Giovanny's Friends
Kevin Kevin8822
ornelas carloss79_3
gamer21 Diamondman-25
call of duty is so fuuuuuun
John Cena MarkoMACAW
Darkrai PowerFireIce75
AverageJoe JoeSchmo_YoBro
Who wants to play Minecraft with me?
Shy Guy CookieMan2256
well i like link alot my favourite games are mk8, Breath of the wild, the wind waker,minecraft and terraria i like to play soccer im 12
coolgamer Creepercoolz101
I hope you get to see this before the deletion of miiverse happens. Thank you for all who followed me and friended me. This was made on "the day of deletion". I really liked miiverse. And if nintendo deletes friends than I'm gonna have a SERIOUS BONE TO PICK WITH THEM!!! but again... thank you,and goodbye. don't worry I'll still be online and after Xmas you can catch me on the switch!
Christofor dantdmfan200
lets play minecraft!
Vinayak#42 Vinayak2002
Had a great 4 years on miiverse, sad to see it go but looking forward for what the future holds for me. Thanks for everything guys ♥️ Top 10 favorite games 1: Splatoon 2 2: Animal Crossing NL 3: Minecraft 4: Lego Dimensions 5: SSB4 6: Fifa 17 7: MK8 deluxe 8: Undertale 9: Pokémon Y 10: MK7 Thanks for 2023 followers man!
Barrios Barrios1989
hui ppl •¬• im barrios *i is the boy* (another normal person) only online saturday and sundays school on mexico ;^; όωό so thanks for taping my face (ouch :p) hola papus momos tengo 12 soy hombre :v me gusta ir al parke :p *steven universe •¬• *maincra :p *no me gusta k me copien,ignoren,insulten ;^; *tampoco verlos tristes y gracias por tocar mi cara (ouch xD)
axliscool axl.rdz10
coleman845 angieleblanc1
hi im a big minecrafter so if you want to play with me just send me a friend and i always say yes im a boy at 13 years old
ender ender62
hello im ender and i want to let you now that im just starting to do this but you can play with me. just add me as a friend
Kristine iste18
preston wilcox10
Jk jashunti
Hi, if you don't already know my name is Jess. I am a sweet, cute, and kind person. Follow erwood69, KittenLover96, angieleblanc1 and tay
Jacob ell132
hi im jacob im 10 years old i play mariokart 8, super mario maker, lego dimensions, lego star wars the force awakens and mostly minecraft and mostly splatoon soon so you could friend me and play minecraft and mario kart 8 or smash bros and i will join you. I go on my wii u everyday so yeah if you want to friend me you can no problem . ;p I will now be getting super smash bros. for the wii u
superboy grahamplayer
glide times 102.900 cavern (glitched 101) temple 114.850 canyon 109.601 darren the best
Silver Skyblueyoshi2
Hey guys I play Minecraft survival world i'm so good and i can help you lot stuff to get like diamond, icon, redstone, or more stuff. OK [all me friends request] XD
panda boy pikachue99
hi im pikachu99 in minecraft do u want to join me freind recaust me if u are not freinds with me im 9 years old and i like ice-cream in the summer i travel to spain i like being freinds with you thx bye :] im also a pokemon fan as you already know by my name
mr games that1guymrgames
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omarsito omarsito831
connor setmanjam
Joel 2016romeli
Gabriel gaboy99
this is sponsor by baguio hut its the greatest food hello my name is gabe or gabriel i am born in august age:? full name:gabriel leones louis will u chat coming soon and call me gabriel gabe louis gaboy99 leones favorite song:megalovania favorite mother character:poo most favorite games ever:minecraft and super smash bros 4 new super mario bros u mariokart8 scribblenauts unlimted
Carter internetworld
-Love to Play Minecraft so...Hit me up if you want to! -Gaming for Life! -Feel free to DM me! -17years old -Part of the Øhio Clique, FPE, Stay Alive -TwentyØnePilots |-/ <3
tilio tilio71
Betu pratyay
Jared Jaredasc
Tyler jdurden80
Ohio Boy benhammond19
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evan.. The_family_J
mine craft time
Nick nick987321
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Ivan jordanivanbarba
Hello Everybody this is jordan and welcome to my profile. My favorite games to play is mosty Minecraft Wii Edition and check out my post. I live in Arizona and would be apreciated if you would my post a yeah,comment and send me a friend request. :) Thank You For Reading And Bless You
Kaedyn toomanyproblems9
hi im Kaedyn with a y i like to play minecraft i like starwars, legos, pizza, marvel, DC robots crafts art i like to collect items toys, games movies, cloths well thats all the stuff i like im and im toomanyproblems
★Bryan★ cashoutbryan
so guys we have sad news miiverse will not come back to nintendo and they delete nintendo tv now miiverse i will miss miiverse
Canaan coolcanaan509
his is awesome boyyyy minecraft is
Black Hat SanstheskeIeton
ьЕαυ.•☆ Beauw07
*РгОтОи lets you on profile* Name:☆Ряотои★ Country:αυs Talents:Drawing,Soccer,Can do the Pika voice Gamеs:Splatoon,SMM,Terraria,MK8 Anime:DBZ,OP,DN Age:11 Best Friend:XxSPUDDYxX11 `\_(˙˘˙)_/`★☆♡♥★☆♡
Unspeakabl shane_zach
colin davecampbell315
Leilene JaniceLe
RK☆Mitchel stampcatfan07
Hello welcome to my profile some games I like are Minecraft, Splatoon,and Pokémon. I am nice (to most people). I love music. I love video games. I try to be on every day. I am a boy. I am part of the Royal Killers clan. Some of my favorite youtubers are Aphmau, SSundee, Rehtt & Link, and PartyGameBros.
Steve SonicMario120
Hello and welcome to my profile I like some WillU and 3DS games heres part of the list Sonic Lost World (WiiU), Mario Kart 8 (WiiU), Super Mario 3D World (WiiU) and Sonic Generations (3DS) and much more to come and I might accept your friend request. My good friends: Yoshi512265, zerzzes
Josmic_180 josmic
Dan dan914
i love team turtle zealda and roblox also minecraft
B.Fraser B.Fraser
so hi welcome to my profile i play minecraft MARIO MAKER MARIO KART 8 AND A 3DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FizzyKid FizzyKidCandyMan
I love fizzies! (a thing at Sheetz, like a slushy) Become my friend if you want! Just enjoy and behave yourself! We'll have a great time! I really like clash royale, Minecraft, Minecraft, and Minecraft. Thanks!!!
G2kisean™ö ksean1
hi evryone if you need some friends i will always accept your request so friend me if you like. will accept all request and might wii u chat but i might be shy
Mom VanBev
тне ƒоŁŁог wiibee07
scotty price2005
call of duty1.2.3probly
seddik lassie2009
itzkillpvp wipeout45
im the best at battle mode so you guys suck
captain:-) Captain2009
pvp★Kenny alleseb7
i started using miiverse 3 to3 and a half years ago. my favorite games are super smash brothers[3DS and Wii U], splatoon, pokemon rumble world, and super mario maker. Please, no Wii U Chat. You can message me on Miiverse still, but no Wii U Chat.
Bit wolf G mchnturnedblues
Hi my favorite game is minecraft and i dont have many friends so i hope you like my posts
CHRIS01 ChrisChavez0111
yay im the best
mukenzy djdarkman
ιųδ★Luddγ$ SBG65804A
Hi. welcome to the ludstars profile. Don't poke my face next time. Anyway... Games: WII / U Splatoon Super Mario Maker mk8 yoshi's wooly world mp10 mario bros.u nintendo land! dk:tf minecraft wii u smg1/2 paper mario mkw pm:cs Switch Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Splatoon 2 Soporo morio odysissle Redstone :-) PS3 / 4: 22 Practice self control, bye!
ALYSSA marcoisland
I relly like video games. My name is Alyssa and i LOVE pokemon.
karina salmoreno
FireMaster zakkariah
Hello my name is you know just call me Zakk. In minecraft I love to play survival and PVP plus I have a minigames world that you can join so come have fun! I'm a propropropro at Minecraft I know everything trust me I have love for this game its so fun! In my minigames world I have something called apocalypse, Friend me for more information. BTW I'm really funny!
Mia Nipsey03
hi im nipsey and i love minecraft craft if you ♡ minecraft friend me p.s jelly is my bestfriend ♡
Buddy littlekelli
ling long krazychase
Andy monkeypoo1080
HyenaGamer 00909999
Hallow guys i see u found my world of funny and mystery i post minecraft pictures alot ‘~’ hope u guys like my page. here is some info plays minecraft:of course. status in minecraft:survival pro gender:BOIIII hobbys: staring at hyenas untill i fall asleep. enjoy the wierdness¡¿!? pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (totally real word) WHY U STILL HERE!! *pokes*
codthegod darthfamily
Hi my name is Joseph and i like to play minecraft and basketball. I like to play first person shooter and play RPG games sometimes and my favorite basketball team is THE GOLDEN STATE WORRIORS.
Kevin kjosephp
Hi guys my name is Kevin. Games that i really injoyed is Minecraft, Super Smash Bros, and The Legend Of Zelda Wind Waker Hd. I have 60 friends and if you want to friend me plz feel free to. And aslo Follow me and i will follow you guys back. But aslo remember injoy miiveres as much as possible its going to be gone on Nov 8 I think. #SaveMiiveres Or #RipMiiveres
ever junioramy
hey does the digital games work the same as the ones you buy at the store
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
hi my name is Giovanny and here are some apps and games i like to play minecr...
hi my name is Giovanny and here are some apps and games i like to play minecraft and youtube