i like trains 3. l was just kidding about number 2 4. i like to swim 5. i love to snowboard 6. i dont accept any blank friend requests 7. i like girls i also like carrots
тне ƒоŁŁог wiibee07
Evan evanjc
Hi im Evan
superboy grahamplayer
glide times 102.900 cavern (glitched 101) temple 114.850 canyon 109.601 darren the best
JesseDaBos Blu3Th3ory
Hi I Love Minecraft Also Terraria But Minecraft The Most
FireMaster zakkariah
Hello my name is you know just call me Zakk. In minecraft I love to play survival and PVP plus I have a minigames world that you can join so come have fun! I'm a propropropro at Minecraft I know everything trust me I have love for this game its so fun! In my minigames world I have something called apocalypse, Friend me for more information. BTW I'm really funny!
Jk jashunti
Hi, if you don't already know my name is Jess. I am a sweet, cute, and kind person. Follow erwood69, KittenLover96, angieleblanc1 and tay
reynolds 455coolguy
hello my name is tyler i got my wiiu at xmas it has been fun and now becuase of my friends i couldint do it bye
こうき take39593216
ebo_ ebo2412
hi im Ellie and i draw stuff and when im not on miiverse im sat at a computer making animations♥ y chu poke mah face? the #NARWHAL_SQUAD will live forever!! thank you all so much for 200+ followers i really appreciate it! bet u cant guess my age! /\___/\ (θ • θ ) | v v | \( > > ) bye ▲▼▲▼
alex los_five_bros
sup everyone
Carter internetworld
-Love to Play Minecraft so...Hit me up if you want to! -Gaming for Life! -Feel free to DM me! -17years old -Part of the Øhio Clique, FPE, Stay Alive -TwentyØnePilots |-/ <3
Pro Minecraft_Pro368
hello my name is aydn here are the things that i like minecraft terraria callof duty ghosts thank you for listening:)
UK mario1 nathanj04
Feeling: HAPPY. Lol u clicked on my face didin't u. well nice to meet u my name is Nathan and I love video games sports hunting fishing and going outside if u are wondering how old I am im 9 im turning 10 this year I LOVE MARIO MINECRAFT TRERRAIA AND CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPPS 2 AND MIIVERSE!!! SO MUCH! i have 1 brother and 2 sisters my gender is a boy plz follow me and yeah my post have a great day!
Natsu D. DigDugDan00
Hewwo :3
Gabriel gaboy99
this is sponsor by baguio hut its the greatest food hello my name is gabe or gabriel i am born in august age:? full name:gabriel leones louis will u chat coming soon and call me gabriel gabe louis gaboy99 leones favorite song:megalovania favorite mother character:poo most favorite games ever:minecraft and super smash bros 4 new super mario bros u mariokart8 scribblenauts unlimted
ьЕαυ.•☆ Beauw07
*РгОтОи lets you on profile* Name:☆Ряотои★ Country:αυs Talents:Drawing,Soccer,Can do the Pika voice Gamеs:Splatoon,SMM,Terraria,MK8 Anime:DBZ,OP,DN Age:11 Best Friend:XxSPUDDYxX11 `\_(˙˘˙)_/`★☆♡♥★☆♡
codthegod darthfamily
Hi my name is Joseph and i like to play minecraft and basketball. I like to play first person shooter and play RPG games sometimes and my favorite basketball team is THE GOLDEN STATE WORRIORS.
coolkid101 CoolKid714
hello thanks for all the great memories on Miiverse i made lots of good friendships and memories in this place! R.I.P miiverse 2012-2017. thanks to my best friends cheesybrain5656 curlsonsusan and speedyturtle07
Mia Nipsey03
hi im nipsey and i love minecraft craft if you ♡ minecraft friend me p.s jelly is my bestfriend ♡
ιųδ★Luddγ$ SBG65804A
Hi. welcome to the ludstars profile. Don't poke my face next time. Anyway... Games: WII / U Splatoon Super Mario Maker mk8 yoshi's wooly world mp10 mario bros.u nintendo land! dk:tf minecraft wii u smg1/2 paper mario mkw pm:cs Switch Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Splatoon 2 Soporo morio odysissle Redstone :-) PS3 / 4: 22 Practice self control, bye!
Abby luis.abby
Í can beat anyone in the world with mario tennis
Jossy Josnette124
Hi guys my name is josnette My bffs are: Eduu♥ Teane Daisy Maria Ashley I love my cousins: Jacob Ashley Keishla
saiyan allysh
goodbye miiverse we will miss you (R.I.P miiverse) :(. and i woud also want to thank everyone who was there. goodbye everybody
Garon Garon117
So how yall doin:-)
Bit wolf G mchnturnedblues
Hi my favorite game is minecraft and i dont have many friends so i hope you like my posts
hi my name is Giovanny and here are some apps and games i like to play minecr...
hi my name is Giovanny and here are some apps and games i like to play minecraft and youtube