Users Giovanny Is Following
Gamester Tynamo1456
gpie412j Gpie412J
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pvp★Kenny alleseb7
i started using miiverse 3 to3 and a half years ago. my favorite games are super smash brothers[3DS and Wii U], splatoon, pokemon rumble world, and super mario maker. Please, no Wii U Chat. You can message me on Miiverse still, but no Wii U Chat.
B.Fraser B.Fraser
so hi welcome to my profile i play minecraft MARIO MAKER MARIO KART 8 AND A 3DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
evan.. The_family_J
mine craft time
caprisun matthewshedden
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mr games that1guymrgames
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Bullied★:( Bosshiker
Hi!! im ☆★Curry★☆! I LOVE PrestonPlayzz vids. PLZ sub him and PLZ sub to Kohen Davis my friend and i love sports,friends, and family. PLZ give a follow and bye!
alex los_five_bros
sup everyone
Ohio Boy benhammond19
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Julio36 ptitpoisman
Hi, welcome to my miiverse page! I love drawing :D Im a big fan of Five nights at Freddy's! My favourite games: Five nights at freddy's Need for speed world Minecraft BeamNG drive and Robocraft
★Bryan★ cashoutbryan
so guys we have sad news miiverse will not come back to nintendo and they delete nintendo tv now miiverse i will miss miiverse
Ninja_do ninjdo
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preston wilcox10
seddik lassie2009
Kaedyn toomanyproblems9
hi im Kaedyn with a y i like to play minecraft i like starwars, legos, pizza, marvel, DC robots crafts art i like to collect items toys, games movies, cloths well thats all the stuff i like im and im toomanyproblems
ςς☆Mavs titos_c
Hey Name:Maverick ( My nickname is Mavs ) Gender:♂ Relationship:Currently ♥.....Single.....♥:( Age:13 Things i dislike: Negative people, Hackers and people that like to squidbag in Splatoon Things i like:Positive people, Music, Animals and School Games i play a lot: Splatoon, Minecraft, Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8 I hope you will find me as a nice person Fave song: DISS TRACK ED By NetNoBody Bye.....
(•ω•) Desuheart
Hoi :3 call me Desu, I like anime and stuff ohh and I like potatos. so... follow me.... ummm your still there soo have a potato... you :T you (shes still talking) yup sooo bye.... 200 years later... 7000 years later.. you (is she dead?) nope 9000 years later... Go follow my friend bye :3
Rich mandalatv
i like playing minecraft and splatoon and pikmin i love friend requests i would love to be your friend and i unblock poeple if i like them agen i follow friends so.... you no!!
Rocxy mommanikki
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E ERoid22
You cAN GET TO closedverse by looking it up online.
Mike Flufstep
Hi, I'm Michael! (Please call me Flufstep... I hate my name...) I don't know how you got here, but welcome! I am an 11-year old who plays Minecraft, Splatoon, and tons of more! I can also be a savage sometimes. Miiverse! Noo!! Why do you HAVE to go!? Goodbye Miiverse on November 2017. What else should I put here... Best friend: CNeqEX Niece: PrincessGrace067 I think that's enough, bye guys!
☆KyBurger☆ Kyliemonkey21
Hoi I'm Kylie and I'm a 11 year old :) Offline[0] Online[] No posts[] If you haven't noticed, I love drawing.. And I tend to be annoying :D My brother is Gavin (omagareploid) I am lazy I like Cats And Dogs, But I can only draw Cats ;0 Im a weeb I like Pokemon.. And Vocaloids Why are you still here Creep.. Ok ok Imma cringy and like dank memes
cokeacola emeraldwarrior7
splatoon amazing
Shy Guy CookieMan2256
well i like link alot my favourite games are mk8, Breath of the wild, the wind waker,minecraft and terraria i like to play soccer im 12
тне ƒоŁŁог wiibee07
k dog 22149awesomebutt
hey, the names k dog and here's a few things about myself, 1. I like five nights at freddys. 2. i like trains 3. l was just kidding about number 2 4. i like to swim 5. i love to snowboard 6. i dont accept any blank friend requests 7. i like girls i also like carrots
coleman845 angieleblanc1
hi im a big minecrafter so if you want to play with me just send me a friend and i always say yes im a boy at 13 years old
Evan evanjc
Hi im Evan
superboy grahamplayer
glide times 102.900 cavern (glitched 101) temple 114.850 canyon 109.601 darren the best
EmeraldGuy danielcdun
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scotty price2005
call of duty1.2.3probly
Jk jashunti
Hi, if you don't already know my name is Jess. I am a sweet, cute, and kind person. Follow erwood69, KittenLover96, angieleblanc1 and tay
jerry gamingkido1136
hi or whatever ._. welcome to my profile i have been playing games since i was 3 weird hm well believe me but any way if ur looking to play a game with me here are some i play what i mostly play smash bros assassins creed 3 mk8 splatpoon minecraft i draw anime and all sorts and im 13 and plays lots of games i dont have a favorite game so ... yeah shoo ._. I SAID SHOO......
Alexis amellado
Hey guys it me Alexis my brother is aonsomellado my favorite game are MC COD 2 And SSB
reynolds 455coolguy
hello my name is tyler i got my wiiu at xmas it has been fun and now becuase of my friends i couldint do it bye
FireMaster zakkariah
Hello my name is you know just call me Zakk. In minecraft I love to play survival and PVP plus I have a minigames world that you can join so come have fun! I'm a propropropro at Minecraft I know everything trust me I have love for this game its so fun! In my minigames world I have something called apocalypse, Friend me for more information. BTW I'm really funny!
panda boy pikachue99
hi im pikachu99 in minecraft do u want to join me freind recaust me if u are not freinds with me im 9 years old and i like ice-cream in the summer i travel to spain i like being freinds with you thx bye :] im also a pokemon fan as you already know by my name
こうき take39593216
ebo_ ebo2412
hi im Ellie and i draw stuff and when im not on miiverse im sat at a computer making animations♥ y chu poke mah face? the #NARWHAL_SQUAD will live forever!! thank you all so much for 200+ followers i really appreciate it! bet u cant guess my age! /\___/\ (θ • θ ) | v v | \( > > ) bye ▲▼▲▼
hi my name is Giovanny and here are some apps and games i like to play minecr...
hi my name is Giovanny and here are some apps and games i like to play minecraft and youtube